A New Life Chapter | My Personal Journey Continues
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
A gentle bend in my road beckons Time to veer away for a bit and go check it out! -Sometimes, it’s just time to head somewhere else- When your heart lets you know, you’ll know. And mine has been tugging at my sleeve lately for my full attention. Heart:  “Pssst, hey you!” Me:  “Yes, in a minute—I’m driving!” Heart:  “I know, but it’s time to slow down.” Me:  “I don’t have time for that!” Heart:  “Ummm, you don’t have time not to!” Me:  “I have to keep going or I won’t get There!” Heart+Soul:  “Are you sure you know where There is? We don’t thin ..read more
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Holiday Advice: Don’t Place These Three Things Under Your Tree!
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
Holiday countdown in 3—2—1…let the shopping begin! Does it feel like the race is on, now that Christmas commercialism is in full swing? Despite our best efforts, it’s easy to succumb to the notion that we need to spend freely and often. “Lowest prices all year!”   Don’t miss out on all the deals!”   “Hurry before they’re gone!”   If we truly loved our family, we would show it with a multitude of smartly wrapped gifts. Our homes would be fully decked out with holiday decor. The table would be groaning with handcrafted dishes and treats. Really? Before we get swept too deepl ..read more
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3 Weekend Shorties: Words To Make You Pause and Smile
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
Today’s Shorties are not my own words but they spoke to me and so I’m sharing for your reading pleasure as well. It’s Thanksgiving Week in the USA. We’re blanketed here with multi-layers of seasonal gratitude, family drama, and Black Friday sales notifications. So just like a couple of fish tacos washed down with a margarita would be a welcome respite after all the turkey and pumpkin pie, I thought these three Shorties would be a welcome break for your spirit! The first one is a sweet reminder, the second is a soulful nudge, and the third? Well, it made ME laugh—so I say it’s a gentle ..read more
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Organizing: Proven Concepts For A Little Home Sweet Home
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
Homemaking: enriching art,  or unending drudgery? If you ask Rebecca Phillips of RYouReadyToOrganize, it can definitely be the former. Because like anything else, our perception informs our attitude. So she’s all about easy, steady steps to transform your home into the haven you deserve. Which means she goes beyond organizing: she also shares her passion for indoor/outdoor gardening and simple recipes (especially baking ) to nurture our bodies and our spirits.  Today’s #CoffeeBreakStory continues my series about Everyday Women Over 50 living contently on their own terms, regardle ..read more
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Finding My Stride In The Third Trimester Of Life
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
Umm…what the heck does she mean by “my third trimester“? This: I intend to live into my 90s (or die trying ) so I’m simply dividing my life story into thirds. And last month, I officially stepped into my final third when I turned 60!   (Humor me ) WooHoo….Didja dance with me?? ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ OK, now I have to say, this new perspective on my remaining years  feels quite ingenious. Recently, I’d been fretting about how to Have Purpose, Keep Learning, and Remain Productive. I shared those concerns here, if you missed it. And all because I was still stuck in high-gear-car ..read more
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Clearing Space For A New Season
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
1y ago
The last quarter of the year can be an ideal time to make room in your closet for something different. Unless you live where the weather rarely changes, a new season usually heralds clearing space to accommodate changing temperatures. Yet regardless of your particular climate, periodically clearing space in your wardrobe for what truly supports your lifestyle—especially as it evolves—will serve you well. Now I’m not suggesting a full-on, pull-everything-out-and-dump-on-your-bed activity. Even I feel exhausted with the thought of that! However, consider taking 5-10 minutes daily to pull ou ..read more
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Social Ranting: Which Side Of The Fence Are You On?
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
2y ago
#CoffeeBreakStory: Is Every Thought Worth Ranting About To The World? I drastically cut back on my social media consumption during my summer hiatus, which I explained over here.  Now I’m cautiously dipping a toe back in. With a refreshed perspective, today’s story spotlights social ranting.   To be clear, I’m not ranting about it—really! Instead, I’m pondering the value of over-sharing hot buttons while under-offering solutions. And since I’m not a rambler (a definite hot button for me), top off your coffee and let’s get right into it, shall we? P.S. Don’t miss the new ..read more
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“Should” Activities Should Be Up To Us, Don’t You Think?
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
2y ago
#CoffeeBreakStory: Anyone else weary of "should" and "could" demands? I was clipping along briskly with stuff—doesn’t matter what—just things I thought I should and could do. Things leading to goals I had in mind. And I was urged to keep going after those things. The World (and Me ): Don’t stop, keep going, do more! Also Me: I got this! Look out, coming through, outta my way!   All in and all hands on deck! And all was fine, until it wasn’t….when I started feeling the weight of some of those things. I didn’t even realize what a burden they were becoming because I had been carrying ..read more
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The Next Step Is … Actually, I’m Not Quite Sure–You?
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
2y ago
Your Next #CoffeeBreakStory! While you might think writers are generally writing for others, I think there are many times we are actually writing for ourselves. Unless it’s an appliance manual or some other dry instructional pamphlet … though someone’s gotta write those (just not me!) But when we write from the heart, we write what we feel compelled to share. We write what flows from our souls and top-of-mind. And while our content may resonate, reassure or uplift someone else, most times, it’s often what we ourselves need to hear! That’s what makes writing so personal. Yet sometimes, the ..read more
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Time: Too Much, Too Little, Too Late?
Shift Your Stories
by maryv@shiftyourstories.com
2y ago
It's Coffee Break Story Time! I’m simply stunned with how this year is rolling by—you, too? It got me thinking about how time is the ultimate shape-shifter. It crawls when we are bored, unhappy, or impatient for the future. It clips along when we are busy or happy. And it literally flies by the older we get. I’m at the age where I really want to make the most of what time I have ahead of me. It starts with being honest about how I spend my time. Only then, can I make clear choices with fewer regrets afterwards. Got a little time? Grab your coffee and dig into this weekend’s one-minute ..read more
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