Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
Doctor Evka empowers mothers whose young children have challenges around food: a limited variety of "safe foods", "lack of hunger", or medical symptoms that might contribute to a fear of feeding. She uses the platform of feeding challenges and food intolerances as a jumping off point to a much bigger discussion of research-based parenting and childhood development. Helping other moms when..
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Dr Kamilah Marie (PIvot & Bloom podcast) joins me today, and this episode is so good. It talks about how we can turn to unhealthy eating habits when we are under stress. Many of us experience stress when we have a child with reflux, excess crying, food allergies, FPEIS, feeding challenges, or other special needs. This episode also talks about how we can break free of out not-so-healthy diets more easily. It talks about how certain diet plans can be used as medicine for both our brains and our bodies. This episode is jam packed with information, and I certainly hope you listen to it ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Many children though to have reflux may actually have something else going on. This is especially true if we are discussing pathological reflux. We are not talking about those children who spit up or hiccup every once in a while. If a young child has vomiting, excessive crying, and weight changes, we are not talking about run-of-the-mill reflux. We are talking about something else. Let us discuss the very definition of reflux as well as some of these mimickers of reflux. If you have been told that your child has reflux, listen up very closely.
Free list of diagnoses t ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Some of us were highly successful professionals before we decided to leave the workforce in order to help care for our children. We spent time with them in hospitals, attended therapy appointments, or took care of their special needs. Whether they had significant feeding challenges, severe food allergies, or something else, our priorities became our children. What if things have gotten easier now? We want to reenter the work force. What are some ways to do that? Join me with the founder of Maven CEO - Dr Ronke Dosunmu - a pediatrician and serial entrepreneur. We discuss this career transition ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Patience can be so hard. Day in and day out our children say mean things to us, ask us to feed them a specific food but then do not eat any of it, make a mess without cleaning up, or talk back to us. How do you not go nuts when your child is losing their bananas? Let's discuss. What's your secret to making it all work for you ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Workplace bullying is on the rise, and one of the groups most likely to be bullied is parents who need to also be present for their children. When you have a demanding child and a child with special needs, food allergies, or significant feeding challenges, you may face bullying. What do you do about it? We have Adam Harrison (a physician turned lawyer and life coach) with us today to discuss this very topic ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
I want to provide a better definition of colic when it comes to your baby. Let us break colic down into a definition like the following. First, colic is prolonged, frequent, and persistent crying of a specific character in an otherwise healthy infant (baby). Second, colic is an uncommon group of behaviors with a characteristic pattern that is seen in young infants (babies) who may become hypertonic. It is poorly understood.  ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Many of us use the internet all day long. I'm sure that many of us have tried to find all kinds of information through Wikipedia and other medical websites. The internet seems so exhaustive. The information is right there, but it might not be correct. What should we be using instead? Where are some other places online to look for information?
Online search engines and online encyclopedias like Wikipedia contain a great deal of information. That's great. Who doesn't want to have a lot of information on their fingertips? The problem is that these places might not be medically accurate ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
What I want you to focus on is fear. Here are some quotes from fear. This is fear of talking. Fear says, “What if there is not much more that you're able to do? What if the rest of the feeding therapy appointments will go poorly? No matter what you do, this fearful voice is going to be there, so how do you get rid of the fear if the fear isn’t going anywhere. Today I want to talk to you about struggling through the fear. No matter how you would describe your situation, there’s gotta be at least a little bit of fear going on…  ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
Sometimes the words that we use can make a big difference. Sometimes, what we say can make a huge negative difference, and sometimes it works in the opposite way. You get a positive result. Let''s discuss what the secure attachment style is and how to help foster it. Let's figure out how to help your child to develop a relationship around food and feeding that is based upon this secure attachment style. A relationship that is positive and that will help move them forward on their fooding journey where they are learning to recognize their love of good, nutritious food ..read more
Doctor Evka's Feeding Handbook
4y ago
When most of us go into parenting, we have a very specific goal in mind: not to irrevocable screw up our children. There’s no perfect way to parent, but parents tend to fall into four different types of parenting: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. I gave you examples of the permissive (this) and authoritarian (that) parent. Now imagine how they handle feeding ..read more