Revisit the 'bees' knees'
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1w ago
Increasingly, people inquire about joint issues and how they relate to life. Here, we address the knees from different viewpoins to invite you to reflect on what feels relevant for your body right now. As an idiom, 'The bee's knees' implies something 'excellent, of the highest quality.' Your favorite food or favorite expeirence, for instance. The phrase 'the bee's knees' came from the 18th century. In some circles, it was a fanciful phrase that referred to something that didn't exist (like its all in your head or imagination- not real) . When we explore energy anatomy, knee chakras are minor p more
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Being Real is Natural
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1w ago
Notice giving or expressing love freely is natural. We need not give something with monetary value; a smile, kind word or time, is enough. As we do everything with love, any lingering pain in our heart disappears. Simply being authentic allows love to come and go. It is a natural law. We get what we give and more. Although love energy naturally overflows, we are often taught it must be earned or requested. The result is a heavy heart. Rather than allowing the heart to blossom, we may hold energy in, create discomfort. Love flows as we appreciate being ourselves. Being honest, vulnerable f more
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Drop into Kundalini meditation
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1w ago
The Kundalini Meditation is a dynamic form of meditation created by the famous Indian spiritual master Osho. He developed a series of meditations that involve music and movement, especially for the modern world in which we live where many people have difficulties to sit still and reach the depths of meditation. The Kundalini meditation is a 60 minutes practice with four different stages of 15 minutes each, accompanied by music which was originally composed for this meditation. The stages are shaking, dancing, standing or sitting in stillness and relaxing.  You can adjust it based on your more
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Be Ordinary
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1M ago
Notice the moment is here or the busy mind hijacks attention. The mind is goal-oriented, oscillating between past and future. The mind is not here. Being present is the most ordinary state. The mind has no present tense and cannot grasp what is beyond its scope. When presence happens, it is unrelated to the individual. Purpose is a human created idea. Nature has no purpose. The sun, moon, stars, trees, vegetaion, creatures, flowing oceans, are no means to an end, but simply are. To be present is nothing special. No superior or inferior exist. Relax. Struggle falls away.  Being here now is more
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Tune into Harmonic Resonance
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1M ago
Notice deep in DNA, it is known that to go against the harmonic resonance of the universe is a path to self- destruction. Unconscious and conscious paths exist to self- destruct. Through the ages, we may think we have met strangers on different paths. Yet, if we do not don’t know ourself, we get deja-vus or feel we have met others, even enlightened masters before. Enlightenment is true nature. Where one loves deeply enough, all experiences, which are momentary, even the shadows, the reflections, are revived because the energetic taste is the same. Only the filters change or dissolve to reveal more
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See through the human journey
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
1M ago
Notice everything that captures our attention is woven together to tell a story. Our lives are unique universes that function like spiders' webs. If you touch single thread of your own unique instrument, the whole web feels the vibration, as do nearby webs that respond in resonance or dissonance, harmony or disharmony, approaching to merge or repelling and fading away. Come what may, touch a single blade of grass, a single flower petal, tree, water droplet, and you touch that which appears furthest away for it is all one. Creating ego is a human journey that shapes perspectives until we come h more
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Stop bullying yourself with Mind
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
2M ago
The most effective way to stop your mind from being a bully, to stop tormenting you, from being the source of your suffering, is through disidentifying with it. Simply come to recognize it is not who you are. The mind isn’t you. But, despite its abuse, the mind isn’t your enemy either.  It is desperate to keep you safe. Whenever the mind insults, doubts, is unsupportive, this is not echoing you are worthless, not good enough. Mind simply feels threatened by something you do. The only way to make peace with mind is to realize full potential.  Allow true Self to take charge. more
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Redefining true responsibility
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
2M ago
Many views exist on responsibility. Some feel taking it is key, others prefer to avoid related discomfort, pain. A part of you would argue taking responsibility is like taking control of life. Yet what is really under our control? Society distorts things. We are taught being responsible is doing what we are told by our elders (parents, teachers, mentors), and being irresponsible is acting from our perception of individual needs. The mistaken fear often adopted is if we act spontaneously, this will be like avoiding social, family and cultural responsibilities on our shoulders. In fact, this is more
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7 Ways to Trust yourself More
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
3M ago
Many people agree that building trust in themselves can have many benefits in different life areas. Consider 7 ways to trust yourself more: 1.  Deepen connection with yourself Trusting our own intuition may not seem easy if adversity or traume have taught us to distrust.  These experiences are like energetic blockages to self-trust.  So, if feeling indecisive, consider asking or journalling, “is this what I really want?” When we repeat this, true feelings get louder.  We only hear when ready to truly listen. As we reconnect with inner voice, creating boundaries happens more
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The Wisdom of Presence
Dream Builders Australia Blog
by Liara Covert
4M ago
Notice where anger exists, pain or hurt lingers underneath. To be aware of this implies we no longer completely identify with it. If impatience arises, if we focus on or get worked up, overwhelmed about the next series of things, we are lost in continuous doing. Stress is the sense of feeling lost between now and later. Its common to feel lost in this gap in time or space. This dysfunction is amplified by technology which conditions people to focus on the illusion of "then." If we get uncentred, we get lost in thinking which underlies doing. This means we are lost in thought. Many thoughts hij more
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