Venminder Blog
Venminder's blog keeps third-party risk managers up-to-date on news and articles on vendor risk management. Learn about critical vendors, mitigating risk, due diligence and much more.
Venminder Blog
5d ago
Stay up to date on the latest vendor risk management news happening this month. Check out the articles below ..read more
Venminder Blog
5d ago
Key performance indicators (KPIs) help measure, monitor, and manage your third-party vendors’ performance, helping you spot delays, quality issues, and rising costs before they become larger issues. Let's dive into what KPIs are, how to use them in vendor risk management, and examples of KPIs to use.   ..read more
Venminder Blog
1w ago
A third-party inventory is a critical tool to effectively manage third-party risks. Creating an inventory ensures your organization has visibility into its third parties and outsourced products and services. Your organization will be better positioned to identify, assess, manage, and mitigate third-party risks. This blog covers how to create and manage a third-party inventory.  ..read more
Venminder Blog
2w ago
Like every business process, third-party risk management (TPRM) is built on steps. When organizations use a consistent approach to managing third-party risk, processes are more effective and efficient.
It ensures every third party undergoes the same process during onboarding, ongoing monitoring, and offboarding. Let’s explore the steps of third-party risk management and how to apply them.  ..read more
Venminder Blog
3w ago
Third-party risk management (TPRM) is a constantly evolving practice. As regulatory expectations change, your third-party inventory expands, workloads increase, the challenge of adapting and scaling your program grows.  ..read more
Venminder Blog
1M ago
Stay up to date on the latest vendor risk management news happening this month. Check out the articles below ..read more
Venminder Blog
1M ago
For decades, organizations have been evaluating, selecting, contracting, partnering, and un-partnering with third-party vendors as a normal course of business. Managing the risks that come with these vendor relationships requires constant vendor oversight throughout the engagement.   ..read more
Venminder Blog
1M ago
Nearly all organizations depend on a network of external vendors, suppliers, and service providers to enhance and manage their business operations. Partnering with trusted third parties can enhance your organization's performance in areas such as procurement, logistics, technology, and specialized services. By utilizing their expertise and resources, organizations can often improve operations, reduce costs, and concentrate on core competencies ..read more
Venminder Blog
2M ago
Due diligence is a critical component of effective third-party risk management (TPRM). Effective due diligence requires gathering a diverse range of information from third-party vendors to assess their risk management practices and controls accurately. The Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire is a commonly used tool for this purpose ..read more
Venminder Blog
2M ago
Stay up to date on the latest vendor risk management news happening this month. Check out the articles below ..read more