Episode 41: Max Wild
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
2y ago
In Episode 41, former UCLA Tennis Player and Kalamazoo Champion Max Wild and Pat deeply dive into what matters in life. Genuine conversations surrounding health & wellness, yoga, and the effects of social media on society deliver a special episode that can help anyone listening. Max's unique perspective on the world, love for others, and deep understanding of who he is can change the lives of anyone he surrounds when paired with the techniques the boys get into in this conversation. Learn about the positive influence of yoga, and meditation, and how to face transition and change in another ..read more
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Episode 40: Anuj Watane
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
2y ago
The podcast is BACK! We bring on UNC tennis player, Nike Intern, and NCAA Sweet 16 participant Anuj Watane to talk about his journey through life and the change in perspective he has had on what life is about. After believing tennis defined his self-worth, Anuj had the best season of his career this past year yet was still having trouble with his happiness. Through this process, he learned the power of being present, enjoying the small things in life, and getting off the phone and social media to focus more on his beliefs. We dive into ways that you can improve your self-growth such as meditat ..read more
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Episode 39: Willie Miklus
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
3y ago
Willie Miklus is a 4x All-American wrestler out of Iowa State University and the University of Missouri. In this episode, Willie tells an inspirational story about how to overcome injury, fight through adversity with a positive attitude, and the importance of your support system during tough times. Miklus provides some incredible insight on ways to maintain positivity and inspiration on normal days and what kind of fortitude it takes. Don't miss out on this amazing conversation ..read more
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Episode 38: Andrew Cooper
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
3y ago
Mental health has begun to enter the forefront of common topics among elite athletics in recent years. Numerous professional and collegiate athletes such as Naomi Osaka, Demar DeRozan, Kevin Love, Hayden Hurst, and countless others have started prioritizing their mental health and speaking out about it to the public. In Episode 38, Former Washington State University and Cal-Berkeley cross country runner and SAAC President Andrew Cooper shares his journey with mental health. He focuses on the importance of sharing your story, how social media has affected overall mental health among athletes, a ..read more
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Episode 37: Paul Hiepler
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
3y ago
Episode 37 dives into a powerful conversation with Two-Time March Madness participant and Abilene Christian University basketball player Paul Hiepler. Paul talks about the importance of finding your self-worth in more than your playing time, the impact you can have on your teammates or peers on and off the court, and the role his faith has played in his journey and the community he surrounds himself with. Hiepler brings amazing energy and excitement about life that is a must-listen for any person. Listen in to this great journey about finding your purpose ..read more
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Episode 36: Sam Phillips
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
4y ago
WE ARE BACK! Listen in to Episode 36 with B1G medalist, Former National Team member, and Husker gymnast Sam Phillips. We dig into the power of self-talk, surrounding yourself with the right community and energy to build yourself, and how to build your confidence through more than just your sport. Sam brings amazing energy and view on his life and talks about powerful events that inspired him to grow as a person and athlete. Don't miss out on this amazing conversation with one of the best gymnasts in the NCAA ..read more
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Episode 35: Abbey Forbes
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
4y ago
Adversity, gratitude, and self-belief. Each of them is so important but how can you grow each of them and face adversity with the attitude and inspiration you need? For Junior Wimbledon champion and U.S. Open Women's Tennis participant Abbey Forbes, it is all about being appreciative for what you have been given and doing things for the child in you who fell in love with what you do. In this riveting episode, Forbes talks in-depth about how much each of these topics can mean to not only athletes but people as well and how important it is to give back to those who have supported you. Don't miss ..read more
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Episode 34: Daniel Pearson
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
4y ago
Husker Men's golfer and SAAC President Daniel Pearson has taken a long and winding journey with mental health through his college years. Without having much experience with the topic, he wasn't sure what these feelings of sadness, anxiety, and anger about his golf game were. Until now. Pearson has found that your identity as a person is so much more than your achievements in the athletic realm. Daniel has found his purpose in helping others, creating a better athletic community, and throwing himself head-first into everything he does with his heart and passion for people. These discoveries hel ..read more
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Episode 33: Elma N'For
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
4y ago
Professional soccer player and member of the Union Omaha USL League One team Elma N'For joins the episode to talk about how important your "why" is and the idea of inspiration over motivation. Elma uses his platform to inspire younger kids and talk about the power of what you surround yourself with and how much of an impact your self-talk can have on your confidence and identity. N'For gives incredible advice on these topics and will help viewers gain a better perspective on their self-worth. Listen in to this incredible conversation ..read more
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Episode 32: Liam Draxl
No Struggle No Story
by Patrick Cacciatore
4y ago
Junior Wimbledon Finalist, ATP career-high #550, and University of Kentucky #1 tennis player joins the podcast for an amazing episode about how to adjust to new environments, ways to maintain your confidence through difficult times, and the importance of your surroundings and who you associate yourself with. Liam has a great perspective on life and simplifies the times that can get so muddy for many. Listen in to this awesome episode ..read more
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