30 Weeks Pregnant – Proud and Beautiful
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
30 Weeks pregnant and a bubba in breech position, Samantha has been trying all she can to get baby to move head down! With only 10 weeks to go until this little one’s birthday, she is feeling proud and beautiful! And so she should! Check out her made with love, pregnancy journal entry below! Week: 30 Baby is the size of a: Broccoli If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 30 Weeks Pregnant – Proud and Beautiful ..read more
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Miscarriage at 11 Weeks, now pregnant with rainbow baby!
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Brave Mumma to be Kirsty, now pregnant with her rainbow baby shares her pregnancy journey. Read on to hear more about her story. CONTENT WARNING: Blog post mentions miscarriage. Week: 8 Baby is the size of a: Olive My husband and I are both healthy 30year olds who began trying for a baby in August 2020. We were lucky enough to fall pregnant relatively quickly (even though it felt like forever at the time) in January 2021. I spoke to a friend of mine who recommend a midwife who I contacted, and we arrange out first appointment when I was approximately 7weeks. Our midwife asked if I knew my date ..read more
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21 Weeks Pregnant – Over half way there
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
At 21 Weeks Samantha is over half way there! After sharing a previous journal entry earlier on in her pregnancy, she is back to share more of her journey, read on to hear how her pregnancy is going since we heard from her last. Week: 21 Baby is the size of a: Large Banana If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 21 Weeks Pregnant – Over half way there appeared first on Pregnancy Journal ..read more
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7 Weeks Pregnant – Growing Family
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Another beautiful Mumma shares her made with love journal entries at 6 & 7 Weeks pregnant. Read on to hear more about her journey and her feelings towards soon having two little ones under 2. Week: 7 Baby is the size of a: Raspberry If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 7 Weeks Pregnant – Growing Family appeared first on Pregnancy Journal ..read more
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6 Weeks Pregnant – Morning sickness & feeling anxious
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
A brave Mum to be in early pregnancy shares her fears and feelings at 6 Weeks, whilst anxiously awaiting her next ultrasound appointment. Week: 6 Baby is the size of a: Sweetpea If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 6 Weeks Pregnant – Morning sickness & feeling anxious appeared first on Pregnancy Journal ..read more
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28 Weeks Pregnant – Baby number 2
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Week: 28 Baby is the size of a: Eggplant Is this pregnancy similar to your first and will you be finding out the gender? Yes indeedy, number two for us – Paige will be 18/19 months when her brother arrives…EEEK! This pregnancy took us by surprise and freaking the F out about two under two but nevertheless really getting excited now that we’re getting closer to meeting him. Much different experience this time having found out the gender at the request of my hubby – I personally love a good surprise. I started this pregnancy at 62kg so at 27 weeks that’s a gain of 9.6kg and 28 weeks 10kg. With m ..read more
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33 Weeks Pregnant – babies close in age
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Beautiful Mum Sophie shares her pregnancy journies, now pregnant with her second little one she shares parts of both pregnancies to show comparison and also shares what she’ll do different this time around, read on to find out more. Week: 33 Baby is the size of a: Pineapple How was your first pregnancy? My first pregnancy was horrible!! I was 5 weeks when I found out I was pregnant (I found out for my 21st birthday) and around 8 weeks I started getting the worse morning sickness. By the next week I was in hospital getting diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum and it was so bad I lost a whole b ..read more
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5 Weeks – First pregnancy appointment & scan
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Beautiful mum Samantha shares the details from her made with love journal about her First pregnancy appointment and scan. Read on to hear about how she was feeling early on in her pregnancy. Week: 5 Baby is the size of a: Apple Seed. If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 5 Weeks – First pregnancy appointment & scan appeared first on Pregnancy Journal ..read more
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23 Weeks Pregnant -Heartburn, nausea & dairy cravings
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Another Mum to be shares her journal entry with us at 23 Weeks Pregnant, refer to the image below to hear how she has been feeling this week. Week: 23 Baby is the size of a: Grapefruit. Weight: 80kgs Symptoms: Heartburn, feeling sick, tired, frequently catching colds If after reading this you’d be happy to share your own experience of pregnancy, please email me at hello@shesaidyes.co.nz to send you one of the pages (or you can send a photo of your own pregnancy journal) The post 23 Weeks Pregnant -Heartburn, nausea & dairy cravings appeared first on Pregnancy Journal ..read more
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12 Weeks pregnant, Third baby
Pregnancy Journal Blog
by megan
3y ago
Week: 12 Baby is the size of a: Plum I’ve been feeling: A lot better as of late the symptoms have died down and I have managed to put some weight back on… my husband is now getting back into work and now that stress is also gone…. feeling the excitement of having a third coming along wondering what/who they are going to look like… my first born is a spitting image of me while my daughter is a spitting image of her dad pretty scary really Lol! Been able tonnage my anxiety and just getting better sleep and eating has really improves my moods. How have your family and friends reacted to news of b ..read more
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