Empower with Ash
This podcast is about EMPOWERING you to Triumph over your Adversity and provide you with tools, tips, and tricks, and empowering stories to help you look adversity in the face and say F@#* you. Adversity can be our greatest strength as it proves that you can overcome anything! My name is Ashleigh Turner and I am a single mother and domestic violence survivor, who left lost, alone and confused..
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Hi Survivor to Thrivers,
This week's podcast episode is Sally's Domestic Violence Story, where she opens up about her 2 year domestic violence torture.
In this episode we talk about:
Her domestic violence experience (the physical, emotional and mental abuse)
DV side effects
Healing from DV
Finding her worth again
How she escaped DV
The tormenting after she left
The red flags she ignored at the beginning
Resulting to alcohol to numb her pain
The final 5 questions:
What is she working on to empower herself
Most em ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Ohhhh heyyy survivor to thrivers!
This week's podcast episode is supporting Domestic Violence Awareness month in October 2021.
Jenna shares her story about surviving domestic violence, witnessing a murder, overcoming PTSD from the murder and police force and how she spent 12 months in prison for a criminal act...
Key topics that are covered are:
The murder she witness as a child
Her journey in the police force
PTSD - what it is, her experiences, how she is managing it
How she ended up in prison for 12 months, and her experiences in there
Her domestic vio ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Ohhhh heyyy survivor to thrivers!
This week's podcast episode is supporting Domestic Violence Awareness month in October 2021.
Alanah shares her story for the first time about the tragic emotional and mental abuse she endured for years...
Key topics that are covered are:
How did he lure you into the relationship?
Red flags at the start
Side effects of domestic violence
Healing and self love journey
Dating after domestic violence
Lessons she has learned
Stalking incidents after breaking up
This is a warning that there may be triggers in this episod ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Hi Survivor to Thrivers,
This month is Domestic Violence Awareness month or Sexual Violence Awareness month depending where you are in the world.
This is the first episode for Season 4 2021, Survivor to Thriver podcast.
I wanted to kick this off this LOVE BOMBING.
So many of us have experienced this as domestic violence survivors and victims.
1. Extravagant Gifts & Gestures
2. Over the top compliments
3. Excessive communication
4. Constant attention on them
5. Demand commitment
6. Resist your boundaries
7. Make soul mate claims
8. S ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Ohhh heeeyyyy Survivor to Thrivers!
This is the last episode for season 3 2021!!!
This week's episode is all about SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS...
Too often, most of us are going through this spiritual awakening trying to find a deeper meaning to life, searching for answers, feel lost, regaining perspective and questioning everything in life.
I have been through massive and multiple spiritual awakenings in my life time and I want to share my experience with you also, as I am sure most of you have gone through something similar.
Key things we cover are:
What is a spiritual ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Hi empowered queeeeens,
This is the first episode for series 3 of 2021!
I am coming out swinging with my guidance and wisdom when it comes to RED and GREEN dating flags.
We talk about red flags so often... I am an expert at this as a domestic violence survivor...
But what about the green flags? What are the signs that your partner or potential love interest is the right person for you.
In this episode I share with you over 30+ green and red flags.
I got you sis.
#igotyou #dating
Instagram: follow me at @empowerwithash
Business enquiries: admin ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Hi empowered queens
This week's podcast episode is all about life's stressful events and how we manage them.
We all go through stressful events, but some of us adapt to it better than others - how so?
Key things we talk about are:
Top 10 stressful events
How to manage stress
What causes stress
What are the benefits of stress
I share with you my own personal experiences with stressful events, which includes my recent job change and domestic violence relationship.
Remember, you are too blessed to be stressed!
Business enquires: admin@empowerwithash.com
Insta ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Oh heeyyyy Survivor to Thrivers!
This week's episode is all about EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE...
Did you know that less that 15% of the world's population is in fact not self aware...
That is not a lot of people that are aware of who they are, why they do what they do and can't truly understand and see this in other people.
I believe EQ is much more important than IQ. In fact, it has been my EQ that has made me successful and allowed me to understand who I am and what I want in my life!
Key things we discuss are:
What is Emotional Intelligence aka EQ
What are the 4 pillars t ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Oh heeeyyy,
This week's episode is sooooo inspiring and empowering.
Barb's share's her real, raw and honest story about being paralyzed waist down after a major car accident. Barb's story is the definition of "stop surviving and start thriving".
We cover off so many stories and major events with Barb here are some of the key topics we talk about:
The accident that changed her life and left her paralyzed
How Barb accepted what happened and how she adapted to life in a wheel chair
Overcoming depression and suicide attempts
Changing her mindset to be positive about he ..read more
Empower with Ash
3y ago
Oh heeyyyyy,
This week's episode I am talking with one of my girls Elle all about friendships coming and going, marriage separations, breaking up with baby daddy's and so much more.
Really this episode will make you feel as if you are part of the coffee chat. I promise you this was a scheduled podcast not a random "hey let's record our catch up".
This is real, raw, honest and uncut. No editing. This is how the conversation went...
Key things we talk about are:
Our story of how we met and how we fell apart
Managing toxic friends
Experiences with fr ..read more