Change Maker: Brave
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Start Network’s second Change Maker in the Brave category will remain anonymous for security reasons. In this episode, he talks about his life prior to the conflict in Syria, and his feelings of shock and fear when the bombing began. Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, things have gotten worse as the healthcare system is insufficient, and people’s frequent movements make it difficult to keep track of cases. Still, our Change Maker works tirelessly to support those in need and looks at the obstacles he faces as making him ever stronger more
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Change Maker: Jessica Dewhurst
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Jessica Dewhurst is the founder and CEO of The Justice Desk, an award-winning human rights organisation based in South Africa. She is also a Start Network Change Maker in the category of Brave. In this episode, Jessica shares the heartbreaking story of how she came to be involved in the fight for human rights in South Africa. She also discusses the work that The Justice Desk is doing to fight systematic racism and gender-based violence, and to empower everyday people to become human rights activists more
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Change Maker: Heba Abu Jarbou
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Heba Abu Jarbou works as a Quality Assurance Officer at Islamic Relief in Palestine. She is also Start Network’s Change Maker in the category of Inclusive. In this episode, Heba talks about her work to train colleagues on issues related to gender, protection and inclusion, and how to consider them in the lifecycle of all projects. She also discusses her latest project to develop an inclusive feedback and complaints mechanism that will allow those with disabilities to report issues more easily more
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Change Maker: Union pour la Promotion, la Défense des Droits Humains et l'Environnement
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Méschac Nakanywenge est le coordinateur de l'Union pour la Promotion, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l'Environnement à Goma, République Démocratique du Congo (UPDDHE-GL), qui est le Start Network Change Maker dans la catégorie Localisation. Dans cet épisode, Méschac parle de son travail pour le développement de la RDC, en particulier en ce qui concerne les femmes et les jeunes. Il se concentre sur la formation dans les secteurs divers afin de les aider à accroître leur autonomie more
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Change Maker: Feminist Humanitarian Network
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
The Feminist Humanitarian Network is a network of local and national women’s rights organisations, national and regional women’s networks, international NGOs, academic organisations, funding institutions, and individuals. It is also Start Network’s Change Maker in the category of Operates Collectively. In this episode, Anu Pillay, Holly Miller and Naomi Tulay-Solanke discuss how they got interested in feminism, and the creation of the network through a common goal of challenging patriarchal systems that oppress women around the world. They also discuss how coming together as a group of femini more
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Change Maker: Ben Ramalingam
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Ben Ramalingam is a senior research associate at the Overseas Development Institute. He is also Start Network's Change Maker in the category of Collective Innovation. In this episode, Ben shares his personal experience of being a refugee after the breakout of the 1983 civil war in Sri Lanka. We discuss how this experience led him to the humanitarian sector and the challenges he faced along the way, including the struggle to promote new ways of working more
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Change Maker: Andrea Coché Mendoza
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Andrea Coché Mendoza trabaja para la Asociación MAIA en Sololá, Guatemala. También es una Change Maker de Start Network en la categoría de Poner a la Gente Primero. En este episodio, Andrea habla sobre la historia de la pobreza en su familia y su experiencia como la primera de su familia en graduarse, inspirada por el trabajo de su madre en la salud comunitaria. También habla de la labor que la Asociación MAIA está realizando para ofrecer oportunidades a las mujeres indígenas y crear una generación de mujeres líderes en Guatemala more
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Change Maker: Alfredo Mahar Lagmay
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
1M ago
Alfredo Mahar Lagmay is a professor at the University of the Philippines’ National Institute of Geological Sciences and the Executive Director of the NOAH Center (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards). He is also Start Network’s Change Maker in the category of Faster and Early Action. In this episode, we look at Mahar’s work in studying explosive eruptions to protect and save more lives. Mahar also discusses the importance of proper planning, and educating and involving the community in disaster management more
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Change Maker: Brave
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
3y ago
Start Network’s second Change Maker in the Brave category will remain anonymous for security reasons. In this episode, he talks about his life prior to the conflict in Syria, and his feelings of shock and fear when the bombing began. Now with the COVID-19 pandemic, things have gotten worse as the healthcare system is insufficient, and people’s frequent movements make it difficult to keep track of cases. Still, our Change Maker works tirelessly to support those in need and looks at the obstacles he faces as making him ever stronger more
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Change Maker: Jessica Dewhurst
Start Network: Stories of Change
by Start Network
3y ago
Jessica Dewhurst is the founder and CEO of The Justice Desk, an award-winning human rights organisation based in South Africa. She is also a Start Network Change Maker in the category of Brave. In this episode, Jessica shares the heartbreaking story of how she came to be involved in the fight for human rights in South Africa. She also discusses the work that The Justice Desk is doing to fight systematic racism and gender-based violence, and to empower everyday people to become human rights activists more
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