Does your dog resent you?
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
We’ve probably all experienced that “guilty dog” look — the one that they give us when we catch them doing something wrong and discipline them for it. Body lowered, ears, head, and tail down, maybe squinty eyes. But is it really guilt that the dog is demonstrating, or just submission? And what happens in your dog’s mind after the discipline is over? Does your dog forgive you? Fortunately, we know enough about dog behavior to understand our pets and how their emotions affect their behavior.  Dog Psychology: Do Dogs Hold Grudges? When we humanize dogs, it’s easy to put labels on their be more
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Hot Spots On Dogs: Causes And Treatment
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
Hot spots are an irritating skin condition that affects countless dogs every year. Without proper care, hot spots will continue to grow, causing increased pain levels and itchiness for dogs. Fortunately, with both time and care, hot spots on dogs can be treated for and prevented. Dr. Henry Cerny, DVM, MS of Yankee Hill Veterinary Hospital, answers some common questions about hot spots on dogs and how to treat these painful sores. What are Hot Spots? A hotspot (also known as Pyotraumatic dermatitis or acute moist dermatitis) is a condition that involves an area of skin that has become inflam more
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Why Do Dogs Bury Things?
Cesar's Way
by Josh Weiss-Roessler
1y ago
Dogs like to bury things. Sometimes that means finding a bone or a toy under a fresh pile of dirt in your backyard. Other times, it may mean discovering the TV remote at the bottom of the laundry basket under all your dirty clothes, or wondering how your phone got under the couch cushion. Though these things may seem different, they are all really signs of the same thing: your dog’s natural instinct to keep “his” things safe and protected — regardless of whether or not they’re actually his. Why do dogs do this? Short answer: because it used to be necessary for their survival. Wild Dogs and Hi more
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Dog in Mourning: Helping Pets Cope With Loss
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
A heart-tugging image of a brown Labrador retriever named Hawkeye lying beside the American flag-draped casket of his human companion, Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson, went viral on the internet within hours. Pet lovers were moved by the symbol of loyalty shown by the dog who would not leave his best friend’s side. For many Americans, the image also served as a reminder of the lives that were lost on 9/11 and of those who are still serving in Afghanistan. For others, the depiction of a seemingly depressed and heart-broken dog represented the possibility that there’s more to our pets’ psychology than ha more
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Puppy Crate Training Made Easy
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
There are many reasons you might want to crate train your new puppy. A crate can be invaluable while you are potty-training or teaching your dog the rules of the house, it’s a great way to transport your four-legged friend, and it can serve as a safe place for your pup to escape to once he comes to accept it as his space. Unfortunately, even though dogs are den animals and they like having an area that’s all theirs, most won’t automatically take to crates — and your pup can even come to fear them if you don’t handle crate training in the right way. The good thing is that puppies don’t have any more
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5 Essential Dog Commands: Basic Obedience Commands Your Dog Needs to Learn
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
Are you looking for the best commands to teach your dog? Although having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, teaching your dog basic dog training commands can be helpful when tackling behavior problems despite whether they are existing ones or those that may develop in the future. So where exactly do you start with teaching your dog commands? While taking a class may be beneficial for you and your pup, there are many dog training commands you can teach your dog right at home. Below, we’ve listed the best list of dog commands you and your pup are guaranteed to enjoy. Dog Tra more
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Mange: Prevention And Treatment for Dogs
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
You have probably heard the phrase, “That mangy dog!” as a way of expressing annoyance with a member of the canine family. But did you ever stop to think about where that phrase comes from? The Types of Dog Mange Though you don’t hear about it too often these days, mange is a skin disease that many have described as “scabies for dogs.” The condition is caused by microscopic mites, and whether it’s a big deal largely depends upon the type of mange — sarcoptic or demodectic. Demodectic Mange in Dogs All pups that are raised naturally by their mothers have demodectic mites, because they are pa more
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Essential Qualities Of a Pack Leader: How to Be Pack Leader
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
People ask me all the time, “How can I be a Pack Leader?” Well, there’s a simple answer to that: You have to act like one. But that’s probably a bit too simple. Here’s everything you need to know to become a leader in your dog’s life. What Does A Pack Leader Do? A Pack Leader controls their dogs. They don’t have any behavior issues with their pack. They’re always in control. That’s the “what,” but the real question is “How?” And the answer to that is actually simple: In order to be a Pack Leader, you have to have the qualities of a Pack Leader. I always say that life is simple and we make it more
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Is Xylitol Dangerous For Dogs?
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
As dog owners, most of us are probably already aware of Xylitol’s dangers to our dogs. The sugar substitute is often found in chewing gum but can also be found in other items – some that you may not even be aware of. Xylitol can almost be guaranteed to be found in everything that is listed as “sugar-free” or “low-calorie.” And the worrying part is it can even be in those items sold as being “natural.” For those dog owners unaware of what problems Xylitol can cause or why we should be careful not to let our dogs eat it, this article will dig deeper into why it is imperative to prevent your cani more
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Nothing To Sneeze At: 10 Top Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds
Cesar's Way
by Cesar Millan Content Contributors
1y ago
Aaachoo! For many allergy sufferers, a sneeze is just the start when they’re around a dog. The presence of a canine can also trigger coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes, and a stuffy nose. If this sounds like you, the idea of adding a dog to your family may seem impossible — but it doesn’t have to be! Certain dogs are bred specifically for their nonshedding coat, which produces less dander, the most common culprit behind dog allergies. These breeds are called hypoallergenic, and while no dog is 100% guaranteed to be allergy-free, they have allowed many allergy sufferers to bring the joy of a pup in more
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