The New Wave of Healthcare
The tides of American healthcare are shifting rapidly. And while healthcare is in the news a lot more than it used to be, it doesn't mean that we're on the same page about what's going on. Even those of us in the healthcare world have a hard time keeping up. Amid all this uncertainty emerges The New Wave of Healthcare, a podcast designed to help you wade through the complexities of..
The New Wave of Healthcare
6M ago
In this episode focusing on Communication and Resolution Programs (CRP), we shine a light on the CRP process and what to expect if the healthcare organization uses the CRP model to respond to adverse medical events ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
11M ago
Sometimes in healthcare, things will go wrong. Whether it’s a medication error, retention of a medical instrument, wrong-site surgery, or any other patient harm event, unaddressed systemic faults can result in traumatizing events for patients and providers. When a patient is accidentally harmed by the care they receive, how would you expect the provider or the organization to respond? Traditionally, after an adverse event, a common response is denial and defensiveness where patients are left in the dark and oftentimes do not get to fully understand what happened to them unless they pursue liti ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
This podcast is part of WPSC’s StigmaFree in Washington initiative, a partnership with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Take the StigmaFree Pledge: end stigma, create hope.
In this episode, Anita Sulaiman, Chair of WPSC’s Addressing Stigma And Bias Workgroup, talks to Carrie Thompson, teacher, writer and suicide loss survivor and Mark Leeper, Executive Director of Disability Action Center – Northwest, Inc., a suicide survivor, about mental health and suicide. We thank our two guests for their courage and eloquence in sharing their personal stories, giving us a window into what it is ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
Over one billion people in the world live with some form of disability, and according to the WHO, that number is dramatically increasing. Additionally, COVID-19 has been disproportionately hard on people with disability as they face increased risk of infection due to underlying medical conditions, congregate living settings, or systemic health and social inequities. In this episode, executive director of the Washington Patient Safety Coalition, Steve Levy, facilitates a conversation with Kim Connor, executive director of the Washington State Independent Living Council and Mark Leeper, executiv ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
Welcome back to the New Wave of Healthcare! In 2021's first episode we catch up with Dr. Crystal Gail Rose Kong-Wong, board certified family medicine physician and associate director at the University of Washington's Neighborhood Clinic. Dr. Wong leads UW Neighborhood Clinic's digital health plan, which currently means pivoting the health system toward telehealth. Washington Patient Safety Coalition workgroup member and founder of GreyZone Health, Io Dolka, sat down with Dr. Wong to discuss bright spots and emerging needs for patients and providers in the recent shift toward telemedicine.
Reso ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
In this episode we interview someone who was recently diagnosed with COVID-19. Our interviewee walks us through the process of identifying symptoms, trying to get tested and diagnosed and what comes next once you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. She provides advice on what she wishes she knew before being diagnosed and what conversations we can have with loved ones to prepare.
Patient Safety Resources for COVID-19:
Kinsey Gray | Program Coordinator, Foundation for Health Care Quality
Banadu | Seattle, WA: @banadu ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
In this episode, we speak to the co-founder of the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) Paul Epner to get the skinny on the good, the bad, and the ugly of the diagnostic process and ways of using health IT and patient engagement to improve it, as well as health inequities and social determinants of health that can contribute to misdiagnosis and non-diagnosis, which we hope to expand on in future episodes. We also hear about the humble and surprisingly recent beginnings that led to the impressive current state of SIDM, what inspired its inception, and where it's headed in the future ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
In this episode, we speak with a team from the University of Washington Medical Center to explore the question, how can large hospital systems offer care to its caregivers after an adverse event? The team shares their first-hand experience of an unexpected event with a patient and how a debriefing process as part of UWMC's new Care for the Caregiver program helped them to process and understand the event and build trust with other colleagues.
AHRQ CANDOR Toolkit: www.ahrq.gov/professionals/qual…/introduction.html
Jessica Yanny-Moody, MS, CNS, RN is the Associate Director of S ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
In this inaugural episode of the New Wave of Healthcare, we explore the most burning question out there about healthcare: why oh why is it so expensive? While we way not come up with a perfect solution, Peter Dunbar, CEO of the Foundation for Health Care Quality, guides us through the age-old search for the mythical "perfect system" by exploring centralization vs decentralization, localization vs nationalization, the US system vs the UK, how the complex web creates high costs by design, and if there's hope for us yet.  ..read more
The New Wave of Healthcare
2y ago
Welcome back to the New Wave of Healthcare! In 2021's first episode we catch up with Dr. Crystal Gail Rose Kong-Wong, board certified family medicine physician and associate director at the University of Washington's Neighborhood Clinic. Dr. Wong leads UW Neighborhood Clinic's digital health plan, which currently means pivoting the health system toward telehealth. Washington Patient Safety Coalition workgroup member and founder of GreyZone Health, Io Dolka, sat down with Dr. Wong to discuss bright spots and emerging needs for patients and providers in the recent shift toward telemedicine.
Reso ..read more