Questions you should be asking yourself during omnichannel budget planning
Across Health Blog
2y ago more
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Questions you should be asking yourself during omnichannel budget planning
Across Health Blog
2y ago more
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MCQ – Dos and don'ts
Across Health Blog
2y ago
uivalent) is a standard unit of engagement, developed by Across Health as a common measure that enables you to compare the relative impact of different channels. Previously, we introduced the MCQ concept and its important role within our Navigator365™ customer engagement insights research. In this follow-up post, we will offer a quick summary of MCQ-related dos and don’ts, to help ensure you get the most out of this useful measure more
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Comparing the impact of customer engagement channels – the role of the MCQ
Across Health Blog
2y ago
When deciding how to allocate precious budget, it would obviously be advantageous to be able to make useful evidence-based comparisons of the relative effectiveness of the various channels on offer more
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Key omnichannel trends in biopharma
Across Health Blog
3y ago
In 2021, Across Health ran its thirteenth annual Maturometer study. We took the pulse of pharma’s efforts and ambitions in the digital and omnichannel space. more
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Beware the 'Swan Effect' in your customer data
Across Health Blog
3y ago
The ‘Swan Effect’ is one of the most well-known metaphors in business; the bird gliding gracefully on the water… but paddling like crazy beneath. Keeping in mind that ilusion when analysing your customer data can help you to glide gracefully to commercial success more
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How to help HCPs swim in an ever faster eMedical education current…
Across Health Blog
3y ago
Between 2010 and 2020, the creation of medical knowledge will speed up by a factor of fifteen. Big data, real world evidence, NCEs, new indications, faster clinical trials, combination therapies, new biomarkers and novel diagnostics will go from niche interest to core value proposition. How can pharma help physicians engage with the newest information more
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The multichannel rep: slideware or sizzling? Key trends in EU5
Across Health Blog
3y ago
The multichannel rep concept has quickly gained fame in pharma – and has the promise of overturning the traditional (rep) engagement model. Pharma has been experimenting on the premise that this frame will profoundly alter the nature of its relationships with customers… but have these experiments paid off more
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Food for thought: is pharma feeding HCPs the wrong diet?
Across Health Blog
3y ago
Despite it being almost five years since we reached the tipping point of digital native HCPs, many within pharma still don’t have a good grasp of how HCPs prefer to consume information. There’s a clear gap between digital demand and supply more
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Pharma’s journey towards the multichannel rep
Across Health Blog
3y ago
Is hope and desire matching to understanding and reality for the multichannel rep? Beverly Smet outlines the complex questions and wrinkles in the execution of this potentially industry shifting development more
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