Star Trek: Picard: 309
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
5M ago
In Episode 309 of STAR TREK: PICARD on Paramount Plus, Counselor Deanna Troi and Admiral Picard’s son, Jack, open the red door in Jack’s mind. They find there’s a Borg Cube lurking behind the red door. Picard’s crew discover that the Borg Collective rewrote part of Picard’s genetic code with Borg information when the Borg captured him 35 years ago. He’s passed this rewritten code onto Jack, and now the Borg are using it to assimilate the whole fleet of the Federation and attack Earth on Frontier Day. How will Picard’s crew reverse this disaster more
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Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
Harrison Ford returns in INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY. In 1944, Indiana Jones and his friend, Basil Shaw, fight a National Socialist engineer named Voller for half of an ancient device invented by Greek mathematician Archimedes. Basil and Voller believe the device, when completed, can open a fissure in time to change the past. Twenty-five years later, after helping America’s moon program, Voller wants to find the device’s other half so he can change the outcome of World War II. Only Indiana Jones and Basil’s daughter, Indy’s goddaughter, stand in his way more
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Tranformers: Rise Of The Beasts
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS opens with a band of robots shaped like animals leaving their home planet and escaping to Earth to evade Unicron, a huge planet-eating robot. Called Maximals, the animal robots have a Transwarp Key that allows them to travel across space and time preserving life. Thousands of years later, in 1994, a young former military electronics expert named Noah and a young female archeologist named Elena team up with the Autobots and their leader, Optimus Prime. They help the Maximals protect the Transwarp Key and Earth from Unicron and his evil robots more
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The Flash
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
THE FLASH begins with a superb action scene where Barry Allen, aka The Flash, saves some people, including some babies from a maternity ward, from a sinkhole and a falling hospital building. Barry discovers he can go back in time by running faster than the speed of light. So, he goes back to make sure his mother wasn’t murdered and his father wasn’t falsely accused. By changing the past, Barry has created a new timeline where Superman isn’t there to save Earth from General Zod and his soldiers. Barry gets some help in trying to put things right more
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The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
ELEMENTAL is an animated fantasy from Pixar and Disney. The story takes place in Element City where water, fire, land, and air people live together, but not always peacefully. Ember, an adult female fire creature, is set to take over her father’s business when he retires. However, he keeps postponing his retirement because she can’t control her temper. One day, her temper causes a young water person and city inspector to report her to his boss. She convinces him, however, to help her keep the store open. This leads to unexpected consequences, not the least of which is that Wade and Ember are f more
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Sound Of Freedom
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
SOUND OF FREEDOM follows the inspiring true story of Tim Ballard, a former government agent who puts his life on the line to rescue hundreds of children from sex trafficking. After an operation that saves a young boy from trafficking, Tim learns the boy’s sister has also been sold into the sex trade. At first, he continues to operate under Homeland Security, but when funds run out, he takes matters into his own hands. With the help of a small team, Tim launches an investigation to save the boy’s sister, save many other children and bring the perpetrators to justice more
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You Hurt My Feelings
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
YOU HURT MY FEELINGS offers a gentle look at the white lies people tell their loved ones to avoid hurting their feelings. Beth and Don have been married about 30 years. Their adult son is in his mid-twenties and is going through a crisis of what to do with his life while working in a marijuana dispensary. Beth, a writing teacher, overhears Don telling someone her first novel about to be published isn’t very good. Meanwhile, Don begins to have doubts about his gentle approach as a therapist more
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The Boogeyman
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
THE BOOGEYMAN is a horror movie loosely based on Stephen King’s short story about a man haunted by a monster with supernatural powers. This time, however, it’s a psychotherapist’s own two daughters being haunted by the creature, not the man who’s had three children killed by it. Will Harper doesn’t believe his younger daughter, Sawyer’s, stories about a monster hiding in her closet. However, as the monster’s attacks increase, Will’s teenage daughter, Sadie, starts to investigate the creature’s previous attacks on the family of a man who allegedly committed suicide more
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Let Me Have My Son
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
LET ME HAVE MY SON is a drama about an elderly Christian man in Minnesota searching for his son at a mental hospital. Although Ben Whitmore has been told to come retrieve his son, Benny, the hospital’s lead psychiatrist, Dr. Bitterman, seems to be preventing him from seeing Benny. Then, Benny goes missing from the Infirmary. As Ben searches for Benny, he has more trouble trying to find him. Eventually, Ben himself briefly becomes a patient in the mental hospital more
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I WIll Soar
The Movieguide Podcast
by Movieguide®
1y ago
I WILL SOAR is an extraordinary documentary testimony on Pure Flix about one man’s calling to build a successful high school football program at an impoverished city school in his own hometown. Coach “T.J.” Jackson builds student-athletes into “mighty men” ready for exceptional lives beyond the playing field. His genius in building teams reaches even further as he builds partnerships with school administrators and staff, surrounding community resources, and college football recruiters. The movie inserts informative interviews with the varied participants into onsite footage. It paints a grippi more
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