Indirect Message
Laci Green explores noteworthy perspectives on society, human behavior and the internet.
Indirect Message
1y ago
Emotions sometimes feel like hardwired reactions that are out of our control. But what if this is all wrong? Laci explores a mind-bending new view of emotion that is changing everything.
Neuropsychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett joins to discuss how emotions are made and how we can gain control of them, techniques to experience more joy, the psychological pros and cons of trigger warnings, and how to become more emotionally intelligent.
Learn more about Indirect Message at lacigreen.tv/podcast.
Laci's Twitter: twitter.com/gogreen18
Laci's YouTube: youtube.com/lacigreen
Today's guest: Lisa ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Seemingly overnight, TikTok became one of the most addictive social media apps on the planet. It is also the first giant created in the authoritarian state of China. Laci discusses how TikTok managed to capture the world's attention, their controversial history of censorship, and whether the app could be used as a weapon of mass manipulation.
Learn more about Indirect Message at lacigreen.tv/podcast.
Laci's Twitter: twitter.com/gogreen18
Laci's YouTube: youtube.com/lacigreen
Guest: Chris Stokel-Walker, author of TikTok Boom
Content Warning: brief mentions of slavery, ableism, and the Uy ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Dr. Drew dished out sex advice on the radio for over 30 years. He and his daughter Paulina join me for a fireside chat.
We discuss their father/daughter relationship and the impact of Drew's fame, sex ed in '80s, how hook up culture developed, gender differences in desire, why college students binge drink, rejection and emotional development, rehabilitating abusers, and more.
Learn more about Indirect Message at lacigreen.tv/podcast.
Laci's Twitter: twitter.com/gogreen18
Laci's YouTube: youtube.com/lacigreen
Guest: Dr. Drew Pinski and Paulina Pinski
Content Warning: brief mention of eat ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Is dating the next feminist frontier? The ladies who started Reddit's Female Dating Strategy certainly think so.
Laci is joined by the strategy's creators to explore what it means to unapologetically center women's needs in dating. They discuss their critiques of sex positive & liberal feminism, the "manosphere" and online backlash, the problem with 50/50 dating, "forever girlfriends", how they vet men for relationship success, and more.
For audio that doesn't pan, listen to this episode on YouTube.
Content Warning: brief mentions of non-consensual choking and violent porn, potentially ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Moralizing, outrage, and condemnation are all over social media. While it may be well-intentioned, there is quite often a dark side to this behavior.
Laci is joined by philosopher Dr. Brandon Warmke to explore the use and abuse of moral talk on social media. They discuss the five ways we virtue signal and why it is so widespread, the threat it poses to activist causes, and what those of us who crave better moral discourse can do about it ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Despite the body positive movement's enormous virality online, girls and women are just as fixated on their bodies as they ever have been. Is there a better approach?
Activists, researchers, and identical twins Drs. Lexie & Lindsay Kite join Laci to share their perspective. They discuss why the body positive movement has struggled to achieve its radical goals, self-objectification and a critique of the selfie, the effects of body shame on motivational states, diet talk, and integrating body positivity with a healthy lifestyle.
Content Warning: brief mention of eating and exercise disorders ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Liberal feminism and Islam have become unlikely bedfellows; the hijab is largely celebrated, while critical discussion is hampered by accusations of bigotry. Activist Yasmine Mohammed, an ex-Muslim child abuse survivor who was forced to marry an Al Qaeda operative, questions the narrative.
She joins Laci to discuss her life experiences, why the liberal conversation about Islam is so fraught, Islam (the doctrine) vs. Muslims (the people), double standards and racism, violence prevention in multicultural societies, and feminist approaches to the hijab.
Content Warning: discussions of sensitive c ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
Is it possible to become addicted to sex? How much sex is too much, exactly?
Laci is joined by Dr. David Ley to untangle the sticky web of sex addiction. Ley makes the case against the concept of sex addiction, arguing that it is rooted in sexual shame. They discuss sexual repression, porn addiction, "normal" sexuality, impulse control, politically incorrect fantasies, and why our sexual fantasies often correlate with our politics.
Content Notice. This episode contains: frank discussions of sensitive sexuality issues, a brief mention of a mass shooting, and brief descriptions of sadomasochis ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
How does making sex ed videos on YouTube land you in the center of the online culture wars? Pretty quickly, in fact.
Laci is joined by YouTuber Arielle Scarcella for an open ended discussion of her controversial perspectives and work. They discuss critiques of "woke" activism, abusive tactics in leftist circles, lesbian identity, impossible discussions about sex and gender, Arielle's "conservative" re-brand, being a lesbian on OnlyFans, and collective self-censorship.
Content Warning: This episode contains frank discussions of sensitive sexuality issues as well as graphic descriptions of sex ..read more
Indirect Message
1y ago
How can we cultivate happy relationships that last years, or even decades? While the modern explosion of self-help books tell us how to get love, ancient Buddhist texts offer a different approach: how to give it.
In this episode, Laci and Susan explore The Four Noble Truths of Love. They discuss how our modern approaches to relationships can set us up for failure, expectations vs. reality, how to create the right "container" for relationship success, the pitfalls of passion, intimacy vs. love, and a well-traveled path to lifelong partnership ..read more