WoD - Friday 26th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
18h ago
I am actually, genuinely, completely sorry about this. SORRY! It is a repeat, the last time we did it I had some very interesting comments coming my way when folk realised YES, you really do have to do burpees when you drop the ball. CrossFit Cardiff WoD3 Rounds for time of: 20/18 Calorie row 45 Wall balls (20/14lbs)* *Each break 15 burpees ..read more
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WoD - Thursday 25th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
2d ago
Please you guys remember that the gym is closed this weekend for the CrossFit L1 seminar. It’s okay though, the goal with this week's programming was to ensure that you were so fucked you didn't want more. And if it’s not been achieved yet, wait until Friday! CrossFit Cardiff WoDWithin 40 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: Run 600m 12 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg) 6 Ring muscle ups Specialty20 Minutes to build to a max clean 2 Rep max close grip bench press Then… 3 sets of 2 @85% Rest 1:30 between sets ..read more
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WoD - Wednesday 24th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
3d ago
Apparently the summer is coming and you will be able to show your peachy glutes off somewhere cool! Gppd job we’ve got your backs hey! CrossFit Cardiff WoD Back rack walking lunges 12 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 8 - 8 Load increases as reps decrease ..read more
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WoD - Tuesday 23rd July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
4d ago
A part of me is genuinely sorry about this, but another part really isn’t. CrossFit Cardiff WoD8 Rounds, each for time: 10/8 Calorie echo bike 4 Thrusters (70/50kg) Rest 4mins between rounds SpecialtyBar muscle ups 20 minutes working on a challenging bar muscle up progression. 3 Sets 3 Weighted supinated chest to bar pull ups 10 Incline bench press 20 Reps: Max strict toes to ring into kipping toes to ring ..read more
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WoD - Monday 22nd July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
5d ago
Welcome to a new week! I hope you lot had lovely and restful weekends! You won’t be if you came in on Saturday and undertook that decent thrashing! It hurt! Anyway, more of the same coming your way this week sorry not sorry! Good luck… CrossFit Cardiff WoD4 Rounds for time of: 20 Box jump over (24/20”) 15 Handstand push ups 10 Deadlift (100/70kg) Rest 5 minutes Within 10 minutes: Build to a 5 rep max Deadlift ..read more
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WoD - Friday 19th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
1w ago
Friday is upon us and with Mikey B away for a weekend, I am scratching at my moustache concocting something violent for you this coming Saturday. Sorry nit sorry! CrossFit Cardiff WoDWithin 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: Run 400m 15 Burpee box jump overs (24/20”) 30 GHD sit ups ..read more
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WoD - Thursday 18th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
1w ago
I can imagine that you guys woke up this morning will some slightly wobbly legs, and maybe even having to call in sick due to the inability of you to walk down the stairs. Please let me know if that is actually true! CrossFit Cardiff WoDFor time: 2k row Rest your row time For time: 12 - 9 - 6 Bar muscle up Deadlift (120/90kg) SpecialtyEvery minute, on the minute for 6 minutes: High hang snatch Rest 1:30 Every minute, on the minute for 6 minutes: 1 Snatch balance Rest 1:30 Every minute, on the minute for 6 minutes: 2 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press 4 Rep max close grip bench press Then ..read more
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WoD - Tuesday 16th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
1w ago
It’s genuinely mental that before we know it, we will be in and well amongst the ‘embers! Blows my mind. I guess it’s as a result of having so much fun! Yes there are six sets. CrossFit Cardiff WoDBack squat 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Straight heavy sets SpecialtyBar muscle ups 20 minutes working on a challenging bar muscle up progression. 3 Sets 3 Weighted supinated chest to bar pull ups 10 Incline bench press Max strict toes to bar ..read more
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WoD - Monday 15th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
1w ago
Welcome to a new week, fingers crossed you are ready to hit the ground running and have recouped some morale in order to deflect as much of Nicole’s shocking banter as possible! Here we go… CrossFit Cardiff WoDA: Within 10 minutes to build to a heavy 2 hang power snatch Rest 5 minutes B: For 3 rounds, within 1:30: Run 200m Max hang power snatch (80% of A) Rest 3:00 minutes between rounds ..read more
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WoD - Thursday 11th July, 2024
CrossFit Cardiff Blog
by Dafydd Dennis
2w ago
Here’s to hoping that you have some legs and shoulders left after yesterday! The likely answer to that is FUCK NO “I’ve never felt better thanks!” CrossFit Cardiff WoD10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 Deadlift Straight sets SpecialtyEvery minute, on the minute for 8 minutes: 1 Snatch balance Rest 2:00 Every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes: 2 Behind the neck snatch grip strict press 6 rep max close grip bench press Then… 3 Sets of 4 @85% Rest 1:30 between sets ..read more
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