Hero Go Story
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
2M ago
A story my students put together ..read more
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Underwater World: Scuba Diving and Water Pressure
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
2M ago
城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 https://bit.ly/3y7SoFB ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Dive into this exciting episode of "English for Kids" as we explore the fascinating world of scuba diving! Learn all about the underwater adventures, the equipment needed, and the incredible sea creatures you might encounter. We’ll also explain the concept of water pressure in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Perfect for young ESL learners, this episode combines language learning with a thrilling journey beneath the waves. Join us ..read more
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Rain, Rain, Go Away! Noah's Ark Bedtime Story ☀️
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
2M ago
Welcome to our enchanting bedtime story session! In this video, we bring you the timeless tale of Noah's Ark, narrated with a delightful American accent to help you improve your English language skills. Whether you're a young learner or simply looking to enhance your English proficiency, this soothing and educational bedtime story is the perfect choice. ? Subscribe for more engaging stories and language learning content! ? Turn on notifications so you never miss an update. Youtube link here: https://youtu.be/AuQZgfmtKTk ..read more
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Christmas Story for kids: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
2M ago
Join us on a festive journey to the North Pole in "Rudolph's Magical Adventure," a heartwarming podcast designed especially for kids. In this enchanting tale, we delve into the timeless story of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Discover the origin of Rudolph's shiny red nose, his remarkable friendship with Santa Claus, and the incredible journey that led him to become the hero of Christmas Eve. Narrated with warmth and charm, this podcast is perfect for children of all ages, as well as parents who want to share the classic story of Rudolph's triumph over adversity, kindness, and the true meanin ..read more
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When to Use "Turn On," "Turn Off," "Close," "Shut," and "Open" – Everyday English Words Explained!
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
3M ago
高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 -- LINE GO 租車,13大廠牌、60種車款任你挑選! 免下載APP,用 LINE 即可預約租車? 完成會員註冊,免費領 $1,200 大禮包? 輸入「門市日租」,還可以再折200元! 立即領取? https://bit.ly/4fnRp4i 不論是長途旅行、短期代步、七人座的大車, LINE GO 租車都能滿足各種用車需求! ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- In this episode of English for Kids, Teacher Tim breaks down the meanings and uses of some common but confusing English phrases: "turn on," "turn off," "close," "shut," and "open." Learn when and how to use these everyday words in fun, simple examples, and practice along with us! Plus, find out more abo ..read more
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Learning the Future Tense with Teacher Tim! | English for Kids Podcast
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
4M ago
台灣女孩別再Emo啦! 當妳為工作所苦、被生活壓得喘不過氣 別讓菸品使妳面容憔悴,讓菸、淹沒妳的美! 戒菸~唯一正解! 請大口呼氣、盡情釋放壓力! 快撥打免費戒菸專線0800-636363 戒菸服務合約醫事機構查詢: https://bit.ly/3ZQrWMa 國民健康署廣告 -- 高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Join Teacher Tim on this fun-filled episode of the English for Kids podcast as we jump into a time machine and learn all about the future tense! In this episode, kids will learn how to use "will" and "going to" to talk about the exciting things they plan to do tomorrow, next week, or even next year! With fun examples, songs, an ..read more
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The Verb Game: Fun Action Words for ESL Kids!
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
5M ago
Get ready to move with Teacher Tim in this exciting episode of English for Kids! Today, we’re learning all about verbs, the action words that tell us what’s happening. Play a fun guessing game where you try to figure out verbs like run, jump, and dance. Perfect for young ESL learners who want to improve their grammar and vocabulary through fun games. Let’s explore the world of verbs together! Join our online class: headstartacademy.teachable.com/p/billingual-grade-1-english-grammar ..read more
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The Adjective Game: Fun Ways to Describe for ESL Kids!
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
5M ago
In this exciting episode of English For Kids, Teacher Tim takes you on a fun adventure to learn all about adjectives! Play a guessing game where you try to figure out what’s being described using cool adjectives like fluffy, big, and colorful. Perfect for young English learners who want to improve their grammar and vocabulary while having fun. Let’s play and learn together! Join our online class: headstartacademy.teachable.com/p/billingual-grade-1-english-grammar ..read more
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Adventures with Adjectives: Learning Descriptive Words!
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
5M ago
高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Join our online class: headstartacademy.teachable.com/p/billingual-grade-1-english-grammar In this fun and exciting episode of Headstart Academy as we go on a magical adventure to learn all about adjectives! Discover how words like big, small, soft, and colorful help us describe the world around us. Play a guessing game, sing along to a catchy adjective song, and use your own adjectives to make sentences more fun! Perfect for young English learners who want to expand ..read more
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Comparatives and Superlative Grammar Fun
English For Kids
by Tim Ngai
5M ago
生活處處需要用到錢 你的存款由中央存保來守護 在台灣如遇到金融機構發生問題 中央存款保險公司將依法賠付存款人 最高享有新臺幣300萬元保額 新臺幣加外幣存款,本金利息都有保! https://bit.ly/4cGHepO                   免保費 #打拼人生要有存保 #中央存保廣告 -- 高雄美術特區2-4房全新落成,《惟美術》輕軌C22站散步即到家,近鄰青海商圈,卡位明星學區,徜徉萬坪綠海。 住近美術館,擁抱優雅日常,盡現驕傲風範!美術東四路X青海路 07-553-3838 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Join our online class: headstartacademy.teachable.com/p/billingual-grade-1-english-grammar Are you confused about comparatives and superlatives? This episode is here to help! We'll break down the rules and provide plenty of examples to make learning these grammar concepts a breeze. From comparing adjectives to unders ..read more
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