Pfaff Audi
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2y ago
买车前试驾奥迪的四个理由 试驾奥迪这个高档品牌可以帮助您确定它是否适合您。试驾将让您有机会亲自操纵奥迪,并体检驾驭奥迪的感觉。试驾是体验奥迪汽车的最佳方式之一。它还可以帮助您熟悉不同的奥迪车型,并确定您喜欢哪些车型。不确定您应该试驾哪个型号的奥迪?在 Pfaff Audi Vaughan 的这篇文章中,我们将分享在购买之前试驾奥迪的四个理由。 单击此处查看我们在 Pfaff Audi Vaughan 的车辆库存。   了解车的尺寸 确认汽车是否适合您的最佳方法是试驾。在您亲自对其进行测试之前,您无法完全确认此车和您的匹配程度。您的体型,尤其是身高,可能会使得某些汽车难以让您舒适地驾驶。试驾将让您亲自体验这一点,并确定汽车是否适合您的尺寸。如果您需要运输长木块、狗、杂货、运动器材和其他需要宽敞车辆的物品,车的尺寸也很重要。在购买奥迪之前,您需要确保确实可以将此类物品放入后备箱。   测试您的舒适度 试驾将允许您测试汽车的舒适度。这主要是指当您坐在方向盘后面时,体验坐在那个座位上的感觉。手握方向盘,还能尝试所有的按钮和控件。驾驶时的绝对舒适对许多人来说很重要。   ..read more
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Pfaff Audi
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2y ago
您应该在奥迪经销商处购买下一辆车的五个原因 汽车是一笔巨大的交易。虽然您不会经常购买,但是当您购买新车时,您绝对应该考虑从奥迪经销商处购买。这种体验不仅会为您的预算和对生活质量的追求带来回报,而且您的钱包可能比您的感官更感谢您。在 Pfaff Audi Vaughan,我们有大量可供试驾的全新和二手奥迪汽车可供选择。您应该从奥迪经销商处购买下一辆车的原因有很多,以下是其中五个原因。 单击此处浏览我们在 Pfaff Audi Vaughan 精选的奥迪汽车。 庞大的库存 在 Pfaff Audi Vaughan ..read more
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Frequently Asked Questions About Audi Service
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
Frequently Asked Questions About Audi Service  Has the time come to have your Audi vehicle serviced and you are wanting to know more about how the process works? At Pfaff Audi Vaughan, our service department is ready for your Audi vehicle. When you purchase a vehicle of such calibre as an Audi, it only makes sense to have your vehicle serviced at the dealership where you bought it. Audi-certified technicians are experts when it comes to Audi vehicles and taking care of our customer’s routine maintenance needs. In this article by Pfaff Audi Vaughan, we share some frequently asked question ..read more
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How Can I Keep My Audi Clean?
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
How Can I Keep My Audi Clean? If you have recently purchased an Audi vehicle and you are trying to keep it in the best condition possible, then regular cleanings are definitely recommended. At Pfaff Audi Vaughan, we have a massive selection of new and certified pre-owned Audi vehicles that are waiting to be experienced by our valued customers. Additionally, at our dealership in Vaughan, we like to provide our customers with plenty of information about how our customers can maintain their Audi vehicles. In this article, we share some information about how you can keep your Audi clean.  Cl ..read more
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Questions to ask when you are shopping for a pre-owned Audi
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
Questions to ask when you are shopping for a pre-owned Audi When you are in the market for a high-end pre-owned vehicle such as an Audi, there are plenty of questions that you should ask your Audi associate. At Pfaff Audi Vaughan, we have a massive selection of new and certified pre-owned Audi vehicles that are waiting for you to truly experience. Trying to find a pre-owned vehicle can be a daunting task if you are unsure of where to start. Thankfully, at our dealership, we make it our mission to provide our valued customers with plenty of information about our vehicles to make their buying e ..read more
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How to Maintain my Audi Properly
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
How to Maintain my Audi Properly If you have recently purchased an Audi vehicle from Pfaff Audi Vaughan, or another dealership, and you are wondering how you can properly maintain your Audi vehicle, then you have come to the right place to learn. At Pfaff Audi Vaughan, we do a lot more than just facilitate the sale of premium quality Audi vehicles for our valued customers. We also like to provide plenty of information about the vehicles that we sell. When it comes to maintaining your Audi vehicle in the proper way, there are plenty of things that you can do. Continue reading this article to l ..read more
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Learn About the New Audi S5 Coupe
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
Learn About the New Audi S5 Coupe  Are you looking to purchase a new Audi sports car but you are waiting for more news on the 2022 Audi lineup? Then you have come to the right place at our Pfaff Audi Vaughan dealership. The new 2022 Audi S5 Coupe is a beast of a machine that is perfectly capable of meeting all of your sports car expectations by the Audi brand. The Audi S5 Coupé fully stimulates the senses, bringing intense performance and amplified style to the road. In this article by Pfaff Audi Vaughan, we share some information about a few features of the 2022 Audi S5 Coupe.  Cli ..read more
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Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
奥迪能用多久? 如果您想购买一辆可以使用很长时间并为您提供性能和实用性的车辆,那么二手奥迪可能是您的最佳选择。在我们位于安大略省伍德布里奇的 Pfaff Audi二手车销售中心,我们的客户可以找到种类繁多的高端认证二手奥迪汽车。没有人愿意购买问题车。在 Pfaff Audi,您完全不必担心这一点,因为我们所有的车辆都经过彻底检查和测试,因此它们可以通过认证出售给我们尊贵的客户。在 Pfaff Audi 的这篇文章中,我们将分享一些有关奥迪汽车可靠性的信息,让您了解一辆奥迪可以使用多长时间。 单击此处浏览我们在 Pfaff Audi 选择的二手奥迪汽车。   保养 延长二手奥迪汽车使用寿命的最佳方法之一是确保及时进行维护。我们在 Pfaff Audi 的服务部门随时为您和您的 Audi 车辆服务。通过定期保养您的奥迪汽车,您将能够延长其使用寿命。日常换油、将夏季轮胎更换为冬季轮胎、加注发动机和制动液、腐蚀检查以及确保您的电池以最佳方式运行,这些都是延长奥迪使用寿命的因素。   ..read more
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为什么要购买电动奥迪 SUV?
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
为什么要购买电动奥迪 SUV? 奥迪 E-tron 是一款电池供能的跨界车,将奥迪的标志性风格与未来派的工程技术相结合。奥迪电动SUV“E-Tron”将成为公司首款全电动汽车,也是紧凑型Q5和三排Q7以外第三款SUV。位于Vaughan的您可以通过购买奥迪 E-Tron 来享受其关键功能。如果您想在旺市购买电动奥迪 SUV,那么您来对地方了。在我们的 Pfaff Audi 经销商处,我们有大量优质的 Audi 汽车可供选择。如果您正在考虑使用电动汽车,那么奥迪 SUV 是一个不错的起点。请继续阅读以了解有关购买电动奥迪 SUV 的更多信息。 单击此处浏览我们在安大略省旺市的 Pfaff Audi 可供选择的奥迪汽车。   性能 为这款电动 SUV 提供动力的锂离子电池组带有两个电动机,功率达到 95.0 千瓦时。它们提供全轮驱动并输出 355 马力的总功率。运动模式将发动机的功率提升至 402 马力。   技术 驾驶辅助功能和电气化技术系统让这款奥迪电动 SUV 在同类产品中鹤立鸡群。作为一辆五座跨界车,e-tron有一个充满未来元素的仪表板,由多个高分辨率屏幕组成,包括奥迪的虚拟驾驶舱(数字仪表盘)和仪表板中央的两个触摸屏,用于信息娱乐功能。大量摄像头和传感器支持驾驶员辅助功能,例如自适应巡航控制和自动泊车辅助。   内饰 e-tron ..read more
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购买二手奥迪 Q7
Pfaff Audi
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3y ago
购买二手奥迪 Q7 您正在市场上寻找优质的二手奥迪 Q7 吗?是时候升级您的汽车了吗?在我们位于安大略省Woodbridge的 Pfaff Audi 二手车销售中心,我们的客户可以在众多库存中找到适合他们的一辆车。从我们的经销商处购买二手奥迪 Q7 的优势有很多。在 Pfaff Audi的这篇文章中,我们将分享一些关于 2019 款奥迪 Q7 的一些功能的信息,以供您研究。 单击此处浏览我们在 Pfaff Audi 选择的二手奥迪汽车。   2019 款奥迪 Q7 的操控性 全轮转向和全轮驱动协同工作,使 2019 款奥迪 Q7 的操控性非常好。这是最具运动感的跨界车之一,转向严密而准确。结合出色的加速性能,这是一款驾驶乐趣无穷的车辆。制动力强劲而平稳。悬挂系统非常棒,汽车在急转弯时总是感觉稳定。   全轮驱动是 2019 款奥迪 Q7 的标准配置 全轮驱动是每款奥迪 Q7 车型的标准配置。这使得汽车非常适合雨天或雪天。这是一款全天候车辆,甚至可以应对崎岖的越野地形。不是每个人都想把这种豪华跨界车带离人迹罕至的地方。但是,如果您决定这样做,奥迪完全有能力应对各种路况。   ..read more
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