Pharma Marketing Podcasts
The Pharma Marketing Network was established in 2003 by John Mack (aka Pharmaguy). Our ongoing mission is to foster a community for the pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing ecosystem designed to understand the challenges and trends of today, while collaborating to shape the future.
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
2y ago
Marketing in the era of consumer-driven healthcare requires new tools and techniques. If you want patients to initiate therapy, you need to connect across more channels, more personally, and in the ways consumers prefer to be engaged. Plus, given today’s budget realities, you’re likely being asked to achieve more with less. In this podcast, William Grambley, CEO of AllazoHealth, explains how pharma marketers can reach their omni-channel engagement objectives with artificial intelligence (AI), anticipate patient intent, and drive next-best action at the individual level. With AI, pharma market ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
3y ago
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Pharma Marketing Podcasts
3y ago
The Pharma Marketing Podcast is pleased to present this special guest episode from our friend and Editorial Advisory Board member Darshan Kulkarni, Marketing and Evolving Patient Centricity – January 27, 2021. The discussion between host, Darshan Kulkarni, Head of Growth at Gentem Health, Omar Khateeb, and Director of DTC & HCP Marketing at Bausch Health, Keith Peiper discusses the importance of tracking patients and their journeys, educati ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
3y ago
RJ (PMN): Hi this is RJ Lewis here for another episode of Pharma Marketing Networks Podcast. I have with me today Tom Ollerton from Automated Creative which is doing some really fascinating things when it comes to applying artificial intelligence to the creative development process in measuring process. Welcome Tom.
Tom (AC): Thanks so much for having me RJ this is really brilliant to be invited on a podcast looking forward for a chat.
RJ (PMN): I’m glad you could make it. So tell me a little bit about the company and you’re offering and how you got started in this space?
Tom (AC): Yeah sure ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
3y ago
RJ (PMN): Hi this is RJ Lewis your host of the Pharma Marketing Podcast and I’m here today with Stephanie Berez who is the founder and managing director of HEART OF WHY MARKETING and a good friend welcome Stephanie.
Stephanie (HOWM): Thanks for having me.
RJ (PMN): So I’m excited for you because you’re on in entrepreneurial journey and I always love to work with and talk with other entrepreneurs but why don’t you start with a little bit of your background how you got to where you are right now what you been doing over the last 10 years or so that got you here?
Stephanie (HOWM): Absolutely. So ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
3y ago
Don (PMN): Hello everyone welcome to the Pharma marketing podcast. I’m your host Don Langsdorf and we’ve got a great guests lined up for you today her name is Robin Farmanfarmaian she’s a professional speaker and entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley. She has been involved with over 20 early stage startups working on cutting edge technology in healthcare; biotech, pharma, med device, and digital health. As a speaker Robin has had over a hundred and forty speaking engagements in 13 countries and she’s the author of two books, The Patient as CEO and Thought Leader Formula. Robin also coach ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
4y ago
The post DarshanTalks: How To Build a Trusted Workforce</br> – May 14, 2021 appeared first on Pharma Marketing Network ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
4y ago
The post DarshanTalks: Patient Advocacy and Conflicts of Interest</br> – May 26, 2021 appeared first on Pharma Marketing Network ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
4y ago
The post DarshanTalks: How To Build a Trusted Workforce</br> – May 14, 2021 appeared first on Pharma Marketing Network ..read more
Pharma Marketing Podcasts
4y ago
The post DarshanTalks: How Are Your Candidates #jobhacking?</br>– April 29, 2021 appeared first on Pharma Marketing Network ..read more