Why Register with the OIQ as a Tech Professional?
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
1M ago
In Canada, each province has a Professional Order that regulates the engineering profession. This means… The post Why Register with the OIQ as a Tech Professional? appeared first on Girl Knows Tech ..read more
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5 Tips To Get Ready For A Successful Thesis Defense
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
3y ago
I recently successfully defended my master’s thesis, so after several months of preparation which helped me a lot, I thought this would be an opportunity to write an article to detail what I have done to prepare for my thesis defense as part of my master’s degree! The advice in this article can very well be applied also for doctoral students who are preparing to defend their dissertation, not only for master’s students. What is a thesis defense? The defense is one of the last steps before graduating for a master’s or doctoral student. This is an oral presentation in front of a jury made up of ..read more
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Notion for Academic Research & Note-Taking
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
I have to write a literature review for my master’s thesis. When I wanted to start, I didn’t know how to create a list of scientific papers to read and how to manage this growing list of literature. How do I keep track of all open tabs on my browser? How to find a paper X which used such a method? How to order and classify scientific papers? There are Mendeley and Zotero, two well-known tools for saving articles and generating bibliographies, but these are only useful for keeping a list of papers. There is little customization possible at the folder or tag level. In any case, they never met my ..read more
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14 Ways to Get Motivation to Study NOW!
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by Marie
4y ago
How to get motivated to study has to be the one question I get on my Instagram account the most often. Over the years, I’ve done a few posts about it, but I wanted to write this article to collect all my tips on how to motivate yourself to work when you don’t feel like it. Whether you need to study for finals or need a boost of motivation to study or get work done in the middle of the semester, this blog post should help! Tips to Get Motivation To Study 1- Get ready the night before If you know ahead of time that you will have a lot of work to do the next day, try to make decisions the day be ..read more
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Why Study With Me Videos Can Help You Study Better!
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
Since 2017, I have been filming myself studying. I do not speak. I film myself working, quite simply! These videos, called “Live Study With Me,” are popular on YouTube and Twitch. It might seem weird when you stumble upon these kinds of videos, but yet there are so many reasons why Study With Me can help us study better! This is what I’m going to talk to you about: why Study With Me videos can help you get more motivation to study! What are Study With Me videos? They are videos where a student films themselves working on the computer or writing in notebooks. Generally, there is a timer in the ..read more
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Graduating from Software Engineering – Advice for future students
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
A few months ago, I received my iron ring at the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer. In Canada, all trained engineers receive a ring to wear on the pinky finger of the working hand. It is a symbol of the responsibilities and duties of being an engineer.  It seems unreal to me. In this article, I will share with you my journey as a software engineering student at École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), from 2015 to 2019. It took me 3 years to believe in myself — believe that yes, I was going to graduate in software engineering I remember, in 2015, I was so scared to go to college. I t ..read more
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My Research Internship at Johns Hopkins University
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
In January 2020, following my research experience at JSALT 2019, I had the opportunity to leave Montreal and fly to Baltimore in order to study at Johns Hopkins University. It was there that I started my research for my master’s degree in information technology (machine learning). Before I left, I had no idea what I would work on once I was in the United States. Some told me that I was crazy to get on board without knowing about the subject which I was going to work on, but I am so happy to have done it. Today, it’s safe for me to say that I love my research topic! I took part in the BEAT-PD ..read more
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How to do Live Study With Me with OBS
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
This article will explain exactly how to be able to create live videos on YouTube, called “Study Live Stream”! If you don’t know, these live study sessions are a bit like a group of studies that would normally take place around a table, but virtually! So I film myself working on my homework for 50 minutes, then I take a 10-minute break. These study sessions are transmitted live on YouTube, and this allows you to study (or work) with other students all over the world! If you don’t fully understand the purpose of filming yourself while working, I have filmed a video that explains all the benefit ..read more
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JSALT Workshop with Johns Hopkins University
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
Last summer, I was able to participate in the summer school and the JSALT workshop, organized by Johns Hopkins. The sixth edition of the event Frederick Jelinek was happening, and it was held in Canada for the first time, at ÉTS (École de technologie supérieure)! As explained by the director of the software engineering and information technology department at ÉTS, Patrick Cardinal, “the summer school aims to advance scientific knowledge in the field of speech technologies, but it also serves to stimulate student interest in research.” It was with this objective that I participated in the event ..read more
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How To Plan Instagram Posts with Trello
Girl Knows Tech
by Marie
4y ago
Are you looking for a method to organize your Instagram posts? It took me several years, but Trello is my favorite tool! You can quickly find your original pictures from months ago, create a list of pictures you are yet to post and visualize if you’ve posted enough posts during the month! Continue reading this article to find out how I created this board for my IG account! Why Trello to plan Instagram posts? Trello is a very visual tool for managing projects. As you can see in the image above, each photo has its own Trello card and is identified with a colored label that mentions the subject ..read more
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