Episode 259 Carl Madonna -12 Months into living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle, losing an incredible 100 Pounds (45Kg)
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
2d ago
Carl Madonna lives in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, in the USA, with his loving wife and family . As you will hear in this podcast, Carl has just completed his first full year of living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle, Losing an incredible 100 pounds-45 Kg. Carl shares many takeaways and insights in this episode and has transformed his life and health, as you will hear. Carl is a travelling salesperson who spends a lot of windshield time, as he calls it, on the road. His passion for fasting shines through, and so does his desire to help others by telling his story. Our Patreon Supporters Comm ..read more
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Episode 258 Lisa Jasunas Rewriting Her Own story -The Journey Continues
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1w ago
I’m a 37-year-old mother, wife, boss babe, and “Life Strategist Expert” navigating the busiest season of life—balancing a demanding career and a whirlwind of kids.’schedules, and a deep commitment to a Journey of Resilience, Healing, and True Transformation. For decades, food was my comfort, a source of solace through trauma, stress, and the never-ending demands of life. But in October 2019, everything changed. Through clean intermittent fasting, I’ve not only released 153 lbs. but also shed toxic habits, negative self-beliefs, and relationshipsthat no longer served me. What started as a physi ..read more
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Episode 258-Lisa Jasunas -Rewriting her own story -The continuation
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1w ago
A 36-year-old mother, wife and “chaos coordinator” juggling a busy phase of life with multiple activity schedules and a demanding career while continuing a wellness journey committed to overall health. It’s an absolute must to make myself a priority through the daily stressors of this busy phase of life as I let food be my comfort throughdecades of trauma comfort. Since starting clean intermittent fasting in October 2019, I cannot see living my life any other way.  Intermittent Fasting over the last 3.5 years has laid the foundation for wellness for me and has allowed me to release 145 lb ..read more
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Episode 257 Laurie Lewis -Fast Forward Wellness, Breaking Free from the Punishment Paradigm .
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
2w ago
Bio: Intermittent Fasting coach, Laurie Lewis, shows how it’s possible for us to take exceptional care of ourselves while dealing with life's complicated and fast-paced circumstances. With Intermittent Fasting as the foundation, Laurie offers the chance to break free from the Punishment Paradigm that we live in. Laurie guides us to tune into our body’s inner intelligence, have a daily eating window, and experience improvements in every area of our lives. Our Patreon Supporters Community Please consider joining the Fasting Highway Patreon community. It has been great for all who have joined. It ..read more
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Episode 256 Joanne Gonwa -Success then regain and coming back to make IF sustainable a tale of redemption and persistence.
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
3w ago
Bio By Joanne Gonwa I grew up in a home with a single mother and the stresses of financial insecurity, parental abandonment, and the emotional instability of my mother. I began at a young age to attempt to soothe my own emotional insecurities with food. This pattern of using food to placate my emotions has continued throughout my life. I felt trapped in endless cycles of diets/rebound weight gain as decades of life seasons passed.  In April 2018 at age 64 I heard about IF and after some research   I began my IF journey reaching my lowest adult weight since my early 20s.  I ..read more
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Mini Pod -The Patreon Community Explained and Graeme's Mentoring and Coaching announcement
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1M ago
Hi All Attached is a bonus mini pod on our Patreon community and how to get the most out of the various things we do at The Fasting Highway. I will be back next week with our regular line up for 2025. Links To Join the Patreon Community www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway To access Graeme for one-on-one mentoring and coaching. www.thefastinghighway.com ..read more
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Episode 255 Amy McGee Over four years living an intermittent fasting lifestyle dealing with some challenges with Peri Menopause .
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1M ago
I'm Amy, and I found IF right as the world was starting to catch on to the fact that COVID-19 was about to hit us: Hitting Asia (1st), then Europe (2nd) and N. American (Next), I felt I had hit an all-time low in energy levels towards the end of 2019. My weight was creeping up, I was anxious, my skin was dry and red, and my joints hurt - it was a hard realization to have. As a successful consultant, my business was going well; my kids were young and busy. The time I would be spending on myself was pretty limited. I knew something needed to give. I had consistently worked out for years but had ..read more
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The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1M ago
tara ..read more
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Episode 254 -Tara Mckinney Four years living an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle losing and gaining in the past.
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1M ago
Hello, I’m Tara, and I’m from Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada. I will have been fasting for four years on January 17, 2025.   I am a 48-year-old mother of four children, ages eleven to twenty-two. Even with university and starting their first jobs, even the older ones are often home, and family life continues to be as busy as ever.   Over the past 33 years, I have gained and lost weight with a 97lb range. (44kg) I battled with my weight on and off in my teens, starting around age thirteen and escalating when I left home for university.   Before my first pregnancy, I lost ..read more
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Episode 253 Q and A Session from our Patreon community
The Fasting Highway
by Graeme Currie
1M ago
As the year winds up for 2024, our last Q and A session comes from questions that our Patreon members have sent in about living an Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle and related things. Thank you for being so supportive in 2024. We look forward to seeing you when our guests return next year to share more inspirational stories. You can join the Patreon community or check out what it's all about at the link www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway My book, The Fasting Highway, is available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback and in audio on Apple Books, Kobo, Spotify, and many other audiobook platforms. See ..read more
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