EP43: Dinner Table Time and Connection with Crystal Hilsley
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Dinner table time is so crucial in our busy world. How you interact with your kids shapes their behavior, self-esteem, intelligence, imagination, competence, and ultimately their character. In this new episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn and utilize these practices to translate to mealtime that is most effective and backed by astounding results in the psychology community of practitioners. Learn these eight styles of communication with your child that will build their confidence and strengthen your bond during interactions. ✔️ Unlabeled Praise: This provides a positive but nons ..read more
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EP42: Strengthen Your Family Bond with Crystal Hilsley
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
As parents, our job is to set our children up for a lifetime of good health, a robust immune system, proper brain, and body development. We should not forget that it is also essential to strengthen our bond with our family to provide the ultimate need of our biology as humans to connect. In this episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, learn how creating opportunities to connect allows us to feel safe as our ancestors did for survival and further our health and life goals as a family. Key points that you will learn in this episode: ✔️ Value mealtime bonding. Recent studies have found that ..read more
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EP41: How to Reduce Sugar Demands From Your Family
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Do you use sugar as a reward in your home? Think for a minute about how your eating and feeding practice affects your children's health and behavior. In this episode of the Clean Eating for Kids podcast, let's deep dive into these proven techniques to transition your family to eating clean, removing harmful sugars successfully in your home, and allow your kids to enjoy healthier sweet alternatives. Key points that you will learn in this episode: ✔️ Learn specific ways to deal with kids of different ages that may already be addicted to sugar. Lead by example by eating a healthy diet, exercise ..read more
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EP40: Sugar on Children's Health
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
For the first time in history, U.S. children are not expected to live longer than their parents. Why? Cases of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease are going through the roof! One out of every three U.S. adults is obese, while one in five kids is obese. The most prominent suspect is the high consumption of SUGAR. If you're concerned about protecting your children's health (and yours too!), take a closer look at the sweet stuff in your life. Key points that you will learn in this episode: ✔️ 80% of the food items in America now contain added sugar. Sugar is toxic, and our kids are under ..read more
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EP39: Stress-Less For Kids with Dr. Brian Alman
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
This challenging season may be the most stressful time to be a kid ever. They feel fear knowing what's going on around the world by watching the news on their phones, and they feel overwhelmed and anxious while aware that their parents have money stresses and might be health issues in the family. In this special episode, we will learn from one of the world's leading authorities on mind-body healing, weight loss, and stress management – Dr. Brian Alman. He has coached and trained thousands of people and his simple and yet very effective techniques for self-care. Key areas you will learn in this ..read more
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EP38: Stress, Sleep and Being Overweight
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Does your child get enough sleep? Numerous studies have shown that sleep duration is related to overweight in children. In this episode, we're going to review stress, sleep, feeding patterns, and the importance of parenting to prevent obesity and poor health in growing children. Here are the key areas covered in this episode:  ✔️  Why studies show that the relationship between sleep and obesity is stronger in children than adults. This may be due to the rapid brain development occurring during childhood and the critical role adequate sleep plays in brain development. Decreased sleep ..read more
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EP37: The Role Stress Has On Your Child's Health
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
The Role Stress Has On Your Child's Health Stress is a natural, mental and physical response to life experiences and situations. Stress can affect anyone, even children. Early life stress exposure may disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, metabolism, and fat storage, increasing the risk of obesity and unhealthy eating behaviors, and unhealthy fat deposition patterns. We have to keep in mind our kids aren't going to exactly come right out and tell us that they're stressed. Some of the physical, emotional, and behavioral cues might not be that easy to decipher for parents. In this episode, we ..read more
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EP36: The Roots of Your Gut Health Part 2 with Crystal Hilsley
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future. In this episode, we discuss in detail the food that you need to reset and to give your gut and whole body the opportunity to heal itself. Here are the key areas covered in this episode: ✔️ Look into the foods that you are eating that are common toxic triggers. These are corn, eggs, soy, red meat and veggies like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, dairy and gluten. ✔️ Know the three major thing ..read more
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EP07: Kids & Stress: 10 Reasons Your Child May Be Stressed
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Kids & Stress: 10 reasons your child may be stressed by Crystal Hilsley Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition simply and effectively. Together, let's strive for a healthy future. In this episode, we're going to talk about the reasons why your kids get stressed.  Today, we have a generation of kids who are experiencing stress on different levels. There are serious warning signs we have to be on the lookout for as a parent — things that we must not take lightly. Let's continue to support our kid ..read more
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EP06: Mindfulness for Kids Activities
Clean Eating For Kids Podcast
by Crystal Hilsley
4y ago
Clean Eating for Kids Podcast empowers families to be aware of their nutritional needs and supports the whole family to transition in a simple and effective way. Together, let's strive for a healthy future. In this episode, you'll learn about mindfulness for kids' activities. L.R. Knost said, "When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it's our job to share our calm, not join their chaos." Did you know that people that are more mindful at the moment enjoy their life and have less amounts of stress? Kids are downloading vast amounts of information during their early years. How can we l ..read more
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