Let's Talk Global Warming
Let's Talk Global Warming is a podcast dedicated to raising awareness for global warming and other related environmental issues by giving detailed, yet understandable, information about the causes and effects of global warming as well as the solutions being proposed to stop it.
Let's Talk Global Warming
2y ago
The economy is one topic that always comes up during any discussion of global warming. But, what about those people who are often overlooked by the modern dog-eat-dog global markets of today? In this episode, we discuss how global warming affects those who are poor more than anyone else as well as how global warming is preventing those in poverty from escaping poverty.
Environment and Development Economics Journal:
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/environment-and-development-economics/article/poverty-and-climate-change-introduction/EAE3DA276184ED0DAEE6062E5DB0DB17 ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
Want to know how evaporation and poop play a role in climate change? This episode is a summary of episodes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 where we learned all about the greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases, and how they are influencing global warming. If you would like to know more about any of the topics described, make sure to listen to the episode pertaining to it or commenting on Instagram or in the comment section.
“News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod licensed under CC BY. Edited to be shorter but content was not changed.
Link to Song Profile: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4122 ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
In 2019, Australia began to fight the flames of wildfires that wouldn't last days or weeks; they would last for months. In the face of the tragedy of lost lives and the courage of those intent on fighting the flames, what is really happening in Australia? Why is it happening? Why didn't the government do something to prevent the fires in the first place? Learn about the Australian Wildfires in this episode.
Link for Donations:
Links for Sources:
https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/01/australia/australia-fires-explainer-intl ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
As the greenhouse gas with the most emissions, Carbon Dioxide has become a household name. But, what do you really know about it? In this episode, you will learn about Carbon Dioxide's characteristics, sources, and some of the action being taken to prevent further emissions
Carbon Dioxide:
Where emissions come from:
Deforestation:&n ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
COVID-19 has run rampant around the world. Economies are suffering, public health is weakening, and panic is arising. But, has anyone stopped to ask how COVID-19 is affecting the climate? Even better, has anyone stopped to wonder what part climate change played in making COVID-19 worse? I explain this and more in this episode of Let's Talk Global Warming.
China and New York Emissions (BBC):
American Lung Association:
Nitrogen Dioxide (NASA ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
Water Vapor is a fundamental part of the water cycle... and a greenhouse gas? This episode is all about how Water Vapor effects the global warming and other greenhouse gases.
Water Cycle:
Water Vapor:
“News Theme” by Kevin MacLeod licensed under CC BY. Edited to be shorter but content was not changed.
Link to Song Profile: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4122-news-theme/
Link to Author’s Profile: https ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
When discussing solutions to combat emissions in the energy sector, many avoid bringing up nuclear energy due to the controversy surrounding it. Is nuclear energy bad? Could it be a part of a greener future? Why is it so controversial? We will answer these questions and more in this episode. Here, I explain what nuclear energy is, the pros and cons relating to it, as well as some of the history behind it.
Union of Concerned Scientists:
Energy Sage:
https://www.energysage.com/about-clean-energy/nuclear-energy/pros-an ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
After years of worsening hurricanes seasons, seemingly never ending rain, and flooding in areas that have never flooded before, have you stopped to wonder why it's all getting so much worse? In this episode, I talk about extreme precipitation, floods, and hurricanes, how they have gotten worse because of global warming, and the consequences of these worsened events.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2881/earths-freshwater-future-extremes-of-flood-and-drought/
Union Of Concerned Scientists:
Flooding/Extreme Precipitation: https://www ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
In this episode, I discuss three of the most popular sources of renewable energy: solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy including what they are, how they produce electricity, and some pros and cons to each one.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
Solar feeds
ZME Science
Energy Sage
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
htt ..read more
Let's Talk Global Warming
3y ago
Even though it is known as laughing gas, the threat nitrous oxide poses to our environment is no laughing matter. Stronger than both Methane and Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide is a dangerous greenhouse gas. This episode is about why it is dangerous, where it is coming from, and what can be done to avoid emissions.
Links To Sources:
Nitrous Oxide:https://www.carbonbrief.org/nitrous-oxide-emissions-could-double-by-2050-study-finds
https://insideclimatenews.org/news/1109 ..read more