The House of Truth Ministries
The House of Truth Christian Ministries is a Watchman for the end times alerting the world to repent from their sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
The prophecy embedded in the dream king Nebuchadnezzar had is being fulfilled right now. Read chapter 2 of the book of Daniel and compare it with the entire book of Revelation and the prophecies of Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the Prophets of old ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
Europe, Asia, and many countries are getting ready for an all out war, WW3, if you will. We need to seek God Now and His Anointed Son , Jesus Christ now ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
The prophecy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, written in Matthew 25:31-46, is a warning and a wake up call to the world, that should the world reject Jesus and his disciples will result in everlasting judgment in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. For the faithful servants of the church and Israel, eternal blessings in the Kingdom of God through Messiah/Christ Jesus ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
The church endures godly discipline that leads to righteousness, which leads to holiness, that allows us to see God at His coming. We must be confident that our God will gather us to join the myriad of angels and that the Lord will shake the heavens and the earth in the end ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
Joshua prayed to God to make the sun and the moon stop in the heavens. What prompted the Lord to listen to this man ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
As the end approaches the Watchmen must sound the alarm now ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
1 Peter 4:17, 18 tells us that the day is come that the judgment of God to start. But it will begin with His House, the body of believers that makes the Church ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
Archeologists have discovered the entrance to the temple of Zeus in Western Turkey. Fires erupted in many places simultaneously ..read more
The House of Truth Ministries
3y ago
The vision of Ezekiel shows the day of God's wrath that started with heavy judgment and punishment upon a corrupted and idol-worshipping nation of Israel, sent to exile to Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. The second coming of Christ Jesus will bring a global scale punishment for all the evil being done against God and mankind ..read more