Whimsical Sexperts
A weekly podcast that takes you on a wild ride through my life as a Phone Sex Operator. Including: anecdotes, titillating stories, personal experiences, some sexy advice, and interviews with other Sex work Positive experts.
Whimsical Sexperts
3y ago
This week we explore what it's like for me to navigate my Phone Sex operations, and my personal love life. If you're struggling with your love life vs. an erotic profession, look no further! Come on in for some sexy anecdotes, and some sage advise on disconnecting your passion from your lust. This episode is sponsored in part by The Fable Beard Co. Visit them at fablebeardco.com and use the code SexAndWhimsy15 to save 15% off your order, and support me at the same time ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
In this week's episode I sit down to discuss self care in sex work, and sex work as a sustainable business. Joining me is a once therapist turned life coach, Sara Griffey. You can find her at http://www.dobetterwellness.com, and sara@dobetterwellness.com . Have a listen, and as always you can find me at http://www.whimsicalsexperts.com and @sexandwhimsy on Twitter ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
This episode sees a guest spot from my life partner Liv Harper. Come meet her, as I do hope she will be a regular on this podcast. She discusses everything from online sex work content creation to our dynamics in our triad. Come listen in, and if you would like add her on Twitter @LivHarper6 ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
Listen in this week as I talk about one of my earliest experiences with an Edger. Don't know what edging is? Listen up ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
This week join me as I discuss Toxic Sexuality with a fellow kinkster, and good friend. We delve into what it is like to be a queer man in this society, and dive deeper into the depth of damage these misconceptions can harbor ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
In this bonus minisode, I talk about a fun game with a client where we bet our boots. Come have a listen ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
Come listen to me talk about something that has been on my mind pretty heavily of late. The impact of toxic masculinity, the skewed view of what it is to be a man, and male sexuality. Help me change the narrative, and assist men in escaping the stigma ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
In this bonus minisode, I talk about my first staggering call with a dominant. I also talk about where this led me, and how it changed my ideas of how to talk to clients ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
In this episode I discuss the types of tools necessary for this profession, give a few tips on how to be successful, and also discuss the role confidence plays in what I do. Come join me for a little sexy conversation. In this episode I mention a friends YouTube channel, as promised here is the direct link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXzO_h894ircpjVgv4uOxAg ..read more
Whimsical Sexperts
4y ago
An introduction to some more concise and sexy moments. A bit more taboo than more lengthy episodes, and a quick microburst of fun ..read more