The Busy Budgeter
Hey, I'm Rosemarie. I'm the creator of Busy Budgeter. I will help you get your budgeting and money-saving goals under control. My blog will help you to manage your finances, create a successful budget, and find legitimate ways to make more money.
The Busy Budgeter
4M ago
Trying to learn how to budget with ADHD, depression, and/or anxiety? I break it all down for you right here in this response to a reader’s question. “I need help. Because of depression and anxiety, I spend money to make myself feel better. How do I change this? I’ve been trying for years and nothing
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The Busy Budgeter
9M ago
This is going to be a comprehensive guide to an optimal daily schedule for working moms with a lot of examples because not everyone has the same situation. If you take 5-8 minutes to read the highlights below, it will change your life and it will mean that you’re actually able to implement and stick
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
After the success of Hot Mess to Home Success, and losing 60 pounds, the number one request I’ve gotten over the years for new products is to do the same thing we did in Hot Mess to Home Success, teaching you to… Work with your unique personality by incentivizing. Do the bare minimum effort on
The post HOT MESS TO WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS: How To Lose Weight Without Willpower appeared first on The Busy Budgeter more
The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
There’s two parts to saving a TON of money on makeup and beauty products… First up are the life hacks or habits that let you automate getting the makeup that makes you look AMAZING with the least amount of time, money, and effort. Then, I’m going to give you my best budget makeup, from a
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
The holiday season is right around the corner. It can be hard trying to figure out the best gifts and presents for the people that mean the world to you… and that goes triple if you can’t afford it. Because if you don’t know how to pay for those gifts, then this is a good
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
If you’re looking for some fun summer activities for the whole family… we’ve got you covered. Summer is the time when so many people are going on vacation, putting out money for theme parks, and generally living it up so it can really suck to be on a budget. I get it. But all those
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
Attending a wedding lately can seem like hemorrhaging money. The average wedding gift went from $50 in 1995 to $150+ in 2022. Which is out of budget for a lot of people. We created this list of affordable wedding gift ideas under $100 (but most are much less) to help you brainstorm ways to celebrate
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
Depending on how your year’s going… it’s either FINALLY Christmas time or “how can it already be Christmas time?” But either way now is the time to figure out gifts and presents… and that goes double if you can’t afford it. Because if you don’t know how to pay for those gifts, then this is
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The Busy Budgeter
1y ago
If you’re trying to figure out the best popcorn machines, then you’ve probably seen the crappy lists online. They compare a bunch of home popcorn machines and even when you read the whole thing, you still have no idea which one to buy. Because they’re assuming that you know which type of popcorn machine to
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The Busy Budgeter
2y ago
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for someone with ADHD… you’re about to hit pay dirt. I got really frustrated with the only specific gift guides that exist about this (thanks, but I need more ideas than fidget toys) because they’re completely out of touch with reality and assume that every person with ADHD
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