Quackery: Ibogaine for Autism
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
2M ago
Ibogaine, the very same FDA Schedule 1 psychedelic medication used to cure addiction in other countries, is being promoted as an autism treatment by an AUTISTIC in Miami, Florida. More recently, it has shown promise in the treatment of PTSD and traumatic brain injury in smaller studies. What is Ibogaine? Ibogaine is a naturally occurring ..read more
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Political Scientist Turned Quack: Mohammad Mohibul Haque
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
His dangerous “cure” is taking bone marrow and/or spinal fluid and injecting it directly into the child’s brain. Mohammad Mohibul Haque sometimes is known by Mohibul Haque is a Bangledesh native. He is a professor and scholar of political science. He should have stuck to political science because he has done a lot of good ..read more
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Intersection of Autism, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
Both Ehlers Danlos syndrome and polycystic ovarian syndrome are both comorbidities with autism. What about the intersection of different comorbidities? There is plenty of research about what the likelihood in certain situations and certain conditions to have an autistic child but not enough on the intersection of different conditions and autism, especially when it comes ..read more
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The Intersection of Trauma and Autism
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by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
Just about every autistic person that I have come in contact with has experience one type of trauma or another. This cannot be by coincidence. Upon further research, there have been numerous studies about this very idea. Mental Health and the Autistic Community We know that about 70 percent of kids with autism will have ..read more
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Quackery Turned into Animal Torture: Neuralink
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
Elon Musk’s startup company, Neuralink, developed a brain implant to try to interface the human brain like a computer or headphones. Its intention is connecting a brain to a computer to be as easy as LASIK surgery to “cure brain ailments and someday help humans compete with artificial intelligence.” Their goal is to have a ..read more
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Neurological Differences in Autistics Vs Allistics
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by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
The physical neurology of the autistic brain is very different than the allistic brain. Look as I analyze different studies and scientific sources on how different they are! This is a rabbit hole I can get lost in and be happy about it ..read more
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Problematic Organization Justice Awareness and Basic Support (JABS)
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by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
An organization that was born out of a partnership that spread the anti vaxxer movement ..read more
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Problematic Advocate and Problematic School: Anna Kennedy and Baston House School
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by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
Anna Kennedy has been ignoring abuse at her former school Baston School and threatened. autistic campaigner Emma Dalmayne. Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer and many other things. She has threatened Emma with court cases but she fails to understand, that I am in the United States. Anna Kennedy, if you are reading this, BRING IT ON ..read more
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Quackery: Bumetanide Oral Solution for Stimming
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
It never ends, the neurotypical researchers try to find drug after drug to try to cure us of stimming. It will never happen. There is nothing to cure. What is Bumetanide? Bumetanide, branded Bumex, is a strong diuretic (water pill) and can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It is used to treat edema. This class ..read more
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Quackery Myth: Mice Make Good Models for Autism Studies
Fierce Autie
by Aviva Seigler
3M ago
This blog started as me debunking a study but the study was legit. The problem with it was that it used an intestine bacteria to try and use oxytocin as a treatment for autistic behavior by comparing mice tissue to human tissues. Autistics are not mice. How Mice Models Started When Dr. Jill Silverman graduated ..read more
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