Time for Change
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
3d ago
After 14 years of Tory government, Labour has swept to power on a wave of disillusionment and anger at the Conservative Party. This is an opportunity to fix much that has been broken in this country, to build a fairer society, and, crucially, to take urgent action on the existential threat of climate breakdown, which is already causing destruction around the world, hitting those who have done least to cause the crisis hardest. Will that opportunity be taken? Time to act on climate Globally, every month since June 2023 has set a new temperature record for that month. This excess heat has resu ..read more
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General Election 4th July
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
2M ago
In the narrow window of time remaining to avert dangerous climate tipping points, the next UK government must bring real solutions to move our economy off fossil fuels. It must invest to transform the economy for a cleaner, fairer future, and address the interlocking social crises this country faces. The election announcement on 22 May was certainly memorable. As Rishi Sunak spoke in the rain, Things Can Only Get Better was played loudly in the background by protesters. But - 'better' is not enough in a time of climate breakdown. We have had a year of unprecedented global temperatures, with ..read more
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Climate focus: Coral Reefs - victims of our fossil fuel addiction
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
2M ago
In their current form, coral reefs have been around for around 60 million years. A quarter of all marine life, including over 4,000 species of fish, are dependent on coral reefs at some point in their life cycle. But these extraordinary ecosystems cannot survive the regular marine heatwaves caused by global heating. In the 1980s, the first observed incidents occurred of coral reefs turning white over extended areas. Scientist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg discovered the cause. Corals are animals related to jellyfish and anemones. Their polyps take food from the water but they also depend on symbiotic a ..read more
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Climate focus: Wildfires and megadrought in Chile
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
5M ago
In the past days, wildfires have ravaged central Chile with a death toll of at least 131, and more than 300 people still missing at the time of writing. These fires are the most deadly, but not the first in recent years - six of the most destructive fire seasons on record in Chile have occurred in the past decade. Particularly notable are 2017 and February 2023 when fierce fires raged across the country killing dozens, injuring thousands, and leaving many people homeless.  The fires come on the back of an extreme heatwave. Chile’s capital Santiago reached 37.3C on 31 January, the countr ..read more
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COP28 - what happened?
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
8M ago
A ‘historic agreement’? COP28 was the first such summit in three decades of UN climate negotiations to agree the necessity of moving away from fossil fuels. Which frankly says more about the failures of the process as a whole than the success of COP28. So what are the key outcomes from Dubai that we need to understand? The final text, the ‘Global Stocktake’ did not in the end agree the ‘phase out’ of fossil fuels which more than 100 countries had called for, with oil producing nations, notably Saudi Arabia, implacably opposed. Instead, it called on countries to contribute to global effor ..read more
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There can be no environmental or climate justice when there is oppression
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
8M ago
We stand with millions around the world calling for: Ceasefire now. An end to the siege on Gaza: safe water, food, fuel, and medicine now. Release all hostages and all Palestinian political prisoners being held illegally. An end to Israel's occupation and work towards a just peace We are horrified at the ongoing suffering and condemn all attacks on civilians and collective punishment. We also look to a just solution to the conflict, based in human rights for all, and addressing Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land, apartheid policies and permanent sieges of Gaza and West Bank, whic ..read more
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Climate justice, refugees and human rights
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
9M ago
We're joining a protest at the Home Office this Saturday 4th November, following Suella Braverman's inflammatory speech at the Conservative Party Conference where she suggested that the UK was facing a 'hurricane' of migration and that the government's policy on immigration had been hampered by being 'far too squeamish about being smeared as racist'. What are the links between refugees and climate change? An obvious connection is that people are forced to leave their home by climate breakdown. Most starkly, the very existence of Pacific island states is at risk from rising sea levels. In rec ..read more
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Facts about fossil fuels - ahead of Shell's AGM
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Claire
1y ago
This Tuesday, it's Shell's AGM in London. If you can, do come and join the protest: When: 23 May, from 9am Where: ExCel London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL They will be celebrating their obscene profits - £7.6 billion over the first three months of 2023, almost £1000 every second - and obscuring the truth about the impact on people and the planet with greenwash. So lets get our facts straight about Shell and their corporate cronies: 1. We can't afford any new fossil fuel infrastructure  Climate scientists have been warning for years that we need to ke ..read more
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Support Imprisoned Protesters
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Tony
1y ago
There is a long history of juries acquitting activists in criminal cases on the basis that they are acting to prevent a greater wrong. But the right for defendants to tell the truth and give the context for their actions is under threat. In an outrageous decision, Judge Silas Reid has instructed climate protesters facing criminal charges not to refer to climate change as a motivation for their actions. When, in his defence statement, David Nixon mentioned the subject of insulation and its relation to climate change the judge jailed him for eight weeks for contempt of court. In March 2023, des ..read more
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The striking climate: If emissions get up your nose, picket
Campaign against Climate Change Blog
by Tony
1y ago
The information below, provided by our trade union group, is intended as a guide for climate activists on supporting striking workers. Of course, 'climate activists' and 'workers' are not mutually exclusive! Join a union Quick links: How do I support a picket line?, Dos and Don'ts, If you can’t physically get to a picket line (inc hardship fund links) Strikes - what, where, when Rail workers: RMT is striking on 13th, 14th, 16th 17th December, Picket locations There are further strikes planned on 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th January. Nurses and health workers ..read more
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