America's Healthcare Advocate
Listen to KCMO Talk Radio Saturdays at 2 pm for America's Healthcare Advocate as we discuss the importance of life insurance and how to purchase it in the most cost-effective matter and why buying it online or from a quoting service may not be your best option. Cary Hall is the host of America's Healthcare Advocate and President of Benefits By Design, Inc. Whether you need individual,..
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
On the show today, we will discuss a partnership between Bowtie Medical and Detego Health. So, if you're a broker, or if you're an employer of any size business, I don't care if you've got 10 employees, 100 employees or 200 employees, you're going to want to listen to this because this is a different way, to get health insurance and Dr Firouz Daneshgari is back on my show to lay it all out for us. Excerpt, Dr Daneshgari: "And the scientific evidence shows more harms, more hazards and that's why the medical errors have become the number three, cause of death in this country. And every time I sa ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
A deep dive into Claims, Health Insurance Cost and Care Denied, and why this is happening right now. Today’s show is one that, I think needed to be done. And there are probably a lot of people who are not going to like some of the things I'm going to say, but it needs to be said. I want to talk about the murder, the murder of Brian Thompson, the CEO of United HealthCare. And I want to talk about where we're at in this country with what we're thinking and what we're doing, and how we're acting out on those thoughts. Then, regarding healthcare in America, I'm going to talk about the actual probl ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
With over 28 years caring for employees, over 1200 businesses and over 500,000 employees including public, private, white collar and blue collar, LEAPCare is something employers can make available to their employees. Join me as I speak with Melvin Swafford, VP of LEAPCare and Regional Director Ryan Lilly, LEAP Care for this compelling and compassionate story of caring that you could also bring to your employees. AHA S20 Ep21 For more information: https://leapcare.org 423-715-0693 If you need help or have something to share, contact me Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate Visit https://www ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
Our guest is Shannon Schneller from Focus Hearing in the KC Metro, who will discuss both sudden and gradual hearing loss, why when getting a tested the its "the sooner the better", how hearing loss is sneaky and that even younger people can have hearing loss, plus, what is a hearing test like? Learn more! Visit Focus Hearing https://myfocushearing.com or call (913) 754-2144 and as always if you need help or have something to share? Contact me, Cary Hall, America's Healthcare Advocate: https://www.americashealthcareadvocate.com/contact-us ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
This week our guest Terri Raimondi joins host Cary Hall for a revealing look into the high cost of health insurance and why its so high. Our experts tell all and you're going to learn where is the money going (and guess who pays for it)? Cary Hall: "You know, they always say, follow the money. We're going to help you follow the money. And we're going to have that discussion about national health care and how it works. And why is it the Europeans spend less on health care and than we do. We're going to talk about all those things today with this national expert Terri Raimondi here in the AHA st ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
1M ago
On this Multi Topica Show, I review What Happens When the FDA Approves, then CMS Dooms Biogen's Alzheimers Drug Aduhelm, and what else is affected? Moderna Success with RSV Vaccine using mRNA Technology, the same tech used in creating the Covid Vaccine The Homeless Issue: Cities & Homeless Fight. Local governments have been experimenting with a range of homeless policies, such as involuntarily removing people from the streets when they appear to be mentally ill, confiscating their belongings, and evicting homeless people from public property. The Bright Side Of 2022 (vs the negative skew a ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
3M ago
Each year we go over all that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City is offering Federal Employees and BlueKC's Ron Miller joins us to explain the plan details. This year federal employees still call 1-800-411-BLUE for more information and they've added a special number for Postal Workers, (816) 395-2115 locally or the toll free 1-833-467-2140. Visit https://www.fepblue.org for more information and because it's a short time window, here are the dates of events for both Actives and Annuitants you’ll find on the fepblue.org “Find an event” page: Postal Wednesdays – • November 6th: Annuitants ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
3M ago
Today we have a discussion on national health care that is fascinating and will blow your mind with a doctor we call Dr Bowtie. My expert guest is Dr. Firouz Daneshgari, MD, MBA, FPMRS, FACS. Dr. Daneshgari: “Our eyes are very open to this concept that 50%, more than half of what is done in our hospital based system is a waste. That is why it is a Sick Care based system. Not only do we want to eliminate the waste to save the money in your pocket and your insurance money, but also a good portion of this unnecessary care causes actual harm! Instead, you'll have 24 seven access to this dedicated ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
4M ago
I am pleased to offer our experts from JD Power Award Winning BlueKC (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City) to lay out their new, 2025 Medicare Supplement options and tell us more about why some companies are also withdrawing their Medicare Advantage plans in 2025. Our Experts from BlueKC are: Barron Roberts, Manager of Small Group, Medicare and Individual Sales; Barb Bins, Broker Development and Engagement Manager, and Ryan Roth, Department Vice President of Sales. Here we go into open enrollment for AEP and open enrollment for the individual plans in November for Obamacare, ACA and this ..read more
America's Healthcare Advocate
5M ago
My guest Dr. Arden Andersen has experienced it himself and now his patients as well have life changing, life improving experiences to share. With him, Dr. Emilio John suffered terribly for many years, and he also has experienced a return to a feeling of wellness. To hear them tell their stories is both moving and exciting. But what are they talking about? They work at a new facility in Lenexa Kansas called PainLab and they have brought together non-invasive state of the art tools that are bringing solutions for those needing neurological and mobility support. Here is an excerpt: “And so we can ..read more