TEFL in Colombia
Teaching English in Colombia can be more than just a gap year adventure. This blog, which was launched in September 2020, aims to provide information about teaching English in Colombia. I intend to share practical tips for those thinking of moving to this country, and I also want to deal with topics that may interest more experienced teachers.
TEFL in Colombia
1M ago
When I was collecting essays for More Than a Gap Year Adventure, I had a chance to have Zoom chats with many amazing ELT professionals from all over the world. Even though their career stories are quite different, there is a personal trait that all of them have in common, and that is being proactive ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
6M ago
I first heard of Capurganá a few years ago when I interviewed Ndana Chibanda. Since I value personal recommendations, I decided to read more about the town. Its location immediately piqued my interest, and when I finally got the opportunity to visit Capurganá myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Here are some comments and tips ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
8M ago
TESOL International Association is a community of ELT professionals. This association is involved in numerous activities, including publishing TEIS News, which is a newsletter edited by the Teacher Educator Interest Section. When I was asked to contribute to its latest issue, I was more than happy to say yes. You can read my article here, and I recommend that you check out the other contributions as well.
I decided to focus on teacher-led CPD, which means taking responsibility for your own development as an ELT professional. This topic is close to my heart because I’ve managed to make decent ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
1y ago
I’ve been writing this blog for a few years, so I decided it was time to get involved in creating something a bit more serious, namely an ELT book. I’m happy to announce More Than a Gap Year Adventure: How to Make a Long-Term Career out of TEFL is now available for purchase on various online platforms. I created the book together with a group of amazing ELT professionals whose contributions make it a very valuable read.
What is the book about?
This is the book description used on Amazon and other online stores:
Teaching English is often perceived as a temporary job abroad, yet it is perfectl ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
1y ago
When you think of images of geographical features that represent Colombia, one of the first places that comes to mind is likely to be Caño Cristales, a colourful river that appeared in the movie Encanto, inspired the women’s national football team’s shirts, and is depicted on the 2,000-peso banknote. I had the opportunity to visit it this year, and I’m happy to report that it is indeed truly incredible. If you are considering visiting Caño Cristales, you may find the following information useful.
Caño Cristales is Iocated in the Serranía de la Macarena national park in the southern p ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
1y ago
This blog celebrated its third birthday last month. I have been publishing new posts only sporadically in the past year or so, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not writing anything anymore. In fact, I’m currently working on a publication that I hope many English teachers will find useful. It’s a collaborative project with a group of amazing ELT professionals, and I look forward to sharing more details about it in a few months’ time.
Even though there have been few updates on the blog, the website still keeps receiving new visitors through search engines. The problem is that things change fast: l ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
1y ago
Country guides on TEFL websites can provide you with a rough idea of how much you will earn and spend after moving abroad, but they aren’t perfect. The information may be inaccurate or outdated, and those guides usually don’t reflect the fact that there is a variety of teaching roles available. When people ask me about money in Colombia, I always tell them that your income and expenses will depend on a number of factors. I think it’s important to have access to information in order to be able to make your own decisions, so I’d like to share some concrete figures with you.
Some course provider ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
1y ago
The northernmost region of mainland Colombia is visited by more and more tourists every year. You can find a lot of useful information online, so there’s no need for me to mention the most popular places to go to. This blog post aims to provide some practical recommendations based on my trip to La Guajira that I took two months ago.
Spend some time in Riohacha
Most tourists start their trip to La Guajira in Santa Marta, Barranquilla, or even Cartagena. Riohacha is often seen just as a transit city, which I think is a bit unfair. The department’s capital has a pleasant vibe and I really enjoye ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
2y ago
When I moved to Medellín a year ago, I decided to make a major change in my professional life and quit my stable job at a language institute. I became self-employed and started to offer my services to institutions, private students, and teachers. Now that I have some experience under my belt, I’d like to share a few thoughts on the pros and cons of working as an ELT freelancer in Colombia.
Freelancing has many benefits
Working as a teacher for Centro Colombo Americano was great in terms of gaining teaching experience, but I wasn’t happy with being underpaid and having few opportunities to dev ..read more
TEFL in Colombia
2y ago
Dorothy Zemach is an ELT professional with extensive experience in a variety of areas. Many teachers have used her materials in the classroom; I did so in the first two years of teaching English in Colombia. She is the go-to person if you want to learn about self-publishing. If you are interested in that, keep an eye on the iTDi website for one of her future courses. When she advertised her latest book All of the Above: Essays on Teaching English as a Foreign Language on social media, I knew that it would be worth reading.
My first impression was that All of the Above would be similar to Scot ..read more