Campfire Conversations
Campfire Conversations are an opportunity to hear the kind of conversations you hear around the campfire with friends. It is so easy in our busy lives to forget what really matters. The campfire is a place where we make space to talk about things that count and to remember that we are made for more. Host Ryan Tinetti, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Arcadia, MI, and Co-Host Chip May,..
Campfire Conversations
2d ago
Co-hosted by Tanner Olson and Rev. Gabe Kasper, this episode discusses what sets the message of Christian faith apart from all the voices that compete for our attention these days. We'll do this through translating the Gospel into contemporary language, such that God's grace might penetrate our (and our neighbors') hearts anew more
Campfire Conversations
1w ago
Co-hosted by Phil Jones and Trevor Sutton, this episode discusses Chitwood's experiences taking up one of the twelve classical spiritual practices each month, such as meditating through March, fasting from food in February, and practicing simplicity all of September. We will also hear him offer practical guidance for living the disciplined life in our own day-to-day more
Campfire Conversations
1w ago
Joined by co-hosts Phil Jones and Ken Chitwood, Chip interviews Rev. Dr. Sutton about how the biblical teaching of vocation can help keep technology in its rightful place within our lives, workplaces, homes, churches, and society more
Campfire Conversations
2w ago
In this episode, co-hosted by Mackenzie Drinan, we discuss common, unspoken motivations and fears, examining their parallels in the Biblical narrative and applying the implications of Christ's life, death, and resurrection to each one more
Campfire Conversations
2w ago
This episode, co-hosted by Mackenzie Drinan, investigates how the Apostle Paul's letters to a struggling church help us be confident in God's plan for the Gospel, the church, and our lives more
Campfire Conversations
3w ago
Co-hosted by Sarah Salzberg and Ali Franke, this episode explores the art of asking questions to bridge divides, reshape relationships, and ignite profound insights more
Campfire Conversations
3w ago
In this episode co-hosted by Rev. Brian Davies and Ali Franke, we explore how Yahweh intricately places women in moments of powerful influences and covenantal faithfulness in order to display the fullness of His image more
Campfire Conversations
1M ago
Co-hosted by Rev. Ben Haupt, this episode discusses what Charismatic Gifts are, how they're addressed in scripture, and what they mean to us as God's people more
Campfire Conversations
1M ago
Co-hosted by Rev. Micah Glenn, this episode explores what it means to live out servant leadership as part of the body of Christ more
Campfire Conversations
1M ago
Co-hosted by Blythe Barreto, this episode explores some of the funny parts of the Bible and seeing what these moments of comedy have to teach us about who we are, who God is and what it means to live our faith in Christ in everyday life more