A Few New Adjustments & A Few New Tarot Decks
Illumination Tarot Blog
by Nellie Levine
2y ago
I missed blogging in July, just too much going on in my life to even focus on anything except what I really had to get done (though I did work on Illumination Tarot behind the scenes). There have been some big changes in my and my husband’s lives, and in addition, July had a number of personal trials. I’m basically exhausted, and currently in a bit of recovery from things. All is okay, I’m just going through some adjustments now. A few new tarot decks did arrive in the mail the past few weeks…woohoo, new tarot! I’m excited to get to know these decks and review them fully in the coming months ..read more
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The Witches Moon for May 2022 – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
2y ago
The Witches Moon for May 2022 In my effort to spend less money because of this difficult economy, I paused my Witches Moon Box subscription for a few months, but when I saw that May’s box was going to be focused on tarot I reactivated my account. I of course couldn’t guess the specifics of what they might include in this month’s box, and I was ready to find a familiar tarot deck, or perhaps one that I already had in my collection… I wouldn’t have minded either, as I expected the box overall would be enjoyable. The Witches Moon Box May 2022 The first thing I noticed about this box was simply th ..read more
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The Witches Moon for December 2021 – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
The Witches Moon for December 2021 This month’s Witches Moon is quite lovely, focusing on Yule and the Winter Solstice, and encouraging positive celebration and ceremony. Christmas is a very bittersweet time for me, as it is for so many people. As much as I love the holiday it is impossible for me to celebrate without some true sadness, and through pandemic, it has only been more poignant. The December Witches Moon Box seems to understand the complexities with which many of us experience this holiday season – not only bittersweet feelings or sadness, but also those of stress, anxiety, fear, lo ..read more
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Lovely Day Tarot – on Kickstarter
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
The Lovely Day Tarot was created by accomplished tarot author and reader, and watercolorist, Vivien Stewart-Jones (creator of the limited-edition Nimue Tarot). It was inspired very much by a need for a joyful representation in the tarot, and draws upon Stewart-Jones’ insights gained during the pandemic. She says of this new deck, “The meaning and intentions of this work were to create a Tarot deck that looks on the bright side of even the darkest moments and to offer hope and the ability to see beauty in everything.” The artwork shared on the Kickstarter page and the artist’s website reflects ..read more
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The Witches Moon for October 2021 – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
The Witches Moon for October 2021 I had to quietly laugh when I first saw the main subject of this month’s Witches Moon Box… Medusa. My husband and I have shared a private joke about Medusa since the time we met, due much to an affinity of sorts that I felt for this goddess, and I honestly can’t wait to hang the featured item in this box somewhere he can’t miss seeing it. But lightness aside, Medusa is of course a mighty figure in mythology, often depicted with a powerful darker aspect, though the truth of her strength and story sometimes goes overlooked or omitted. The Witches Moon Box Octobe ..read more
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Tarot Decks that Embody Halloween
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
Every year it’s like this… As early as August I start to feel ready for Halloween, but I know that everyone around me would think that’s just plain weird, so I mostly keep it to myself. Besides, it isn’t really until August that we feel we are even definitely in summer here in northern Vermont. The warmer temps are established, it’s typically drier than July, and there’s virtually no chance of snow (I mean, I’m pretty sure? ). Come September and I’m starting to pull out my Halloween decorations, reassuring my husband that no, hahaha, I’m not actually decorating for Halloween this early, what a ..read more
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The Witches Moon for September 2021 – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
The Witches Moon for September 2021 The September 2021 Witches Moon Box arrived early in the month, as it always does, but I have not had a chance to post about it until now. I was dealing with a family crisis the past few weeks and spent some of that time out of town. Although it is now nearing the end of September, I think it is still worth sharing! The Witches Moon Box September 2021 Goddess of the Night Upon opening these boxes, I quickly get a good sense of what the overall vibe of each will be. Often it’s enough just to see the colors chosen for the month; sometimes it’s the artwork or t ..read more
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Orphans of Dudleytown Art & Wares
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
When I first ordered the Orphans of Dudleytown Tarot from the artist’s website, I saw all sorts of other great items in his shop that I thought I might someday go back and purchase. Recently I decided to just treat myself to something, and in looking through the catalog of items, knew exactly which something it would be… Everyone needs a place to call home – Orphan Deer, art print on wood I saw this sweet print and immediately chose it to go right over my desk in what is pretty much my home office (it’s also a sitting room, tarot reading room, game room, and um, the front entrance to my house ..read more
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The Witches Moon for August 2021 – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
The Witches Moon for August 2021 Living where I do it’s pretty easy to get outside and engage with nature. This has been very important to me this Summer, as Spring was fairly difficult for myself and my family. Spending time in nature can be grounding, healing, calming, and uplifting. Besides actually spending time in nature though, we can still just surround ourselves with Earth’s bounties within our homes, or perform simple rituals that draw upon the same energies. Even seemingly small acts can have a positive effect on us. The August 2021 Witches Moon Box is a great way to bring such celeb ..read more
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The Beauty of Horror: Fear Your Future Tarot – a Review
Illumination Tarot Blog
by nellieadmin
3y ago
Created and illustrated by Alan Robert, colored by Jay Fotos; guidebook by Rachel Pollack The Beauty of Horror Tarot The Beauty of Horror Tarot is a very cool, very fun, and importantly, very usable tarot set. Author Alan Robert is the artist and creator behind the popular (and also very cool, very fun, and very usable) Beauty of Horror coloring books, as well as numerous graphic novels, and an awesome guided journal too. Not insignificantly, he is also the bassist and a songwriter for the alternative band Life of Agony, which has been performing since 1989. The Beauty of Horror Tarot, which a ..read more
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