Animal Toy Blog
The Animal Toy Blog is the official blog of the Animal Toy Forum. It is dedicated to reviewing models, figures, and replicas of animals. Extant animals, that is, you'll find no prehistoric beasties here. Each blog entry covers a different animal toy and includes detailed photographs from several angles.
Animal Toy Blog
18h ago
0 (0 votes)
Before I begin my review, I must thank @Kenc and the folks at Toymany for providing this review sample for the Blog. The jaguar (Panthera onca) is a species that needs little introduction. It is an apex predator in Latin America, ranging from the extreme southern USA to central South America ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
2d ago
5 (1 votes)
It’s about time that I get the other half of this baby set from Toymany up on the blog! My portion of this set covers the animals from Asia and North America and will reflect the other half of the figures from Africa that have been covered by my fellow reviewer, bmathison1972 ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
3d ago
0 (0 votes)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972 The rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) is a small crested penguin that inhabits small sub-Antarctic islands as well as the lower tip of South America. Some experts consider there to be three species: eastern, northern, and southern. Others, however, argue that these are just varieties of the same species ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
4d ago
4.7 (3 votes)
This post will look at another of the figures released in April of 2015, the striped bass Morone saxatillis. After the initial twelve figures, this is the only species released that would be best thought of as marine, or at least less ‘freshwater’ than any other figure in the series (although many are catadromous or anadromous, or may range back and forth ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
6d ago
5 (2 votes)
It’s about time that I get the other half of this baby set from Toymany up on the blog! My portion of this set covers the animals from Asia and North America and will reflect the other half of the figures from Africa that have been covered by my fellow reviewer, bmathison1972 ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
6d ago
5 (1 votes)
Today we’re looking at the North African hedgehog (Atelerix algirus) by Yowie Group, part of their Baby Animals set. Although the figure is meant to be a baby (or hoglet) there’s nothing about it that indicates it’s a baby and it can be used to represent an adult hedgehog ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
1w ago
5 (2 votes)
The genus Bucephala contains three species of small diving ducks collectively referred to as goldeneyes. I am lucky that all three species can be found in my area in the winter. The Common Goldeneye (B. clangula) occurs in the boreal Holarctic, wintering throughout North America, Southeast Asia, and Japan ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
1w ago
5 (1 votes)
It’s about time that I get the other half of this baby set from Toymany up on the blog! My portion of this set covers the animals from Asia and North America and will reflect the other half of the figures from Africa that have been covered by my fellow reviewer, bmathison1972 ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
1w ago
4.3 (3 votes)
Review and images by Sam; edited by bmathison1972 Three-banded armadillos (Tolypeutes sp.) are truly remarkable creatures. They are known for its ability to roll into a complete ball when threatened, and are the only armadillo species that are capable of this, contrary to popular belief. They are closely related to sloths and anteaters in the superorder Xenarthra ..read more
Animal Toy Blog
1w ago
4.8 (4 votes)
Review and images by Suspsy; edited by bmathison1972 One of Australia’s most famous and recognizable birds is the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae). A member of the kingfisher family, its native range covers all of the eastern side of Australia, but it has also been introduced to the lower western tip of the continent and to the island of Tasmania ..read more