Aquarium Co-Op
At Aquarium Co-Op, we focus on your aquariums. We specialize in aquatic plants, freshwater tropical fish, and the overall betterment of the freshwater fish-keeping hobby. On our blog, we provide knowledge to further your own knowledge and confidence, taking you from just keeping fish to creating an aquarium hobby.
Aquarium Co-Op
8M ago
At Aquarium Co-Op, we started with a small fish store in Edmonds, Washington, grew an online sales business through our social media platforms, and now offer wholesale aquarium products to local fish stores all around the United States. This wholesale sector of our business is called the Aquarium Co-Op Retail Partner Program (RPP).
What kind of products does Aquarium Co-Op sell wholesale?
We offer Aquarium Co-Op-branded fishkeeping and planted tank products that were personally developed and extensively tested by our team, as well as dry goods from other major companies such as Fritz Aquati ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
9M ago
This week at the Aquarium Co-op retail store in Edmonds we received some really cool pond fish! We received a personal favorite the Dojo Loach, as well as some gorgeous Albino Paradise Fish.
For this week's plant delivery I am very excited to show some extremely healthy Italian Vallisneria, Ammania Gracilis, and Micro Sword!
For this week's Tuesday Tank Tip I wanted to share some information about Easy Green and Easy Root Tabs for your aquarium plants and how they can improve plant growth!
Check out this video where Cory talks about the positive effects of fertilizing your fish tan ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
9M ago
Just as your fish need to have a healthy diet and clean water to grow big and beautiful, plants also require a special “diet” of lighting and nutrients to thrive. To have the proper building blocks needed to grow well, they need large amounts of macronutrients (like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus) and trace amounts of micronutrients (like magnesium and zinc). Our Easy Green all-in-one liquid fertilizer contains all the correct ratios of these macronutrients and micronutrients that can be easily dosed with a simple pump head or dropper cap. It comes with a very strong 9.21% concentration o ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
10M ago
This week is an exciting week for the Aquarium Co-Op Retail Store! In addition to our usual deliveries, we received some rare livebearers from Cory including Trout Goodeids, Limia Perugie, Redtail Goodeids (Xenotaca Eiseni), Yellow Knife Livebearers (Alfaro Cultratus), and Nezze Swordtails (Xiphophorus Nezahualcoyotl)!
We also received some great looking batches of Reticulated Hillstream Loaches, German Blue Rams, and Eques Pencilfish as well.
We still have lots of extra full plants this week, too! Our Amazon Swords are looking particularly robust and huge and most of them are fully co ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
10M ago
Owning a fish room full of aquariums is the dream of many fish keepers. However, it can be hard to find exact instructions on how to build one since everything is so customizable and cannot be purchased ready-made from the store. One of the main milestones of setting up the fish room is installing a central air system. Rather than plugging in an individual hang-on-back or other filter for each fish tank, many veteran aquarists use a linear piston air pump that can supply air to multiple sponge filters (or other air-driven devices) for the entire fish room. Linear piston air pumps are great for ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
10M ago
Catfish are an amazing type of aquarium fish because of their special, cat-like whiskers and useful clean-up abilities. However, many catfish are known for having bottomless appetites that will swallow anything that can fit inside their big mouths. If you like community fish tanks as much as we do, you may want to avoid ginormous species like the redtail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus) or striped Raphael catfish (Platydoras armatulus). Instead, check out these popular (and much smaller) catfish that can be commonly found at pet stores.
1. Cory Catfish
Corydoras splendens (emerald cor ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
10M ago
There are tons of different types of aquarium lights available to hobbyists, but how do you know which one to choose for your aquarium? One important question to ask is whether or not the light source is bright enough to grow the aquarium plants you’re looking to get. Let’s talk about PAR as a helpful determining factor when choosing your next planted tank light.
Defining PAR
PAR is simply an abbreviation for Photosynthetically Active Radiation (sometimes referred to as Photosynthetically Available Radiation). It quantifies the brightness levels of light that are used by plants in order t ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
10M ago
Have you ever kept Medaka rice fish? Because of their ability to reproduce very quickly at a young age and tolerance for a wide temperature range, they are commonly used in research areas such as biology, genetics, and toxicology. In 1994, they even became the first vertebrate to successfully mate and lay eggs that hatched while in space. Medaka rice fish have been raised as pet fish in Japan for hundreds of years but recently gained more popularity in the worldwide aquarium trade. Learn how to care for this amazing fish in your home or outdoor mini pond.
Platinum white Medaka
What are Medaka ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
11M ago
Small fish tanks between 5–20 gallons are some of the most popular sizes in the freshwater aquarium hobby because of their reduced footprint and cheaper cost. Even with the size limitation, there are countless possibilities when it comes to choosing the species, layout, and purpose of the fish tank. To help get your creative juices flowing, here are 5 stocking ideas that might be perfect for your next nano fish tank.
1. Nano Aquascape
Simple aquascape with center island of plants surrounded by rocks
If you’ve never tried your hand at aquascaping or making a beautifully designed planted tank ..read more
Aquarium Co-Op
11M ago
If you have a freshwater aquarium that is infested with bladder snails, ramshorn snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails (MTS), it may seem impossible to get rid of them. It’s hard to root out every single egg or baby snail hiding amongst the plants and substrate, and chemical pesticides can often have a negative impact on the other living creatures in your fish tank. Luckily, there is a little helper you can employ that will happily sniff out any pest snails — the amazing assassin snail. Learn how to care for this industrious critter and even breed them for profit in your own home.
What are Assas ..read more