A Cry for Cleanliness: The Right to Clean Water & Adequate Nutrition During Pregnancy & Childbirth
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 10 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the right to adequate nutrition & clean water.  We start with Jacqueline Mwase , who shares what it was like to give birth to a beautiful baby girl, Jacinta, in a health facility in Malawi that lacked access to clean water. Then w ..read more
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Unrecognized and uncounted: Why a legal identity from birth is a universal human right
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth. This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 9 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the right every child has to an identity and nationality from birth. We start with Samuel Senfuka, who went through an arduous process to prove that he had been born and legally existed while applying for school in Uganda. Then we chat with legal ..read more
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Better together: why are we still separating newborns from their mothers immediately after childbirth?
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 8 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right every child has to be with their parents or guardians. We start with the story of Sabina Jankovičová who suffered through a traumatic separation from her newborn and is now an advocate in Slovakia and beyond for keeping moth ..read more
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En Español - COVID-19: el reto para México y la salud de las mujeres/Spanish-language episode - COVID-19: The Challenge for Mexico and Women’s Health
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Respectful care and a life free from abuse is due to every woman in every health system around the world – no matter what. Even during the current COVID-19 crisis.  In this very special Spanish-language episode of the Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast, we’re talking about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on pregnancy and childbirth in Mexico. More than ever, women and newborns need quality maternity care services—and healthworkers must be supported to provide that care. There are no exceptions in times of crisis, even the current COVID-19 pandemic, which is putting more pressur ..read more
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Motherhood in Chains: Detention and Other Violations of Liberty
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 7 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right to liberty, autonomy, self-determination & freedom from arbitrary detention during pregnancy and childbirth.  We start with the story of Marie who was detained in a rural Haitian health center for two months after g ..read more
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Birth Justice & the Right to Healthcare
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 6 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right to healthcare and to the highest attainable level of health. We start with two very different experiences of birth, from Elvia Rosario Muñoz Martínez in Mexico and Helen Abdul from Nigeria. Then we talk with Birth Justice a ..read more
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Ending Racism & Discrimination During Childbirth
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 5 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right to equality, freedom from discrimination & equitable care during pregnancy and childbirth. We hear from Bruce McIntyre, who bravely shares the story of his partner Amber Rose Isaac's experience with racism during childbi ..read more
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Dignity and Respect During Childbirth: It's What Women Want
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 4 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right to be treated with dignity & respect during pregnancy and childbirth.  We hear from Mercyline Ongachi, a young mother from Kenya, who bravely shares her story of mistreatment and disrespect during the birth of her t ..read more
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Where There Are No Curtains: The Importance of Privacy During Childbirth
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Too often, treating women with respect is seen as a luxury. It is not. Violations of human rights during childbirth are all too common in labor wards, hurting women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  This episode of White Ribbon Alliance’s Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast explores Article 3 of the Respectful Maternity Care Charter, and the human right to privacy and confidentiality during pregnancy and childbirth.  We hear from Rose Mlay, a midwife from Tanzania, who shares the all too common experience of women forced to give birth without the chance for personal pr ..read more
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Pregnancy in a Pandemic: Respectful Care During COVID
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You
by White Ribbon Alliance
4y ago
Respectful care and a life free from abuse is due to every woman in every health system around the world – no matter what, even during the current COVID-19 crisis. In this very special episode of White Ribbon Alliance's Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast, we’re talking about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on pregnancy and childbirth. More than ever, women and newborns need quality maternity care services - and healthworkers must be supported to provide that care. There are no exceptions in times of crisis, even the current COVID-19 pandemic, which is putting more pressure on already ..read more
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