2025 Erectile Dysfunction Update
The American Chiropractor
3w ago
Address the Root Causes of Dysfunction with The Loomis System ..read more
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Ozempic GLP-1 Pitfalls and Natural Weight Balance
The American Chiropractor
3w ago
THE RECENT CRAZE OVER WEIGHT LOSS DRUGS Ozempic and Wegovy (higher dose of the drug) has led to headlines like "Weight loss drugs taking Hollywood by storm”, however, they have also led to headlines such as “We wouldn’t have Ozempic without Gila monsters — their hunger-regulating venom inspired weight-loss drugs.”  ..read more
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Three New Research Studies Advancing Biomechanical Diagnostics
The American Chiropractor
1M ago
After 40 years in private practice and being involved in state, national, and international politics for nearly the same number of years, I believe I have gained an accurate perspective about the public’s image of chiropractic. At best, the public’s image of chiropractic is that we can help low back pain ..read more
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Concierge Coaches Special E-Book
The American Chiropractor
1M ago
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Virtual + Recording Tickets Available for UNS 2024 Fall Symposium
The American Chiropractor
1M ago
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Chiropractic Business Planning
The American Chiropractor
1M ago
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Virtual + Recording Tickets Available for UNS 2024 Fall Symposium
The American Chiropractor
3M ago
DOCTORS, IF YOU WANT TO GROW YOUR PRACTICE, stop looking from the outside in and start looking from the inside out. As you will learn in this article, back pain is a billion-dollar industry. At Disc Centers of America (DCOA), we worked diligently to understand that a subluxation can become a bulge, which can become a herniation ..read more
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Understanding Stress Tolerance and Anxiety Through Genetics
The American Chiropractor
3M ago
The shoulder is the most moveable and complex joint in the human body, making it easy to injure but complicated to treat. When laser therapy is implemented correctly, a chiropractic physician can successfully treat shoulder tendinopathy, subacromial bursitis, subacromial impingement syndrome, adhesive capsulitis, and the shoulder pain and disability of a hemiplegic arm ..read more
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Texas Chiropractic College hosts investiture for first female President
The American Chiropractor
6M ago
Parker Seminars Takes the Stage at the New Caesar’s Forum Event Center in Las Vegas for Annual Healthcare Event ..read more
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Misdiagnosed Hip Pain Slated for Surgery
The American Chiropractor
7M ago
RECENTLY, I WAS DOING SOMETHING I don’t normally do. I allowed myself to fall into a rabbit hole on social media. Thankfully, it only lasted about ten minutes, but during that time, something disturbing happened. Nearly every other post was a promise of how to drive new patients into your practice ..read more
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