"AI in Java Is Bad..."
by Nicolai Parlog
2w ago
What AI development needs and how much Java already has to offer, what it lacks, as well as what it's poised to acquire in the future ... is a commonly held opinion. But one that is, as I will argue in this talk, overly influenced by our current place in the AI timeline. It overlooks the already dawning reality that a big chunk of AI-related development work will be the addition of AI-based features to other, larger projects. There, Java is already very competitive and will only become stronger in the coming years thanks to the work in OpenJDK projects Panama, Babylon, and Valhalla and even Am ..read more
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What Happened to Java's String Templates? Inside Java Newscast #71
by Nicolai Parlog
1M ago
JDK 23 doesn't contain the string template preview that was present in JDKs 21 and 22. Let's discuss why the feature was removed (probably not for the reasons you think), what a new proposal could look like, and when we may see it. And just like that, string templates are gone! What happened here? Was it because of the syntax? Will string templates come back and when? Let's talk about it. Welcome everyone, to the Inside Java Newscast, where we cover recent developments in the OpenJDK community. I'm Nicolai Parlog, Java Developer Advocate at Oracle, and today we're gonna talk about the withdraw ..read more
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All Java 23 Features - Inside Java Newscast #70
by Nicolai Parlog
1M ago
Java 23 will be released on September 17th but it's branched today (June 6th 2024) and so its feature set is final. Generational ZGC, Markdown in JavaDoc, deprecations in Unsafe, the removal of string template, and the thoughtful evolution of eight preview features. Let's take a closer look! It's release branch day! Later today, the JDK repo will get the new branch jdk23, which is simultaneously business as usual and a small novelty - I'll explain later what I mean by that. Either way, the JDK 23 features are set in stone, so let's take a look. Welcome everyone to the Inside Java Newscast, whe ..read more
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Module Imports in Java 23 - Inside Java Newscast #69
by Nicolai Parlog
2M ago
To reduce the overhead of using APIs, particularly in single source files, Java 23 previews module import declarations of the form import module $moduleName, which import all packages exported by the named module I wrote this book (The Java Module System) seven years ago and you know what? It's still up to date! Except for the planned tightening of screws on strong encapsulation from Java 9 to 16, the module system didn't change. Until now, that is, because Java 23 will preview a nifty little feature that builds on modules and - hey, hey, hey; don't leave - you can use it even if your code isn ..read more
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Java Withers - Inside Java Newscast #67
by Nicolai Parlog
3M ago
JEP 468 proposes a solution to the verbosity that can come from modeling mutable state with immutable records: derived record creation aka with expressions aka withers. Java withers, Java ages, Java decays - that was the conception I wanted to play off of when picking this episode's title, but... I can't pull this off. I mean, I'm recording this video on the world's longest permanent race track and I'm here because of Java! Specifically, JavaLand, one of the very best Java conferences in a community flush with excellent events. The whole "Java is dying" schtick is lame anyway, but it's outrigh ..read more
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Java 23: Restoring the Balance with Primitive Patterns - Inside Java Newscast #66
by Nicolai Parlog
4M ago
The ongoing introduction of pattern matching to Java has unbalanced the language. Here's how primitive patterns (in Java 23) and other patterns (in future versions) will fix that. Intro Welcome everyone, to the Inside Java Newscast, where we cover recent developments in the OpenJDK community. I'm Nicolai Parlog, Java Developer Advocate at Oracle, and today we're gonna talk about primitive patterns in Java 23. Primarily, but we'll also put them in context of the patterns we already got and the ones we will probably get in the future. Because the partial introduction of patterns into Java has un ..read more
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(Dirty?) Tricks in Java 22 - Inside Java Newscast #64
by Nicolai Parlog
5M ago
Pattern matching Optional, expanding sealed type hierarchies, nesting switches, reverting instanceof, and more - so many (dirty) tricks to play around with in modern Java Can you believe that this Inside Java Newscast has an episode number 1 with six zeroes? One, zero zero zero, zero zero zero - that is so cool! So, for this jubilee episode, should we have some fun? Experiment a bit, explore the boundaries of modern Java, and maybe come up with a dirty trick or two? I say, we should! Intro Welcome everyone, to the Inside Java Newscast, where we cover recent developments in the OpenJDK communit ..read more
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Does Java 22 Kill Build Tools? - Inside Java Newscast #63
by Nicolai Parlog
5M ago
Java 22 brings multi source-file execution to the platform. It allows us to run programs consisting of multiple source files and even dependencies with just a simple java command. For experienced developers, this will make exploration and experimentation simpler but it's a real game changer for people just learning Java or even just to program: They can now write Java code from single to multiple source files and even add dependencies before they need to consider an IDE or build tool. Hey, take a look at this: project-folder └─ Hello.java $ java Hello.java So, this is a single Java source ..read more
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Java 22 Previews Statements Before super(...) and this(...) - Inside Java Newscast #62
by Nicolai Parlog
6M ago
Whether for validation, preparation, or splitting and sharing arguments, it can be quite annoying that Java doesn't allow statements before the super(...) or this(...) call in a constructor. Luckily Java 22 is about to change that with JEP 447, which previews statements before the explicit constructor invocation. By a show of hands, who occasionally puts code before the super(...) or this(...) call when writing a constructor, only to be yelled at by the compiler? class Name { private final String first; private final String last; Name(String first, String last ..read more
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Java's Plans for 2024 - Inside Java Newscast #61
by Nicolai Parlog
6M ago
In 2024, Java keeps evolving. Here's what the big OpenJDK projects (Amber, Leyden, Valhalla, and more) plan for this year and how that will push Java forward. Happy Gregorian new year, everyone, and welcome to the Inside Java Newscast, where we cover recent (and in this case future) developments in the OpenJDK community. I'm Nicolai Parlog, Java Developer Advocate at Oracle, and today we're gonna talk about Java's plans for 2024. Or, more specifically, what the big OpenJDK projects will be working on this year - of course, there's much more development going on. And note that "working on this ..read more
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