Spirituality & Health
Spirituality & Health Magazine provides inspiration for conscious living, healthy diet and lifestyle, social action, spiritual wisdom, and sustainability.
Spirituality & Health
3d ago
World-renowned life coach Martha Beck teaches how to find liberation from anxiety by embracing curiosity and creativity ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3d ago
If the Magician shows up for you in a tarot reading, you’d better pay attention. He has important lessons to teach ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3d ago
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for everything else in your life. A self-love date is more than just an indulgence—it’s an act of reclaiming your time, energy, and happiness ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3d ago
When issues arise with the eyes and our vision, we may want to consider how we are “seeing” things … and ourselves ..read more
Spirituality & Health
3d ago
Find inner steadiness amid life’s turmoil with a Taoism-inspired meditation ..read more
Spirituality & Health
1w ago
Recognizing these five common stressors at funerals and learning how to articulate your needs can help you funnel your funeral anxiety ..read more
Spirituality & Health
1w ago
Physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual intimacy are all important for our collective well-being. So why aren’t we prioritizing them? (Hint: It may be technology ..read more
Spirituality & Health
1w ago
Quick-fixes and elimination diets may temporarily work for gut wellness, but is the stress of food management leading us right back to where we started ..read more
Spirituality & Health
1w ago
Gnosticism has always existed alongside traditional Christianity and still holds wisdom for us today, particularly about the divine feminine ..read more
Spirituality & Health
1w ago
By becoming more aware of the variables you expose yourself to, you can consciously support your own vibration as you age ..read more