PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
We are a company "born" from a mother's love for her child, and a determination to give her child the very best start at life. This love drives us each day to provide you with the highest quality, science-based fitness solutions that we believe every mother deserves.
PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
3w ago
When you first get pregnant, you may be wondering about the direction your exercise routine should take. Is it even safe, or advised, to exercise in the early stages of pregnancy? What are the best exercises for the first trimester? What modifications, if any, should you make? Because of the confusion and misinformation, we wanted [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
1M ago
Updated December 6, 2024 Whether you’ve taken a fitness class recently, or work as a health & fitness professional, odds are some of these cues might sound familiar to you… “Engage your core” “Draw your navel in” “Core tight” “Belly in” It’s common in fitness today to hear these cues constantly throughout an entire group [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
3M ago
In the fast-changing world of fitness, specializing in a certain area can be key to success. One segment of the fitness industry gaining traction is pre and postnatal fitness. Though it might seem like a “niche” market, it offers far more than meets the eye. Whether you’re an experienced trainer or just starting out, here [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
7M ago
The short answer to this question… No. You cannot completely prevent or avoid Diastasis Recti (DR) during pregnancy. That’s because some degree of DR is a normal and necessary pregnancy adaptation to allow space for your baby to grow. Therefore, virtually everyone experiences some degree of DR during pregnancy. In fact, some studies show that 100% of pregnant [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
8M ago
As the weight gain of pregnancy accumulates more significantly in the second and third trimesters, you might be feeling some tightness or pain in different areas of your body — especially your low back, hips, and legs. Performing gentle stretches can be a great way to release tension and tightness in these areas. But what [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
11M ago
While physical activity, in general, has a myriad of benefits during pregnancy, strength training is one of the very best forms of physical activity that you can do (for you and your little one). Not only is strength training safe, but it can be the key to mitigating pregnancy pains & injuries, facilitating an easier birth, and expediting your [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
1y ago
Of all the prenatal exercise topics, core training seems to garner the most interest…and confusion. There are many myths and questions that persist, including whether or not it’s advisable to do any prenatal core training at all. We want to reassure you that it is not just safe, but incredibly beneficial, to train your core [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
1y ago
Have you noticed you’ve felt a bit more “wobbly” during your pregnancy, or even more flexible than you used to be? If you have, fear not. This is completely normal, and it’s due to one of the (many) hormonal changes of pregnancy. While there are a host of hormonal changes that the pregnant body undergoes, [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
1y ago
During the dog days of summer, you might prefer to stay indoors when exercising. However, if you enjoy being in the heat, or prefer activities that lend themselves to the outdoors — like running, biking, hiking, etc.– you might be wondering if you can safely work out in the heat during pregnancy. After all, if [...]
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PROnatal Fitness » Exercise
1y ago
One of the most common exercise-related questions that arises during pregnancy is whether or not it is safe to “twist.” In fact, the concern about twisting has made many pregnant people fearful of turning in bed, cracking their backs, or performing everyday tasks that require a little rotation. First, let us be clear. You are [...]
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