1776 Forward
Welcome to the podcast for 1776 Forward! We're the grassroots movement that's crowdsourcing examples of activism for the cause of philosophical liberalism. We'd love for you to bring your unique perspective and join in the conversation and community.
1776 Forward
4y ago
In this follow-up to the Altruism Grudge Match, Joia is joined by Ash Ryan to go "beyond the grudge" and start problem solving an improved ethical framework. It's not enough to point out problems with Ayn Rand's egoism/altruism binary (as Joia did in the AGM), let's work to figure out a better model that integrates how as human beings we are both profoundly social and profoundly individual.
Be sure to check out the Altruism Grudge Match (and Ash's thoughtful long "essay" in the Comments section) at: https://youtu.be/WmQorsTlmII
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Fo ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
Check out this short introduction to our podcast host Dr. Robert Garmong.
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your unique perspective and join in the conversation and community. You can find us on Locals at: https://1776forward.locals.com/
And don’t forget to follow us on social media!
Facebook page @1776forward
Twitter @1776forward
Instagram @1776_forward
Plus, check out all the updates at: www.1776forward.com ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
Joia interviews author and philosophical-political commentator Robert Tracinski about his recent article: The Case Against "Western Civilization." It is a discussion about the ideals of the Enlightenment and their application in the 21st century in which Robert makes the case for the term "Enlightenment Civilization"
You can read the original article at The Tracinski Letter at: https://tracinskiletter.com/2020/10/13/the-case-against-western-civilization/
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for y ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
In a continuation of our "Official Launch" conversation, Adam and Joia duke it out on the topic of altruism. Is Ayn Rand's definition of "sacrifice" just factually, empirically wrong? Would it matter if it is? Is altruism a significant cause in the threat to freedom we see on both the left and the right today?
Let us know your thoughts!
Check out the video of our Official Launch at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUQHubViwg4&t=1757s
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your uniq ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
An introduction to our other podcast host, Dr. Robert Garmong, an American Philosopher living in China. Find out his perspective of what it's like watching current events unfold as a liberty advocate inside of China.
Check out our manifesto.
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your unique perspective and join in the conversation and community. You can find us on Locals at: https://1776forward.locals.com/
And don’t forget to follow us on social media!
Facebook page @1776forward
Twi ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
Joia, Chris, Donald, and Adam kick off the official launch of our 1776 Forward project with a conversation about why and how we're each standing up for the cause of philosophical liberalism.
This is just the beginning!
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your unique perspective and join in the conversation and community. You can find us on Locals at: https://1776forward.locals.com/
And don’t forget to follow us on social media!
Facebook page @1776forward
Twitter @1776forward
In ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
Recorded Sunday November 8, 2020.
Chris & Joia share their personal thoughts on the post-election situation in a raw and timely way, connecting current circumstances with their long-term aspirations and values as liberty advocates.
(If you're curious about the Big 5 personality test Joia mentions), you can take a free online version of the test yourself at: https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your unique perspective and join i ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
1776 Forward podcast hosts Roark, Donald, and Adam introduce themselves.
Are you a philosophical liberal? Please read and sign the 1776 Forward manifesto at: https://1776forward.com/manifesto
We’d love for you to bring your unique perspective and join in the conversation and community. You can find us on Locals at: https://1776forward.locals.com/
And don’t forget to follow us on social media!
Facebook page @1776forward
Twitter @1776forward
Instagram @1776_forward
Parler @1776forward
Plus, check out all the updates at: www.1776forward.com ..read more
1776 Forward
4y ago
Welcome to the launch of 1776 Forward! In this introductory episode, co-founders Chris and Joia explore 10 themes that describe what this new grassroots movement is all about.
The 10 themes:
1.) Each American is unique – a free society values autonomy and community
2.) What all American share: a set of values / “America” as an ideal
3.) What is Philosophical Liberalism?
4.) Liberalism is an ongoing project – change is built into the system
5.) Freedom to think: reason, science, enlightenment values, and the marketplace of Ideas
6.) Freedom to act: the creator-trader network
7.) The need fo ..read more