6 Important Breast Cancer Facts You Need to Understand
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
As discussed in a separate post, there are two general types of breast cancer, namely ductal and lobular, depending upon when the carcinomas start. If the carcinomas begin in the glands that produce milk, they are called lobular. If they start in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple, the carcinomas are ductal. Despite rarity, there might be cases, in which the carcinomas start in other parts of the breasts. Moreover, breast cancer can be classified based on the area of breasts affected. Non-invasive breast cancer refers to carcinomas, which are still limited to the cells inside the breast ..read more
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What Causes Breast Cancer and How to Control Them
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
If people say that breast cancer may have something to do with lifestyle, it may true for some reasons. New studies on what causes breast cancer have found a relationship between obesity and the risk for the disease, particularly the hormone-sensitive type of breast cancer. Too fat fats in one’s body may lead to elevated hormone level, especially in post-menopause women. This finding is actually in line to those of previous studies, that post-menopause women, who had increased level of estrogen and testosterone hormones were 2 to 3 times riskier for developing breast cancer. After menopause, f ..read more
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Risk Factors of Breast Cancer in Women and Things To Do
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
Breast cancer is more prevalent in women, even though men also have some risks for developing the disease. While some risk factors of breast cancer in women and men can be minimized through lifestyle modification, some others are not easy to control. Therefore, it is important to understand your risk factors. This is the key for early detection of the disease. So far, no known cause of breast cancer has been identified. What people can do is paying attention to certain risk factors, which are linked to the chances for developing the disease. Having one of more of the risk factors does not nec ..read more
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Self-Breast Exam: a Popular Method of Breast Cancer Detection
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
Of course, nobody wants to have cancer breast. Once you are diagnosed with the disease, your life expectancy is decreased dramatically. However, all women naturally have the risks for breast cancer, but at the same time, you have many options to minimize the risks. One of them is doing early breast cancer detection. It is important to do regularly right before you even detect any symptoms of breast cancer in your body.  Early detection is the key for better survival from any cancer diseases, including breast cancer. The earlier the disease is detected, the earlier you have the treatment ..read more
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Death Symptoms of Breast Cancer: Knowing the Red Signs
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
Early detection of breast cancer is the key to success in the treatment. However, this is a terminal disease and extremely life threatening.  For some cases, the breast cancer is identified when it has reached the last stage, in which the curative measures mostly aimed for palliative purposes. At this stage, also, the patient’s families must be aware and educated of the death symptoms of breast cancer. Accordingly, they can take the necessary steps to manage the situation. Death Symptoms of Breast Cancer: The Red Signs Nobody wants to see these symptoms in any of their family member. How ..read more
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Consuming the Essential Oil to Prevent You from Cancer
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
Have you ever tried to consume the essential oil? Some essential can identify the wrong DNA. Besides, the rest can also destroy your DNA or even reprogram the DNA properly. The great thing is that some essentials can do these three functions at once. The question now is that: can this oil prevent you from cancer? Is it able to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer? The answer is yes. Drinking the essential oils will help to boost your immune system and also repair the broken DNA cell.  Several Essential Oils and Their Functions The kinds of essentials oils are varied. Below are some ..read more
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Breast Cancer Treatments Types and Information
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
The treatments for breast cancer are varied. Those are started from the holistic, conventional, alternative, and natural options. To choose the right one, you can discuss it with your doctor and gather a lot of information about it. Furthermore, we can also know the conventional methods such as radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or hormone. However, most of the patients will be suggested to do surgery. The types of surgery are also diverse. The doctor will choose one which is suitable for your condition.  After that surgery, you may get some other treatments. Those are ..read more
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To Know How Breast Cancer Diagnosed
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
Breast cancer has been a disease that is frightened by many women. Although some men can also be caught by this breast cancer. We have heard about breast cancer many times as the disease has been a famous one, but not any of us know the signs of this disease. To get to know and prevent this disease it is better the get regular breast exams. For those who want to know more about breast cancer checkups and diagnosis, this article will show them. What is breast cancer? Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the leading cancer type among women. But, it does not mean men can't get caught with the di ..read more
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Can Vitamin D prevent the cancer?
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
 Vitamin D has some benefits for our health. Some of those benefits are for preventing osteoporosis, rickets, bone pains, and more. Besides, some experts also said that this kind of vitamin can help you to prevent cancer. The good thing is that Vitamin D is easily found in some foods. Those are like fatty fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, and tuna. This vitamin can be also found in other meals such as the whole eggs, cheese, milk, salmon, liver, and fortified margarine.  The free vitamin D can even be gotten from the sunlight at 08.00-10.00am. Your skin will synthesize this ..read more
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Healthy Foods to Decrease the Risk of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Info
3y ago
  In recent years, the number of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer showed a great rise. Actually, this kind of cancer can be controlled really well if it is still in the early stage. That is why; it is always recommended to have early detection for it. Besides, it is also crucial to consume healthy foods that can prevent you from breast cancer. This kind of food can boost your immune system to fight all illnesses, including the malignant cancer cell. It is especially when they are still at their early stage. Some foods and supplements contain essential nutrients and substances t ..read more
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