End Time Thinker
A definitely Christian Podcast by one who is a True Believer.
End Time Thinker
1y ago
By preaching only happy verses, ignoring “If” clauses, curses and warnings, we have built a religion properly called Occultianity. Through offerings, positive thinking and the use of Power Verses, we are told that the Devil will be forced to flee and God can be made to do our will… It is all about wealth and life on earth… The God of this World has become the God in our churches.
Do you agree?
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End Time Thinker
1y ago
2 Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
King James started ..read more
End Time Thinker
1y ago
This episode speaks to the Great Reset as the birth of the New World Order or the Kingdom of the Beast. We go back to the fall of Lucifer, the fall of man, the Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, the heroes of old, Noah, Babylon, the division of men into tribes, tongues and nations, Egypt, Greece, Rome... and we continue through the United States of America... We show how this great reset is nothing new or strange, it is the continuation of a goal and a project held by Lucifer for thousands of years...
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End Time Thinker
1y ago
So, what if Hillary Clinton should become President? The occultic connection and the effects, good and bad, on the Church of Jesus Christ... A six minute story... A Fairy Tale wherein the Wicked Witch wins...
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End Time Thinker
1y ago
This is the introduction and first two chapters of the audio version of the book by the same name which I published in January. 2019. With the audio, I will go beyond the book... So much has happened since then that I will just have to ad lib and ad a lot of material as we go...
The book is available here: Lucifer's Quest
New episodes at least once a week...
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End Time Thinker
1y ago
God is dog spelled backward. Why is that important? For exactly the same reason that it is important to note that, in English, Santa is Satan misspelled… something I have seen on a dozen memes and read in an unbelievable number of comments in my Facebook Feed.
Recently, Satan has recruited a large number of Legalists and Judaizers, servants of Moses and the Law, to ruin Christmas for the Christian. This has not only turned out to be the most successful demonic campaign in history but the greatest recruiting tool the Judaizers have ever come across in history! Through this campaign, they have b ..read more
End Time Thinker
1y ago
The Temple
The House of Prayer in the UAE
Trump, Impeachment, King of Israel, The Chosen One, the Second Coming of God
A little about Trump,
Trump’s almost Jewish Father,
Trump’s Kabbalah lessons
Recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Recognition of Golan Heights
Mt Hermon
The Elite / Rothschild / incest / Presidents and Kings
War in the Heavens
Kaduri / 40 years / Elections / no government / 5780 / Two Benjemins / Benjamin Netanyahu / Benjamin Gantz / War in the Heavens / Right win ..read more
End Time Thinker
1y ago
One Hundred Sixty things to study, think and pray about…
Here we cover 160 points in less than an hour!!! These are all things that members of the "Terminal Generation" need to think about... This list should have you hitting the pause button frequently, just to think about it... This list will form the basis for future podcasts... a written copy of the list may be found here: https://promusement.live/2017/05/26/nephilim-aliens-2012-popes-antichrists-tribulations-and-the-end-of-the-wor ..read more
End Time Thinker
1y ago
Ten minute short Episode in which I discuss the great move, THE COMING CONVERGENCE (http://www.freeprophecydvd.com/). Also on the promises of death and tribulation given us by Jesus...
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End Time Thinker
1y ago
I introduce myself, welcome you to the Podcast, talk a little about the suiciding of Jeffrey Epstein, and about the End Times, the USA and Donald Trump...
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