Barista Hustle Blog
Dive into Barista Hustle articles and free resources created for baristas and coffee professionals. Explore a wealth of expert insights and in-depth commentary on crucial coffee-related topics within these thought-provoking posts. Barista Hustle, a team of baristas, educators, and product designers, considers their mission to help the world make better coffee.
Barista Hustle Blog
3w ago
The dos and don’ts when it comes to kitting out your new cafe start-up. We go into everything from the dish pit, to your choice of grinder. Don’ts include ‘stickers on your espresso machine...
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Barista Hustle Blog
3M ago
If you opened your first cafe with a nice reliable second hand LM Linea and you’re curious to know how it compares to a more modern (and more expensive) equivalent, then this blog post is for you.
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Barista Hustle Blog
6M ago
We think we've finally worked out what happens to your coffee grinds, when you include shaking in your espresso prep routine. It's definitely not deification. After this new experiment it looks like...
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Barista Hustle Blog
7M ago
While baristas were starting to worry about their job security in 2017, this month it seems like it’s the floor staff that the droids are coming for instead. At Naver, food delivery and bussing empties are...
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
Last month, we wrote about why you might want to shake your grounds before making espresso. Lance Hedrick’s testing showed that shaking was somehow dramatically increasing extraction in his espressos...
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
Densification results in more spherical coffee particles, which allows them to pack together more evenly. This in turn would allow water to flow more evenly through the puck. To understand why spherical particles...
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
You've probably heard that scientists recently caught up with something home baristas have known for nearly two decades: that spraying your coffee with water just before grinding can reduce the amount of static created....
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
Grinding coffee bean-by-bean is up there with cryogenic grinding, double grinding and re-processing as a kind of impractical perfection — all of which are generally dismissed as inappropriate for the commercial environment...
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
The defining feature of this new wave of high extraction filter baskets for espresso is the pattern of holes at the bottom of the basket. Manufacturers have completely re-thought the way these are laid out, to ensure even extraction...
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Barista Hustle Blog
9M ago
The big leap in espresso technology is something brilliantly simple, intuitive and affordable. It’s the ‘high extraction’ filter baskets. Armed with these new baskets and better distribution tools, baristas are making different...
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