Ensolar Energy Blog
At Ensolar, our vision is to offer high-quality, cost-effective renewable energy products to help you reduce your electric bill and take control of your own power generation. Our company is driven by solar's environmental benefits, our commitment to quality, and our promise to use industry-leading products. Passionate about solar, our goal is to continually grow and keep helping you and..
Ensolar Energy Blog
3y ago
There’s a reason why 2.5 million homeowners–and counting–have already installed solar in the US: it’s a great investment! Solar panel systems last for 25 years or more, offsetting most or all of your electricity bill every month. Those monthly savings add up quickly: if you spend $150 per month on electricity today, you’ll spend over $65,000 on electricity in the next 25 years. By investing in solar, you can avoid most or all of that future spending on electricity
But solar isn’t free – to get these levels of savings, you have to first pay for your solar panel system, with a typical solar pa ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
How Solar Can Save You Money?
As explained in my previous article, the biggest reason homeowners are switching to solar is to save money on their electric bill.
Yep, going solar is not only beneficial for the environment, it’s also beneficial for your bank account!
But HOW does solar save you so much money?
To answer that question, let’s take a look at four points that make solar a good investment.
4 Reasons to Invest in Solar
Here are reasons switching to solar can help you save money:
The price of energy is continually increasing every single year.
The cost of installing ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
If you are considering solar for your Florida home, one of the top questions you’re going to want to know is, will solar save me money, and is it worth the investment.
Any solar company or solar installer will tell you that the answer to both questions is an emphatical YES.
Well… that’s because it is.
In this blog, I am going to cover some of the specifics to help you answer your question in more detail, as well as provide some specifics about savings, all with the aim of helping to be more confident about switching to solar.
Solar Panels Are Everywhere
To start with ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
Solar Installations in Tampa
If there is one thing you can always expect in Tampa it’s sunshine!
Yes, we get our share of rain and storms, but despite that Tampa Bay has 246 sunny days every year, which is 41 days over the U.S. sunny-day average!
So, is Tampa a good place to install solar on your home?
The fast answer is YES!
In fact, homeowners all over Tampa have already been benefiting from solar installations for years!
As you can see, people all over Tampa are saving a lot of money on their electricity by installing solar panels! And with a well-designed solar system ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
What Does Photovoltaic Mean?
If you’ve ever researched or looked into how solar panels work, you’ve undoubtedly read or heard about the “photovoltaic effect” or “PV”.
“Photovoltaic” seems like a very complicated scientific word but it’s actually not.
“Photo” means light and “voltaic” means volt.
So, volts produced by light.
In its simplicity, the photovoltaic effect is when material produces electricity from sunlight.
The photovoltaic effect was first discovered by a French physicist named Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839 when he was only 19 years old.
While working ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
If you’re looking for a way to reduce your electricity bills or eliminate them completely, solar panels are perfect. But how do they work?
Of course, we all know that solar panels turn sunlight into electricity, but not everyone knows the actual science behind it, so-to-speak.
Well, since this article is a two-minute read, I’d say it’s time well spent to get a basic concept of how solar panels work.
Before we dive into the “deep” concepts of the “photovoltaic effect” – which is simply the ability of a material to produce and emit electricity when exposed to sunlight – let me quic ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
Today, when you are considering solar for your home, you have an amazing amount of solar installers and solar companies to choose from.
A quick “solar company near me” search will pull up endless listings, and clicking on an ad will have your phone flooded with calls. Not to mention the few companies who are going door to door.
If you’re seriously considering solar for your home, I imagine you yourself have already spoken to several companies and received several different quotes.
Look, I understand! We just installed a solar PV system on a large home and when we finished t ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
Following my previous article that covered the two most important factors you should look for when choosing a solar installer, here is a short checklist of other points you should check for when speaking to solar installation companies, and when choosing which one is best for your home’s solar PV system:
Get Several Quotes
Most solar installation companies offer free solar estimates. As convincing as that first solar salesman sounds, always get 2-3 different quotes. Also, ask about the company’s solar panel repair and maintenance costs, as well as how their customer service and workmanship ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
Solar Panel Maintenance
In our last article, we spoke about the general lifespan of a solar panel, and wrote about the four main factors that help answer the question, “How long will my solar panels last?”.
In this article, we are going to give you some basic tips about how to maintain your solar panels for maximum productivity.
Maintenance is one way you can ensure your solar panels last long, and continue to generate and supply your home with the power you need.
It’s true, solar panels do not require a lot of maintenance. But that doesn’t mean they don’t require any maintenance.&nb ..read more
Ensolar Energy Blog
4y ago
How Long Does a Solar Panel Last?
If you’ve been considering solar panels for your home, you’ve most likely wondered about how long your solar panels will last.
Most solar installers will tell you that your solar panels will last between 25 and 30 years.
While that’s true, the correct answer to this question has several important aspects that you should take into consideration when investing in a solar PV system.
In this article, we are going to list out the main factors on which the lifespan of your solar panels will depend on.
The General Lifespan of a Solar Panel
Solar ..read more