Looking for the next Magic SKIN Potion: Pumpkin Seed Oil
AcnEase Blog
1y ago
There are many skin potions which people feel may help different skin conditions like acne, dry skin, age or sun spots even wrinkles But a potion you can eat and cook with, enjoy as a great gourmet addition to your table while at the same time getting your body, bones, and skin healthier…. Can it be the same potion can be used as a skincare addition ? Is this real? Yes- . The answer is organic pumpkin skin oil. www.belvoro-oil.com Pumpkin seed oil is an excellent source of: Potassium.( muscles, skin, bones, nervous system, kidney, https://www.acnease.com/real-acne-treatment Magnesium. (acne ..read more
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Suffering From Adult Acne? You May Have Medical Conditions Causing Your Skin Outbreaks
AcnEase Blog
1y ago
You are 25 years old, or older. Your teen years are behind you - but your skin seems to not know. Opposite - your acne breakouts are getting more severe and more persistent… Or perhaps you did not suffer from acne as a teen and now at the age of 35 your skin shows very troubling signs of adult acne. What may be responsible for this condition? Acne is a manifestation of an internal imbalance and the result of an overproduction of sebum (skin oil) that clogs pores and mixed with dirt and bacteria gives impetus for the onset of the acne cascade. There are different reasons behind this imbalance ..read more
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Why Retinol is Good For Your Skin
AcnEase Blog
1y ago
With the arrival of Fall, days are shorter, sun exposure usually a little (or a lot !) less and longer afternoons and evenings create the perfect opportunity to dedicate a bit more time to our skin health and skincare. It is also a great time to introduce changes in your skincare routine because believe it or not but, over time, your skin “gets bored” with same products resulting in a diminished response. Therefore, Fall is the perfect time for introducing or adding new products to your routine. The goal is to make certain your skin is ready for the Holidays. Additionally, to address poten ..read more
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June is Acne Awareness Month-Do Not Fall Into Acne Myths Trap
AcnEase Blog
1y ago
Acne is a manifestation of an internal imbalance and a result of over production of oil (sebum) by your sebaceous glands. As a result – any real treatment for acne needs to involve returning the sebaceous glands to “normal” production of sebum (skin oil). If skin glands produce too much sebum – it will clog pores, attract dirt and finally attract bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) to initiate the acne cascade. It is true that some environmental factors such as diet, stress, and skincare routine (or the lack thereof) , even some medications (like hormones) can additionally exacerbate a ..read more
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Summer Skin, Hydration and Why We MUST Supply Our Bodies With H2O
AcnEase Blog
2y ago
Why we need water? 90% of our body is… water. Our blood is 90% composed of water. Water moves around oxygen and nutrients that every cell in our body needs. Water helps to form urine and flush out the waste from our bodies. In addition, it lubricates our joints, regulates our body temperature, normalizes blood pressure, prevents wrinkles….. enough? These are just some benefits of water. Since it is difficult to imagine that we would forget to drink water, nevertheless, research indicate that 75% of us are chronically dehydrated (do not provide our bodies with sufficient amount of water). T ..read more
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Why Retinol is Good For Your Skin
AcnEase Blog
2y ago
Retinol is one of the best-known skin care ingredients on the market. It is also often very misunderstood. Retinods (also called Vitamin A derivatives) really represent an umbrella name for a group of products containing retinol- a molecule that is found in the natural vegetal world. Lipophilic, once ingested it is stored in the liver and in the skin. Retinol is used by dermatologists to correct many skin problem such as the signs of ageing, wrinkles, inhomogeneous complexion and pigmentation disorders, even acne and acne scars. Highly effective, sometimes less well tolerated by sensitive skin ..read more
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Makeup Guide for Post Acne and Oil Skin
AcnEase Blog
3y ago
If you are like many other people, you assume your makeup regimen is going to help you cover up those problem areas and acne-prone regions of the skin. The problem is makeup products do not treat the underlying condition. That is why it is often beneficial to seek out natural based products that can treat your acne and then follow a few simple tips and tricks for minimizing damage to your skin from your makeup regimen. Where to Start with Acne Care If you have oily skin or you have an intense amount of acne, you may be frustrated with your makeup products. Instead of focusing first on makeup ..read more
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Post Acne Skin Care with Natural Ingredients
AcnEase Blog
3y ago
Acne affects approximately 40 to 50 million people in the United States alone. This condition is quite common in people who fall in the adolescent age bracket. However, it can also affect adults and a few in the puberty stages. Again, the condition is quite common but one that can cause discomfort and low self-esteem. Acne often occurs when tiny holes in the skin, known as pores or hair follicles, are blocked. This blockage usually occurs because of excess production of sebum, an oily substance that lubricates the skin and hair. Dead cells also play a part in the development of acne on the ski ..read more
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Can Vitamins Help Treat Acne?
AcnEase Blog
3y ago
The Impact of Vitamins on Skin Health You know the saying beauty starts from with in? This is not just a reference on morals but a very practical observation about the health of your skin. What we put in our bodies effects how we look, and there are a number of essential vitamins that do wonders for the skin. HOWEVER, they do not TREAT acne. Certain vitamins and minerals may be a great adjunct to treating acne, and help your skin to be healthy and glowing. Acne is a manifestation of an internal imbalance that leads to the overproduction of sebum (skin oil) by the sebaceous glands. This extra s ..read more
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Emergency Tips For Last-Minute Zits
AcnEase Blog
3y ago
From the change in seasons to the change in schedules, form the hormonal imbalance to the imbalanced diet all those factors may play havoc with your skin and exasperate acne breakouts. Here are some of my recommended quick fixes to make facial acne look non-existent (while waiting for the more sustained effects following your AcnEase treatment). Emergency Tips for Last-Minute Zits If the pimple is just forming and you need it cleared in a day or two, increase the evening dose of AcnEase® to 6 tablets for one or two days. To speed up healing of sudden and existing blemishes, dip a Q-tip in Te ..read more
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