Sandeep Kumar Soni
This is Sandeep Kumar Soni, working as Pharma Manager & Pharma Business Consultant. I have more than 10 year Pharma Marketing experience. I am a Personal Branding Practitioner, Digital Pharma Marketing Consultant, Social Media Influencer (YouTube & Instagram), Pharma Franchises And Pharma Business Consultant.
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
Dear friends, here I share step by step procedure for organising CME(Continueous Medical Education ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
Dear Friends here I Share, Mistakes that commonly happen when people start a pharma company. For success in pharma, do avoid these mistakes whenever start a company ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
Dear All In this video, I explain some most important point of MR. Whenever Any MR Join any company, must go with point, it will be much more beneficial than your expectation ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
Dear Friends here I Share, Mistakes that commonly happen when people start a pharma Franchisee Business or PCD. For success in pharma, do avoid these mistakes whenever start a PCD or Pharma Franchisee ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
This episode of my podcast explain company marketing plan, how big pharma company making plan ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
In this episode I explained basic difference in Pvt LTD and Ltd Company ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
In this podcast, I explained How you digitally you can grow in Pharma Marketing sector ..read more
Sandeep Kumar Soni
1y ago
Dear friends, Here I explained how you can open online medical store/e-pharmacy store/online medicine store. Each steps and investment process explained. Listen and Learn ..read more