#11 Sharing the Miracle w/Evelyn Mann Part 2
Adùn - Food 4 Life
by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
This is part 2 with our mom, Evelyn Mann. She raises her 15 year old son, who has a rare form of dwarfism, with her husband in Tampa, Florida. Join us on this two episode journey which also includes a recipe that will serves us from toddler to senior adult years ..read more
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#10 Sharing the Miracle w/Evelyn Mann Part 1
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Evelyn Mann is a middle aged special needs mom, blogger and author. She raises her 15 year old son, who has a rare form of dwarfism, with her husband in Tampa, Florida. Join us on this two episode journey which also includes a recipe that will serves us from toddler to senior adult years ..read more
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#9 "Re-Living" Foundations w/Armadella Clarke Episode
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Amadella is a mom of 3 little ones (4 and under). She is setting a faith-filled foundation, navigating through their education, and enjoying small adventures along the way. She shares how her mom's influence, her past and present choices is shaping her journey through motherhood. Listen in and get a chance to hear her yummy recipe ..read more
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#8 Balancing Routines w/ Kate Muesing
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Kate Muesing is a mama to 3 boys, wife and Christian Health Coach. Kate says, "nice mom turns off at 8pm" but with 3 boys, she says its not just a "schedule" that keeps them balanced. Join us to hear more and try her hands-on table top recipe ..read more
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#7 Failing w/Jennie Senapatiratne
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Jennie is the mom of a teenage daughter and a pastor's wife for over 20 years. Jennies shares how wrong she was to teach her daughter to keep going and tough it out. She also shares a delightful recipe that has a little fun on top. Jennie is a also a speaker, strategy specialist, author of the new hit book and host of the podcast Real Life With Jennie. Join us ..read more
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#6 Altered Preception w/Cassandra Bonhomme Episode
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Cassandra Bonhomme is a woman that wears many hats (like most of us do). Cassandra is a mother of 2, wife, Special Education Teacher, ABA therapist, College student, and CEO of Bravo Kids Inc. Cassandra shares her journey of discovering and raising a daughter with Autism and how she copes with the stress of it all ..read more
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#5 Imperfectly Structured W/ Sarah Tugender
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Sarah has 3 children under 10. She believes that no matter what, as a mom you are going to mess up. On this episode she will share how she manages a healthy lifestyle with her family of 5, especially with her little ones who have their different personalities and are in different stages of life. Oh she is planted-based too. Don't miss her recipe ..read more
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#4 Transitions w/Shamia Easterling
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
Shamia is a mother of 3 wonderful children. She shares her journey and shift to making healthier choices for herself first and then her children. She also shares how she found ways to incorporate it into their lifestyle over the years. You don't want to miss some of the gems she shares ..read more
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#3 Flying with a greater purpose w/Lindsey Robertson
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by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
In today's episode we chat with Lindsey Robertson. A mother of two wonderful little girls, the widow of a retired US Air Force Veteran, an educator, and a lover of travel. After losing her husband, she found joy and healing in travel. She shares how she has been able to be mentally healthy in heer journey, choices and pain. Don't miss her healthy twist on a popular child's meal ..read more
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Ep#2 Striving, style and being posh with Ty Jackson
Adùn - Food 4 Life
by Nicole Ogunade
4y ago
In this episode we meet Ty Jackson is a wife and mother of 3 will share her struggle with making healthy choices. She is a working mom of various talents and jobs. Her continuous focus is seeking balance in work, life, and finding ways to achieve a healthy and happy lifestyle. She will share how it even though she has made it this far, it is still a work in progress ..read more
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