Modest Fish
Modest Fish was created in order to make it easy for anyone to start their own aquarium. Our mission is to provide a wealth of information for new and seasoned aquatic hobbyists. Here, you can find helpful information on owning an aquarium, types of fish and other aquatic animals, guides, and fun!
Modest Fish
7M ago
After successfully breeding angelfish myself a number of times, I’ve got to say, angels aren’t the hardest to breed, but it does take some serious labor to get the fry raised up so they can be rehoused.
Breeding angelfish is really fun and extremely rewarding, but it’s quite a commitment to raise the fry.
So, today I’ll go over the ins and outs of breeding angels and raising their fry.
An Outlet for Fry
Before you start breeding angelfish, make sure that you have a solid way to rehome the fry that you breed.
Angelfish can produce a hundred babies with each spawning and each breeding pair ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Root tabs are a great way to deliver fertilizer to root-feeding plants, like Amazon swords, vallisneria or sagittaria.
They’re a great way to supplement your plants, even if you don’t have nutrient rich plant substrate.
But, root tabs are powerful fertilizers that aren’t suited to every tank.
Today, I’ll go over what kind of tanks do and don’t need root tabs, and then some of the different kinds of root tabs that are available on the market, so you can make the best choice for your aquarium.
Overview On Root Tabs
Not every tank needs root tabs, far from it, in fact. Tabs are ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
We recently ran a survey of 3,000 Americans to gauge their favorite alternative hobbies for 2024. The surprising findings are illustrated in the map below.
Key Findings:
Beekeeping is the most popular hobby for 2024, highlighting a desire to connect with nature and contribute to environmental sustainability.
Aquascaping and Aquarium Keeping rank second, indicating a growing interest in creating and maintaining intricate underwater ecosystems.
Falconry emerges as the third favorite, showcasing a fascination with wildlife and the ancient tradition of training birds of prey.
Lapidary, the art o ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Blue crayfish aren’t ideal for everyone. They must be kept in their own tank, and they love nothing more than ripping up every plant you added into their environment.
However, saying that, blue crayfish have tons of personality and when in the right conditions, can be wonderful to watch.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know in order to create the best environment and set up the ideal tank for a blue crayfish.
Blue Crayfish Quick Stats
Care Level: medium
Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons (113 liters)
pH: 7.0-8.0
Temperature: 65°-82°F (18°-28°C)
Diet: omnivore
Temperament ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Pothos is a very easy plant to grow in aquariums and is an excellent addition to any aquascape.
And one I love to incorporate into my tanks.
In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to grow and care for pothos in your own tank. Including, how to place, plant, propagatem and maintain this visually stunning plant in your aquarium.
Pothos Plant Quick Care Stats
Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum
Family: Araceae
Order: Alismatales
Genus: Epipremnum
Care Level: easy
Growth Rate: medium
Maximum Size: 6.5 feet (2 meters)
Water Conditions: pH range of 5.0-8.0, temperature 63°-86°F (17°-30°C)
Li ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri), also known as bacopa or waterhyssop, is an easy to grow stem plant.
It can reach heights of up to 12 inches and makes an excellent background plant for medium to large tanks.
In this guide, I’ll teach you how to provide the right care for moneywort plant, including how to plant, propagate, and which tanks it suits best.
Moneywort Quick Care Stats
Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Family: Plantaginaceae
Order: Lamiales
Genus: Bacopa
Care Level: easy
Growth Rate: medium
Maximum Size: 12 inches (30 centimeters)
Water Conditions: pH range of 6.0-8.0, temperature ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Marimo moss balls (Aegagropila linnaei) aren’t actually moss balls at all.
They’re a unique kind of algae that can grow in the shape of a sphere when it is pushed along the substrate by water currents. It is native to Japan, Northern Europe and Iceland.
In nature, marimo can also be found growing on the underside of rocks or sunken logs, or as loose tufts that can pile up on the bottom of a lake.
Marimo balls are a very popular addition to aquariums where they can add a bit of visual variety. And in this guide, I’ll teach you how to successfully care for marimo moss balls in your own tan ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Silicone is important when it comes to glass aquariums.
It holds the tank walls together and provides waterproofing; it’s what keeps the water inside your tank and off of your floors.
So, if you’re trying to reseal a leaky tank, or build a new one from scratch, having the right silicone is absolutely vital.
Today, I’ll go over the three best aquarium silicones on the market so you can make an informed decision on which one will work best for you.
Quick Overview
I think the GE SCS 1200 is the best choice. It might be a little pricey, but it’s high strength and short cure time make up for this ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Daphnia are an excellent addition to your fish’s diet. They are packed with protein and are particularly good for getting fish into breeding condition.
They’re also a popular food for fish fry as they grow.
You can buy frozen or freeze dried Daphnia, but the most nutritious are fresh, live ones.
Luckily, they’re not hard to culture. Today, I’ll go over what you need to know to raise your own Daphnia to feed to your fish.
What are Daphnia?
Daphnia is a genus of tiny freshwater crustaceans, also known as common water fleas. There are over 200 species of Daphnia, but the most common ..read more
Modest Fish
1y ago
Frozen bloodworms (non-biting midge fly larvae from the family Chironomidae) are a great way to add some protein to your fish’s diet.
Even picky eaters tend to gobble these little guys up.
But, if you’re new to the hobby, you may be confused about how you’re supposed to feed these to your fish.
Have no fear! It’s really easy and I’ll be glad to go over how to do it.
Feeding Frozen Bloodworms to Fish Step-by-Step
Feeding bloodworms is quite simple.
Frozen bloodworms
Small cup
Turkey baster (optional)
Timer (optional but very handy)
Put several ounces of t ..read more