Fish Tank Setups
Hi, my name is Jordan. I've owned fish during my childhood and took a deeper interest after my girlfriend and I purchased a 10-gallon tank for our daughter. In my blog, I cover top-rated aquarium products & reviews.
Fish Tank Setups
6M ago
LED aquarium lighting is quickly becoming a popular choice within fish tanks. Why? There are tons of benefits that help aquarists like you grow plants ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
1y ago
A proper aquarium environment involves more than just the right tank and beautiful fish. It requires careful consideration of water quality, where aquarium filters play a vital role.
It can be overwhelming to determine the best aquarium filter for your tank among the many available options. Let’s explore the upsides and downsides of different aquarium filters.
Table of Contents
Canister Filter: Versatile and Efficient
Power Filters: Simplicity and Effectiveness
Internal Filters: Compact and Affordable
Brief Overview: Pros and Cons of Aquarium Canister, Power, and Internal Filters
Conclusion ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
One of the most commonly owned fish, most Goldfish spend their time alone in a glorified cereal bowl. Goldfish have a lot to offer when it comes to color and appearance. Fortunately, they don’t have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to making the tank look good. Goldfish can coexist peacefully with ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
If color is something you look for in a fish, guppies are definitely a fish to look into. Easy to care for and extraordinarily beautiful, guppies make a wonderful addition to any aquarium, beginner or expert. We all know, though, that fish looks best when they aren’t alone. Guppies can coexist with a wide range ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
Betta fish, which are also called Siamese Fighting fish, are among the most popular fish in the world of aquariums for a reason. They are absolutely striking, with their beautiful color diversity and fanning tails. They are also very easy to take care of and because of that are great first-time pets for aquarium owners ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
Cichlids are fascinating fish. Cichlids are fish from the family of Cichlidae, which are found in the tropical and subtropical waters of Central and South America, Africa, and even parts of Iran and India. The most well-known types of Cichlids are Tilapia, Angelfish, Oscars, and Discus. Most aquarium cichlids are named after their vibrant colors ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
Betta fish are absolutely gorgeous fish; their colors are vibrant and their fins are long and flowy. However, one of the big downsides of having Bettas is their aggression. Bettas are highly aggressive towards just about anything in their vicinity, especially other Bettas. This aggression makes Bettas seem unsuitable to have tank mates of any ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
Though tank crashes aren’t an overly common experience, it’s a reality that we have to live with that power outages do always seem to happen when you’re least prepared. A tank crash could force you to restart your entire collection of fish, which is not only devastating to pet owners but costly. So to prepare ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
A very common choice for aquariums, Cichlids of all varieties can make a tank pop with their naturally vibrant colors and a large variety of shapes and sizes. As varied as Cichlids may be, it’s always good to shake up the tank with some additional species as tank mates to give the aquarium more life ..read more
Fish Tank Setups
4y ago
Every great tank needs great fish. Otherwise, unless you have a planted tank, what’s the point of having a fish tank if you don’t have any fish? Angelfish are wonderful additions to any tank, but be sure to pick the right tank mates if you don’t want fights to break out between your beloved fish ..read more