How To Make it Through the Holidays Without Gaining Weight
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
It’s near the end of November, and you know what that means: days are shorter, nights are longer, and there’s extra food everywhere you turn. Historically, you’ve put on anywhere from five to fifteen pounds in the final six weeks of the year, and you really want to change that. But how can you make it through the holidays without gaining weight? That’s exactly what we’re diving into on today’s podcast. Rather than white-knuckling your way through the holidays this year, let’s explore some of the unhelpful thoughts you probably have, that have created weight gain in years past, and start shifti more
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TRAILER: Lose Weight for the Last Time with the Get Your GOAL Podcast
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
Ever since menopause came crashing into your life, nothing seems to work for weight loss anymore. You’ve tried eating less, moving more, and even that “three-day detox” nonsense. But have you tried changing your mind? Losing weight is actually pretty simple, and it always comes down to two things. Number one, believing that you can, and number two, eating in a slight caloric deficit over time. My zone of genius is helping you with the belief piece. In my 20s, 30s, and 40s, I gained and lost weight half a dozen times. But in my 50s, I lost weight for the last time by changing how I think about more
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It Sucks To Be Stuck (How To Get Unstuck and Start Losing Weight Again)
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
You, as a human being, are never actually stuck. But your brain sure wants you to think you are, doesn’t it? I mean, your weight is absolutely, positively, 100% not moving. You’re stuck! And it sucks. That’s why today’s podcast is all about getting you unstuck so you can start losing weight again. It literally does not matter what goal you’re aiming for, or how many other goals you’ve achieved in your life, the path to your current goal is and will always be littered with stuckness. It’s part of the journey. It’s expected. It’s inevitable. And as an ambitious, overthinking menopausal woman who more
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The Four Most Effective Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
What if you could stop wasting time staring at your blank journal page, and just know exactly what to ask yourself? (Oh yeah, and bonus… what if those questions would help you LOSE WEIGHT, too?)  My friend, not only do I have the solution here on today’s podcast, but I’ve also got a brand new free resource for you with the four most effective journaling prompts for faster weight loss. Download my free guide, “The Four Most Effective Journaling Prompts for Faster Weight Loss” here: No matter what you’re doing in life, you will be better served by wo more
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Five Surprising Things I Gave Up When I Lost Weight in My 50s
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
You want to lose weight, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes. You’re pretty sure that you’re going to have to give up a few things, and you’re absolutely right about that. But it might not be the things you expect.  On today’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing five surprising things I gave up when I lost weight for the last time in my 50s. Isn’t it funny how we always think that giving something up is a bad thing? Like, when you saw the title of this podcast, you probably thought something like, “Oh, Pahla’s gonna tell me that she had to give up her favorite food, o more
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How To Finally Lose the LAST Five Pounds
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
You’re so close to your goal weight, you can practically taste it. But here you are, bouncing around between three and seven pounds to the finish line. What’s up with that? Why is it taking so long, and what do you need to do to be done with dieting? Well, on today’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing exactly how to finally lose the last five pounds. No matter how close or far away you are from your goal weight, I know this topic is of deep interest to you. Everybody wants to be done losing weight, right? Right. And it’s my job as your personal weight loss life coach to dispel t more
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What It's Like To Love Your Body
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
You’re inundated every day with messages about how you should fix your face, your hair, your aging skin, and your menopausal body.  There are potions and lotions and cleanses and makeup and straighteners. But what you don’t hear a lot of is encouragement to love yourself exactly the way you are.  So here it is. A first-hand account of exactly what it’s like to love your body. The truth is, your body is a walking, talking, thinking, blinking miracle. But maybe right now you don’t see it that way. So with this episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m taking you behind the scenes on my more
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Tough Love Weight Loss Advice You Need To Hear
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
You know how it feels so good to get an encouraging pep talk from your best friend? Well, today’s weight loss podcast isn’t like that. Instead of handing you some sugar-coated platitudes about how you’re doing amazing, sweetie, I’ve got the straight skinny on where you need to get to work.  My friend, I know that you can change. I know that you can hear what I’m about to tell you with an open heart. I know you can handle it, and use it to create what you want.  I know you can lose weight. I know you can break out of your self-imposed limitations. I know you can have anything you want more
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3 Things I Stopped Doing When I Lost Weight For the Last Time
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
I know there are plenty of things you’re looking forward to doing when you finish losing weight, but have you ever thought about what you’ll stop doing? Ever since I lost weight for the last time in my 50s, I’ve noticed these three surprising things that I just don’t do anymore. And today, I’m sharing them with you. Let’s paint a picture of what life looks like when you’re not just done losing weight, but really, truly, and absolutely finished.  These three things I’m sharing with you today didn’t just magically disappear from my life the day I hit my goal weight. In fact, they took a ful more
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How To Control Your Eating Without Using Willpower
The Get Your GOAL Podcast
by Pahla B
3M ago
Controlling your eating is pretty easy for you, isn’t it? But once or twice a week, you find yourself raiding the pantry, eating from boredom or stress.  You know that if you could get control of your eating, you know you’d lose weight, but you just don’t seem to have the willpower.  Well, I have good news, because on today’s episode of the Get Your GOAL podcast, I’m sharing exactly how to control your eating without using willpower. I am a woman who has engaged in all kinds of eating behaviors over the course of my lifetime. From way overeating, to way undereating, to comfort or bor more
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