"Woman in Space" with Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor, NASA Astronaut
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our eighth episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor. She served as NASA's first engineer on the International Space Station for Expedition 56 and 57. She is board certified in internal and aerospace medicine. She is of Cuban-American heritage. She and her crew contributed to multitudes of experiments and biology, biotechnology, physical science, and earth science. We really enjoyed talking with her and learning more about women in space. We hope you enjoy the episode. @NASA @WomeninSpace  ..read more
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"Senate Bill 8" with Dr. Kyle Bukowski, Planned Parenthood and Dr. Selina Sandoval, UCSD
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our seventh (emergency) episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Selina Sandoval and Dr. Kyle Bukowski. Dr. Sandoval is a complex family planning fellow at UCSD OB/GYN department and Dr. Bukoswki is the associate medical director at Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest. We wanted to talk about the recent passing of Senate Bill 8, aka heartbeat bill at Texas. This law would block women from seeking an abortion after 6 weeks from their menstrual period which affects the basic human right to make their own choice for their body and not be seen as a human incubat ..read more
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"Distance Traveled" with Roberta Camarena, UCSD Admissions
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our sixth episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Ms.Roberta Camarena. She is the assistant director of admissions, diversity, and recruitment at UCSD. Her job encompasses: Outreach, recruitment and yield of prospective students with specific attention to traditionally underrepresented (low income, first-generation, tribal affiliated) populations in Southern California's Inland Empire. While the admissions process might seem like a black box, we had a glimpse through the process from her and discussed some tips and tricks to explain the most crucial thing in dec ..read more
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"Self-Reflection" with Dr.Kristina Mendez, UCSD CAPS
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our fifth episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Kristina Mendez. She is part of UCSD CAPS, which stands for Counseling and Psychological Services. She is currently a post-doctoral resident at UCSD and has great interests in Latinx students, chronic stress related to systemic oppression, and more. She reminded us of the importance of self-reflection and most importantly the resources UCSD provides to support student well-being.   After our discussion, I realized my internal hesitance towards seeking these services disappeared. Counselors are like ..read more
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"We Need You" with Dr. Natalie Rodriguez
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our fourth episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Natalie Rodriguez who is the Associate Clinical Professor of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD. She is also Associate Director of the UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project. Both Scarlett and I had the pleasure of working with her at the free clinic and seeing her passion for the underserved patient population in San Diego. She is also passionate about mentoring aspiring Latinx pre-meds and medical students. We hope you enjoy this episode.   --   Hearing Her Voice is brought ..read more
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"Women in Science" Panel discussion with WMSD@UCSD officers
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our third episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we bring the people behind the scenes. The officers from Women's March San Diego at UCSD During our weekly board meetings, we realized we all had a personal story when we faced or witnessed discrimination against women in science. Come join us and learn more about what each member has experienced. It was great fun talking to everybody and we hope you enjoy the talk as much as we did.   --  Hearing Her Voice is brought to you by Women’s March San Diego at UCSD.  Producer: Scarlett Lopez, Jinho Jung   Design Director: Melisa Wang ..read more
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"Not Cool Man" with Dr. Anita Raj, UCSD Center on Gender Equity and Health
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
On our first episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we have Dr. Anita Raj, director of Center on Gender Equity and Health at University of California, San Diego. It was inspirational for us to listen to her passion in the field of gender equity alongside her support for first-generation college students and immigrants. In the podcast, we'll be discussing gender issues, Dr. Raj's journey to her career, the importance of support groups and more. We had a great time talking to her and we hope you enjoy the recording as well ..read more
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Welcome to Hearing Her Voice
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
2y ago
Women deserve a life that should not be governed by the perceptions imposed on us. Women's March at UC San Diego is here to make a stand for those whose voices are not being heard. Welcome to Hearing Her Voice where we aim to bring light to issues that women face in order to start making revolutionary change.  ..read more
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"Woman in Space" with Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor, NASA Astronaut
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
3y ago
On our eighth episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor. She served as NASA's first engineer on the International Space Station for Expedition 56 and 57. She is board certified in internal and aerospace medicine. She is of Cuban-American heritage. She and her crew contributed to multitudes of experiments and biology, biotechnology, physical science, and earth science. We really enjoyed talking with her and learning more about women in space. We hope you enjoy the episode. @NASA @WomeninSpace  ..read more
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"Senate Bill 8" with Dr. Kyle Bukowski, Planned Parenthood and Dr. Selina Sandoval, UCSD
Hearing Her Voice
by Women's March San Diego at UC San Diego
3y ago
On our seventh (emergency) episode of "Hearing Her Voice", we had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Selina Sandoval and Dr. Kyle Bukowski. Dr. Sandoval is a complex family planning fellow at UCSD OB/GYN department and Dr. Bukoswki is the associate medical director at Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest. We wanted to talk about the recent passing of Senate Bill 8, aka heartbeat bill at Texas. This law would block women from seeking an abortion after 6 weeks from their menstrual period which affects the basic human right to make their own choice for their body and not be seen as a human incubat ..read more
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