Market Impact Insights
Market Impact Insights provides the latest in business leadership perspectives. Hear from global marketing and sales leaders on strategies, tactics and tips to help your business grow and succeed.
Market Impact Insights
5d ago
Leadership Coach Doug Nathan shares how conflict, while avoided and feared by many, can actually be a constructive catalyst for long term positive change. The key is knowing how to navigate the process: "It's a gift, not a curse, if you know how to unwrap it." Leaning into conflict with curiosity is vital, and having the patience not to rush into trying resolve the conflict prematurely. Conflict is the ultimate leadership test, showing whether you revert to controlling behaviors or choose to create psychological safety for genuine learning and growth ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1w ago
Derrick Mains, CEO and Founder of The Process Fixer says it is time to fundamentally rethink your approach to business operations. Drawing from W. Edwards Deming's revolutionary work, he points out "94% of all problems are system problems" yet most organizations spend their time and resources on events and behaviors that only account for 6% of issues. Leadership presence really matters in focusing on the right process improvement. "People only respect what you inspect. When you go out to the front line of the company and you ask people, 'How are you doing? Show me the work you're doing'... tha ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1w ago
Accomplished CMO Natalie Cunningham shows how inspired marketing leadership is all about embracing change and flexibility with her mantra "everything you do is in pencil." True marketing impact goes beyond climbing a corporate job ladder to enhance your title, and the "stretch" of covering more ground while keeping your feet firmly planted in exceptional execution. Re-thinking how to engage with customers and seeing AI as "doing better" versus just "doing more" is a key part of the formula for making smarter strategic decisions in improving audience engagement ..read more
Market Impact Insights
2w ago
Dan Albaum shares with Nikolett Bacso-Albaum of Market Impact the story behind his inspiration for starting the Market Impact Insights podcast in 2018, some of his favorite episodes with exceptional leaders around the world, upcoming compelling podcast topics plus more details on an exciting new leadership development experience being offered to companies based on his book The Impact Makers ..read more
Market Impact Insights
3w ago
Cybersecurity Tribe Owner and Co-Founder Dorene Rettas sees the current cybersecurity landscape as more complex than ever, where InfoSec has evolved from the "Department of NO" to the "Department of KNOW." With bad actors leveraging AI faster than defenders, getting board buy-in for proactive security measures means stop talking about tech. Instead, focus on the financial impact and brand damage that pose real risks. True leadership is about meeting people where they are. "You have to remember, not everybody works like you ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1M ago
Leadership Coach Meisha Rouser shares her incredible journey from IT to coaching exceptional leaders, learning the valuable lesson that following your passion is not just a cliche, it is truly game-changing. She knows servant leadership is not about checking boxes, it is a philosophy of putting people first, even in the midst of making very tough decisions. By embracing multigenerational teams and investing in understanding what motivates GenZ workers, leaders are better positioned for sustainable growth ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1M ago
Keap CEO and Co-Founder Clate Mask shares his challenging journey to building sustainable growth, including three years of struggle where "29 days out of every month were brutal." Great companies mean hiring great people and his counterintuitive approach completely flips the script on traditional "hire for skills first" models. Embrace humility and drop the pursuit of being a "superhero" leader, it may actually stunt your company's growth ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1M ago
Next Level Growth Founder & CEO Michael Erath has gone from the depths of losing literally everything to the heights of building a high-impact coaching business built on a foundation of emotional intelligence that is literally changing lives. Hear his inspiring journey following a business partner's betrayal to systemic success through his "Five Obsessions" framework, never forgetting that unchecked, success can be your worst enemy ..read more
Market Impact Insights
1M ago
The Connective Good Founder & Executive Recruiter Erica Seidel shares timely advice about navigating the current dynamic marketplace as both a marketing executive candidate and as an organization seeking to hire exceptional marketing leaders. She has seen first hand how CMOs don't fail for lack of talent or effort, they fail for lack of clear role design and expectation setting. Relationships still matter, especially between the CMO and CRO where close alignment pays off all the way up to presenting to the Board ..read more
Market Impact Insights
2M ago
Chief Communications Officer Becca Chambers shares her unique and compelling journey from surviving a rogue wave in the North Pacific to becoming a visionary communications leader who embraces her neurodiversity: "The less I tried to act like everybody else, the better I did in my job". The best corporate communications teams never forget "we're not here to just tell people stuff. We're here to make people care ..read more